by Amy Bratsos
2nd – 5th Grade

I am very excited to share the revised version of my Geometric Shapes Bingo! The concepts and vocabulary remain the same, but the game and clue cards are redesigned using Powerpoint, giving the product a more attractive, kid-friendly “face lift”!!
This is NOT your ordinary Bingo game! This set includes 10 different reproducible Bingo cards with the traditional format of 24 squares and a “free space” in the middle. Each of the squares has a word or a picture of a different polygon, including such shapes as squares, rectangles, circles, trapezoids, rhombuses, right triangles, scalene triangles, isosceles triangles, obtuse triangles, pentagons, hexagons, and octagons, There are 70 clue cards that the teacher reads and the students choose a corresponding square to cover- here is where the CHALLENGE begins! More than half of the clues can be answered correctly with more than one shape, so not only does the student have to be able to identify and classify shapes, s/he has to think strategically in order to cover the shape that increases the chances of filling an entire horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. For example, the clue “this shape always has at least one right angle” could describe a right triangle, a square, or a rectangle, In addition to definitions using geometry vocabulary,the clues offer a variety of opportunities for higher level thinking. Knowledge of calculating perimeter and area, as well as familiarity with angle measurement are necessary to answer several of the clues.
The Common Core Standards challenge teachers to provide many opportunities for identifying, classifying, comparing, and problem solving using shapes, and this Bingo game is a good resource to use as a fun opportunity for students to practice these skills. I was very excited to stretch my own mathematical thinking as I created this game, and am enthusiastically working on other engaging and challenging lessons and activities to help our students gain a deep understanding of geometry.
This set includes
-10 colored reproducible game cards (because each clue has many possible answers, more than one student having a duplicate card isn’t a problem)
– Instructions for the traditional game, as well as several variations of the game to provide differentiation for a variety of skill and grade levels
-70 reproducible clues
The colored game cards produce a nice grayscale copy, but if you prefer blackline masters I would be happy to provide you with those free of charge.
Thank you for your interest in this game- I hope your students enjoy it and you see measurable growth in their ability to describe, identify,and classify shapes! If this product fits the instructional needs of your students, you may want to take a look at the many K-5 products in a variety of subject areas at my store:
Click Here
Critical Thinking with Geometric Shapes
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Winter Sentence Building and Parts of SpeechFraction Problem Solving-The Hat Store
Geometric Shape Bingo by Amy Bratsos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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