by Math Viking
2nd – 4th Grade

Build Math Vocabulary with Buy in! Develop reasoning skills and place value understanding! Use these FREE TASK CARDS as a scoot, a group/partner station activity, or an independent activity.
These are also helpful for identifying students’ misconceptions about numbers, place value, odd/even, greater/less than and other math terms. It is designed to enhance reasoning skills, which fosters success with problem solving.
- 12 Mystery Number Task Cards / Scoot
- Recording Sheet + “make your own mystery number” extension
- Answer Key
- Instructions, options and tips
Mystery Number is a great game to play daily with your kiddos! I hope this resource gives you more ideas for higher levels of play to build reasoning skills and deeper understanding of place value. Games like this challenge students to really think about some commonly misunderstood math terms. Create BUY IN by offering up a Mystery Number with your kids every day! After playing, consider keeping this at your desk and offering a MYSTERY NUMBER OF THE DAY by tweaking just one or two ideas and make it your own! And be sure to look for my other Mystery Number and place value activities!
Thank you for exploring math with me!
Math Viking
Please check out my store for products designed to develop deeper understanding! Follow me for notifications about awesome new products, all offered at 50% OFF for the first 48 hours!
~~~Teach for understanding with these reasoning based resources~~~
From Number Composition to Unitizing:
- The Hiding Game Center Activity
- Lots of FREE Shake & Spills in my store!
- Addition and Subtraction Sorts: Composing Numbers: 12 Sorting Activities
- Changing Numbers Assessment/Activity FREEBIE
- PACKING COOKIES Place Value Unit Level I
Flexible Place Value Fun:
- PACKING PRESENTS Flexible Place Value Unit Level II
- PACKING PEEPS Flexible Place Value Unit Level II
- Flexible Numbers Place Value Match Game & Scoot!
- MYSTERY NUMBER Scoot Task Cards for Place Value, Reasoning & Vocabulary
- Place Value Fugitives FREEBIE!
- A Place Value Chart Board Topper!
Addition/Subtraction Strategies that Build Number Sense & Reasoning
To emphasize PROBLEM SOLVING with actual thinking: Go Numberless:
- My First Math Story Grades 1 & 2 (Math Libs and Writing your own word problems)
- Grade 1/Early 2 Numberless Word Problem Sort & Solve
- Grade 2 Standards Numberless Word Problems to Sort & Solve
- Grade 3 Numberless Sort & Solve
- Create Your Own Word Problem Fun! Grades 3-5
- Numberless FRACTION Word Problems Grades 5/6
To Build NUMBER SENSE while reinforcing new skills:
- Number of the Day Reasoning Templates Grade 1
- Number of the Day Reasoning Templates Grade 2
- Number of the Day Reasoning Templates Grades 3/4
- Number of the Day Reasoning Templates Grades 4-6
- Counting Circles & Fluency Routines: A Teacher’s Calendar Grade K-1
- Counting Circles & Fluency Routines: A Teacher’s Calendar Grade 2
- Counting Circles & Fluency Routines: A Teacher’s Calendar Grade 3
- Counting Circles & Fluency Routines: A Teacher’s Calendar Grade 4-6
For ROUNDING with REASONING, check out:
(This third/fourth grade activity is fabulous enrichment for Grade 2!)
For Reasoning & Logic: Mastermind
- FREEBIE Multiplication Fact Sorts: Simple and Sophisticated
- FORTNITE Multiplication & Division with simple Algebraic Equation Pictures
- Multiplication Comic Book Templates & Graphic Organizers
- Multiplication Double/Halve Strategy Pack
- Multiplication Comparison Models: 4 MATCH GAMES & SCOOTS Grades 4-6!
For FRACTION OPERATIONS with conceptual understanding:
- Hiding Fractions Game (Grades 2-4)
- Fraction Area FUN (A Visual intro to multiplication or fraction of an area) MATCH GAMES & SCOOTS!
- Fractions in the Pie Hands-on Division Game FREEBIE
- Fraction Multiplication Task Cards, Match Games & Scoots!
- Fraction Division Task Cards, Match Games & Scoots!
- Numberless FRACTION Word Problems Grades 5/6
For MATH OLYMPICS check out:
- Math Olympics Kindergarten Race to 10 or 20 and Build a Tower Pre K-1
- Math Olympics Shake & Spill K-2
- Math Olympics Version of Flexible Place Value Task Cards 2-3
How to Get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback! If you find something that requires correcting or improving prior to leaving feedback, please email me!
All rights reserved by The Math Viking© Copyright Information: Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce this pack for ONE classroom use only. If you plan on sharing with others, please purchase an additional license. Thank you!!
Adorable Graphics By:
LePetitMarket TheHappyGraphics PrettyGrafik
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