by Downeast Teach
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

This cute little Tooth Tally SMART Board file is a fun way to bring some authentic data into your classroom. It is part of my SmartBoard Math Calendar for Grades 1-3 set. When students lose a tooth, they drag an infinitely cloned tooth to either the boys’ or girls’ side of the page and update the total. This provides opportunities all month long for comparing teeth lost; boys vs. girls. The second page in the file is a place to record monthly totals, which could then be analyzed and graphed. The third page where you can make a graph, if desired. It is a blank template so you can make a variety of graphs. I cloned the teeth on this page in case you want to make a pictograph with each tooth representing a certain number of teeth lost.
If you enjoy this freebie, I would love feedback! Also, check out the complete calendar math file in my TPT store, as well as my other SMART Board products.
Cathy, aka Downeast Teach
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