FREE MATH LESSON – “Spiral Daily Math – Kindergarten Sample Pages”

by In the Math Lab

Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten



Here are 4 free pages from my Morning Work / Spiral Daily Math Kindergarten packets.

These versatile Daily Math packets work great as warm-ups, morning work, small group work…AND, they’re fun (!) Your students will enjoy a NEW theme each month.

Print the pages, and give them a try with your students (print in b/w or color – looks great both ways).

These Daily Math packs are aligned to the COMMON CORE math standards in each grade.

Are you looking for a different grade level?
⭐FREE 1st Grade Spiral Daily Math
⭐FREE 2nd Grade Spiral Daily Math
⭐FREE 3rd Grade Spiral Daily Math
⭐FREE 4th Grade Spiral Daily Math
⭐FREE 5th Grade Spiral Daily Math

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Save $$ with the BUNDLE:

⭐Spiral Daily Math for Kindergarten BUNDLE

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Thanks for your interest!

© In the Math Lab. Permission is granted to buyer for single classroom use. No part of this work, including clip art, may be copied and/or reused in another product or format.







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