by Keep On Growing
6th Grade
Are you looking for a quick 6th grade math activity to review writing one step inequalities? One step inequalities word problems? This resource includes writing and graphing 20 real life one step inequalities. BONUS: Spanish version included.
This resource includes…
PRINTABLE PDF: This resource is aligned to CCSS 6.EE.8
➡️ 1 Activity: Write and graph 20 real life scenarios
➡️ Answer Key
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If you are looking for multiple Expressions and Equations resources, this EXPRESSIONS and EQUATIONS BUNDLE will save you $$$. It includes 12 resources that cover 6th grade math Expressions and Expressions standards.
Check out these other products:
✅ Writing and Graphing One-Step Inequalities LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)
✅Solving One-Step Inequalities LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)
✅ Writing Algebraic Expressions LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)
✅ Exponents LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)
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