by DP Sharpe
Kindergarten – 4th Grade

Here is a fun little pack of interactive activities that your students can complete during the first few days of school. They will help fill the void as you take care of back to school essentials such as form filling and parents.
Included in the pack are three Let’s Lace Up activity cards. The cards are really a fun way of completing the basic matching activity that we do all the time. Instead of using pencil and paper, the students use string to join the items on each column together. The string will match the answer sheet on the back if they are laced correctly. Two of the cards feature back to school pictures and words that the students will match, and the last card features back to school compound words. These are great hands on, self-checking, interactive activities for your students. There is also a direction sheet included in the download. Students will have fun with these cards during the first days of school.
The bookmark features more back to school words; after completing they can be laminated, and of course it can be a useful tool.
Welcome your students with a tasty back to school treat. Fill sandwich bags with lucky charms cereal then staple the bag topper onto the bag after cutting and folding on the line. The back of the bag topper gives an explanation of each marshmallow shape. The bag topper is made for regular sandwich bags that measure about 7 x 8. There are two versions included: “Welcome to School” and “Welcome Back to School”. I have also included a note that I place inside each bag for the students to read or to have an adult read to them. Students are always excited to receive this treat and will also have fun filling out the bar graph worksheet which can be done as a homework assignment or in class.
Thanks for downloading and I hope your class enjoys this fun pack as my class does!
Check out these other lacing activities in my store.
Let’s Lace Up-Multiplication Facts
Let’s Lace Up Spanish
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