by Elena Weiss The Left-Handed Teacher
1st – 12th Grade

⭐Improve communication with parents with these feedback forms.
⭐Easily attach these slips to any graded assignment you send home.
⭐Print out in bright colors and cut them out ahead of time so they’re ready to use when needed.
⭐Don’t wait until progress reports or report cards to give feedback on work!
⭐These slips provide immediate feedback for students and parents that is crucial and provides you with a record of parent communication.
What’s included:
You will get feedback forms in 5 sizes.
The largest size has room for comments.
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©elena weiss 2018
All rights reserved by the author.
Permission to copy for classroom use only.
This product is to be used by a single teacher.
Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school or school system is prohibited.
This product may not be displayed or distributed digitally for public view without written permission from the author.
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