by Joyful Music
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

***KID FRIENDLY MP3 Vocal Track***
This K-5th Character Education Song Kit for RESPONSIBILITY contains:
• Words & Music: Melody line with Chords
• Songsheet with Lyrics only
• Easy Movement Suggestions for the song (simple hand movements with students standing in place.)
• 3 MP3 tracks – Vocal & Accompaniment – While this is not a professional studio recording, it will be very useful for non-music teachers as well as music teachers to sing along with their students.
There are two versions of this song – one for K-1st and one for 2nd-5th. There is a vocal and accompaniment track for each of these.
Age Appropriate for:
• Elementary
• Homeschool
These are original songs that I wrote and used as a cooperative effort with our school counselor in our school’s K-5 CHARACTER EDUCATION program. The songs are simple enough for Kindergarteners to learn most of each song while teaching them to all grades.
Other products include individual Character Education Song Kits for each trait.
Also available is the entire CHARACTER EDUCATION SONG KIT PACKAGE that includes all 11 Kits. (Responsibility, Respect, Courage, Good Judgment, Citizenship, Integrity, Cooperation, Trustworthiness, Kindness, Self-Discipline, Perseverance)
Character Education Song Kit Package 11 SONG KITS
In K-2nd I would begin each class with the song for that month. Grades 3rd -5th would sing them a couple of times throughout the month and were always encouraged to “Help teach the song to younger siblings!”
It was a school-wide effort that was appreciated by our school community. I also included them a few times in an end-of-the-year program where the entire school audience would join together singing them.
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Cover Graphics by:
© Joyful Music
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