FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Sample (GOOGLE)”

by Chalkboard Creations
4th – 12th Grade

***Note: This resource is perfect for creating Distance Learning opportunities for your students. #DistanceLearningTpT

Imagine your students interacting with your content through an Interactive Notebook- but… NO copying, cutting, coloring, or gluing! Instead of traditional Interactive Notebooks, try going digital with PAPERLESS notebooks! Digital Interactive Notebooks have all the benefits of traditional paper Interactive Notebooks- with NO PAPER!

These templates and graphic organizers are created in PowerPoint and are a perfect starting point for creating your own notebook pages on Google Slides. These work seamlessly with Google Classroom and Google Drive. This product is a sample from my larger products, each with over 100 templates!

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Packet 1

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Packet 2

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Packet 3

OR you can SAVE by purchasing the BUNDLE that includes all 3 Packets with over 300 Templates!

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Bundle

Not sure this is for you yet? Check out this video showing you exactly how to use it:

How to Make Digitial Interactive Notebooks


Also, check out some of my other Google Products:

Digital Grading Rubrics for All Occasions

Differentiated Digital Task Cards: Multiplication (2 Digit by 2 Digit)

Differentiated Digital Task Cards: Long Division

Differentiated Digital Task Cards: Relative Sizes of Measurement Units


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