by Whimsy in School Counseling
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Confidentiality posters for your office! Free, snazzy, psychoeducational Confidentiality Posters for the Trauma Informed School Counselor. Because everything can be a learning moment, from the passive learning from your office decor to the active learning students encounter in your office and their classrooms. Various backgrounds, including dinosaurs, kittens, tribal print, unicorns, glitter, rainbow, chalkboard, tie-dye, galaxy print, and more!
Confidentiality posters are quite literally a necessity for school counselors, but that doesn’t mean they have to be scary or boring! In true school counseling style these confidentiality statements build on the standard exclusions to become an opportunity for education.
Each poster says this or a variation of this:
(or, the rules about what stays between us and what doesn’t.)
Chats with the door open or in the hallway aren’t confidential… Other people can hear us!
When the door is closed everything you tell me stays between us unless…
1. You tell me you are going to hurt yourself.
2. You tell me someone is going to hurt you.
3. You tell me you are going to hurt someone.
4. There is a medical emergency.
5. You tell me something like “I can’t see the board in math!” I would ask the math teacher to move you to the front row and ask the school nurse to check your eyesight.
In other words, I only need to share the details of what we talk about if your wellbeing is at stake. I do this because I care and because I am legally bound to do so. I will always do my best to let you know before I share anything we talk about so it isn’t a surprise to you.
Want to pair this with a 15 minute micro-lesson on coping skills? Check out The Coping Skills Web!, an interactive, kinesthetic lesson that makes resiliency a little more concrete for teens and tweens.
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