by QR Queens
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

This is a great listening center with Christmas video songs. The students will scan the QR codes and listen to their favorite Christmas song.
All you need is an iPad, iPod, tablet, etc and download the free QR reader app. The students will use this app to scan the QR codes and become actively engaged listening and watching Christmas video songs.
Here are a list of songs that are made into QR codes on the task card:
*Santa Claus is Coming to Town
*Jingle Bells
*Deck the Halls
*12 Days of Christmas
*Has Anybody Seen Santa
*We Wish You a Merry Christmas
*Up on the Housetop
*Feliz Navidad
This product contains 5 pages:
(1) Front Cover
(1) Task Card with QR Codes
(2) Pages of Individual QR Codes (These can be placed around the room or however you choose.)
(1) Thank you page
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