by Chrysti’s Class
1st – 3rd Grade

Start the New Year off with some Kindness goals or use for Back to School. This FREE resource gives you tools to help create a Happier Classroom for 2021. There are ideas and printouts that foster opportunities for discussions, writing, class meetings, or as reminders to students on how to treat each other better and think about each other in a more positive way. It also helps students think about themselves with more positivity.
This Resource Includes….
* Creating a Happier Classroom and School Together – Teacher Tips page
* 3 Word Posters – “How I Think About Others”
“How I Act Toward Others”
“How I Think About Myself and What I Do”
* 2 Posters giving examples of the Word Posters – Ideas for Students to put the Words into Actions
* 1 Student Morning Greeting Poster
* Worksheet or Class Meeting Squares where students illustrate and caption what each of the Poster Words Looks Like
* 3 Colorful Award Ribbon Samples for Student Success
* 2 different Black and White Award Ribbons for Students or Teacher to design (5 to a page)
* 2 different sized Banners that say “A Happy 2021 Classroom”
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If using the Free Resource above for Back to School, check out the Bundle below to help you with the First Week of School.
Back to School Bundle: Activities, Lesson Plans, Forms, Surveys, and More
More Resources for Grades 2 – 3 Below
- ROUNDING TOWERS GAME FOR 10s, 100s, 1,000s with Number Lines and More
- Valentine’s Day Math and Literacy Centers with Games and Projects
- Script Writing, Puppet Making, and Dramatization Project
- Superhero Print Alphabet Class Decor with Positive Quotes
- Superhero Cursive Alphabet Class Decor with Positive Quotes
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If you like this product, please visit Chrysti’s Class to see more.
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