by The STEM Shop – NGSS Science STEM Resources
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

What living things need to survive is an essential science concept to explore in the primary grades. This student reader and teacher slideshow is a perfect supplement to use to integrate literacy with your science focus! The reader is geared towards kindergarten reading level with the use of repetitive text and vivid illustrations! Along with the printable book we’ve also provided you with a PowerPoint slide show of the book, so you can display it to the whole class and it highlights each word in the text as you click through the slides!
Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS)- K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.
Need some some some really fun, inquiry based, STEM lessons for Kinder Earth and Life science? You’ll LOVE these…
What do Plants Need to Survive? Life Science Inquiry Lesson
Plant & Animal Needs (Habitats) Mini Unit & Engineering STEM Challenge!\
Living Things Change Their Environment
Kindergarten NGSS Life and Earth Science STEM Curriculum Unit
Here’s some 1st Grade resources as well…
Identifying Organisms- Living Things
Living Things Respond! Worm Exploration
1st Grade COMPLETE NGSS Life Science STEM Curriculum Unit
Need even more? We have resources for ALL primary grades (K-2) and science focuses, check out our store! (NGSS)
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