by Amy Brown Science
6th – 12th Grade

Combine scientific classification using dichotomous classification keys with holiday fun and community service!
Teach your middle and high school students how to use a dichotomous classification key while instructing them on the importance of holiday giving and community service.
Students will use this “scientific” classification key to identify the scientific name of various candies and toiletries. As the activity progresses, students will place the candies in small stockings and the toiletries in Ziplock bags so that they can be donated to local food banks, homeless shelters or nursing homes.
Products related to taxonomy and classification include:
Classification and Taxonomy: A complete unit plan of 13 separate products
Dichotomous Key to the Genus “Smiley”
Insect Dichotomous Key Activity
Classification and Taxonomy Powerpoint with Notes for Teacher and Student
Classification Using a Dichotomous Key
Dichotomous Classification Key to Thanksgiving Dinner
Classification and Taxonomy Task Cards
Test: Classification and Diversity of Life
Lab: The Use of Dichotomous Keys in Classification
Dichotomous Classification Key to a “Crazy” Animal Kingdom
Classification and Taxonomy Jeopardy Review Game
Learning to Use and Construct a Dichotomous Classification Key
Classification Crossword Puzzle
Classification (Taxonomy) Homework or Study guide
Activity: Let’s Build a Cladogram!
Classification and Taxonomy Quiz
Earth’s History and the Origin of Life on Earth PowerPoint with Notes for Student and Teacher
Graphic Organizer for Writing Science Lab Reports
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