by KB3Teach
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Living or Non-Living? Let your students decide with these phonics-based science worksheets. If your students are learning to decode CVC words, you can help them use those words on a “real world” level by sorting living and non-living objects on a reading level they can handle. Students can learn vocabulary, decoding skills, and science concepts all at the same time!
In response to the “even-number-of-objects” requests, each lesson/worksheet now has two living and two non-living objects. Note: This set includes Short “A” only.
CVC Lab: Short Vowels AEIOU (29 Lessons)
Living & Non-Living Sort (Phonics Focus)
Lesson 1: fan, man, jam, ram
Lesson 2: Jan, van, Sam, ham
Lesson 3: hat, bat, dad, lad
Lesson 4: Nan, pan, man, can
Lesson 5: cat, rat, map, cap
Lesson 6: bat, mat, pad, dad
Lesson 7: rag, bag, rat, bat
Thanks for the valuable feedback and requests.
*All pictures, graphics and fonts used with permission from original copyright holders.*
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