by Love Learning
4th – 6th Grade

Cells, Animal and Plant Classification, and Inherited Traits Review Game
My students absolutely love playing review games. This game is a great way to engage students while reviewing key concepts!
The game covers the following information:
→ Animal and Plant Cells
→ Animal and Plant Classification
→ Inherited Traits
→ Learned Behaviors
→ Helpful and Harmful Microorganisms
The game correlates with the following lessons:
1. Microorganisms {Lesson, Interactive Notes, Lab, Internet Activity}
2. Classification of Animals and Plants {Lesson, Interactive Notes, Assessment}
3. Inherited Traits, Genes, and Learned Behaviors {Lesson, Interactive Notes, and more}
4. Plant and Animal Cells {Lesson, Interactive Notes, Assessment}
5. Life Science Interactive Notebook
These lessons are ALL available at a discounted rate in my Life Science Bundle
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