by Texas Science Gal
7th – 10th Grade

In this download you will find a menu similar to what you would find in a restaurant including items such as an appetizer, an entree, side dishes, and deserts. The way this is used, instead of food there are a variety of assignments that students can complete to show their mastery of their understanding of Plant Cells and Animal Cells. Some of the assignments include describing living things, describing the differences between cells, drawing and labeling cells, and creating flash cards.
So to use this, you will need to print out the pages included and students will need to have index cards to use for one of the assignments. The first assignment represents the appetizer (something that people share) because everyone completes it, it. Next the students can pick their entree (similar to ordering one meal), and they can pick just one of those listed assignments. Then with the entree comes two sides which students can then also pick which two of the three. For early finishers there is a desert that is entirely optional (great for extra credit!).
The reason why I made this was because I want students to feel like they have a choice in their assignments. I teach 7th grade and often times they just want the option of getting to choose their assignment. It is a great assignment for homework, amazing for centers (by having some students work on the entree or side dishes), and can also be used as class work.
I am in the process of updating my other menu boards as well to reflect this new and updated look and style, so be sure if you are in my store and want to see others, to click on menu/choice boards on the left hand side to see more.
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If you would like to receive credits to buy future TPT products, be sure to rate this product or if you have any questions please be sure to ask in the Q & A.
If you are looking for other menu or choice boards, check out my other products:
Lab Safety and Observation and Inferences Menu Board
Force, Motion, and Work Menu Board
And for a 6 Week Project Choice Board Based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences check out the choice board!
Lab Safety, Force & Motion, and Cell Choice Board
Clipart created by Clipart Factory
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