FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Scientific Method Template”

by The Teachers Upstairs
6th – 8th Grade

This scientific method report template is an easy to follow blank template where students are guided through each step of the scientific method. Students are presented with a real-world example of how the scientific method works. It then provides students an opportunity to choose their own experiment as they are guided through the 7 steps of the scientific method. As an added bonus, this resource provides students with examples of graphs and how to use them when writing their science report.

Pulling off fun science experiments for students can be an exhausting task, but this scientific method outline template will have your students wanting to come back for more, as they are the ones guiding their own learning. This is truly a teacher’s best friend!

Included in this resource

  • Teacher Tips & Tricks on how to use this resource.
  • Literacy Read – introducing students to the scientific method via a real-world example they can relate to. This is great for a CLOSE reading text.
  • Link to various science experiments for kids.
  • Lab report pages with a detailed explanation of the task.
  • Graph reference sheet.

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