by Grasshopper Mathematics
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is designed to go along with the video so that you can see the American Sign Language in motion. Covers: a, b, apple, apron, airplane, ball, boots and bicycle.
These can be used in many ways. Cut them just horizontally to make foldable flash cards or labels. Cut them out to make a matching puzzle. Purchase my video to learn the ASL (American Sign Language) to accompany every picture. Each picture is included three times. Once with the term next to it to work on word recognition, once with the ASL sign and again with the next set of letters. This last set can be used to differentiate between sounds. Apple vs Ball, point to the ball, etc.
Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters C, D, E, F Video
Alphabet Speech and Language Activities Letters C, D, E, F
Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters A and B Video
Toddler Child Day Schedule American Sign Language
Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Video G, H, I, J
Alphabet Speech and Language Sign Language Letters G, H, I, J
I personally use these for my deaf 2 year old who has cochlear implants to practice with her speech. I couldn’t find anything that included pictures of real objects, not clip art, and focused on the words we were working on as well as signs. I hope this set is helpful!
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