Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

The Magic of the Good Table
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning
What my students taught me about the magic of sitting at the good table. Their perception of what made this table the good one was a great life lesson for me!
9/11 A Teachable Moment in History
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern
I remember September 11 as if it were yesterday. I woke up to a spectacular morning, not a cloud in the deep blue sky. The day was simply perfect. I went through my usual morning routine, got in my car and drove to work thinking about my class and the kind of day it would be. I arrived at school, went to my room to gather my thoughts and prepare for what was ahead. Soon my students began to trickle into homeroom, announcements over and Channel One, our news channel had ended. We had our morning meeting, switched classes and World History began.Today’s students didn’t experience this and it’s history to them. Many weren’t born yet and those that were, are too young to remember. It’s up to us to help them understand what happened that day and to never forget.
Got Game? 3 Tips for Making Games Effective for Learning
By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs
Using games in the classroom is not a given for learning. Following three key teaching practice while using games WILL guarantee success! Check out the freebie, too!
Building Amazing Digital Portfolios
By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom
Would you like to start using digital mportfolios with your kids? Here is a short tutorial on creating and using them in your class with the new Google sites.
3 easy ways to use data in your classroom
By Katie De Leon of A Basket Full of Apples by Katie
Do you use data in the classroom? Do you have your students use data? Using data can really help drive your instruction and help your students take ownership of their learning. There are many different ways that you can use data in your classroom.
Increase the Good Behavior in Your Classroom
By Sally Hansen of Purposeful Plans
Classroom management must be under control before learning can take place. You can have the best idea for a lesson, but without successful classroom management, it will more than likely flop. A well-managed classroom is more productive and will keep you from getting frazzled later on in the school year.
It’s football season again. How much do you know about Traumatic Brain
By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz
It’s football season again, and the start of driver’s ed. How much do you know about brain safety and how to educate kids with TBI?
Teaching Newcomers Doesn’t Have To Be Stressful
By Rebecca Olsen of 2LivNlearn
Do you have a Newcomer or Non-English speaking student in your class? Don’t stress! Instead follow these tried and true steps for a smooth transition for you
Teach Kids to Listen the First Time
By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight
As students progress through school, listening skills receive less instruction with each progressive year. Read about a format to help teach you kids to listen to you the first time!
Patricia Polacco, The Wonderful Author
By Shana of The Thrill of Third Grade
Patricia Polacco is one of my all-time favorite children’s authors.
Painless Problem Solving Daily Routine
By Greg and Cheryl Litton of Learning Resources for Teachers
Do you struggle with teaching problem solving? Wouldn’t it be great if your students were excited about problem solving every day? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your students thought problem solving was FUN?
Assessment Shortcuts
By Michelle Webb of Those Who Love Teaching
Learn tips and tools to assess your students. Strategies for making authentic assessment part of your teaching.
Apples or Oranges, Handwriting, Practice or Instruction?
By Thia Triggs of Print Path
Too often we as well-meaning parents or educators, because we want our children to be highly successful, skip steps and stages that children need. Understanding these key steps for children will help us to provide them with tools vital for written language skills and lifelong learning.
I Love You California
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching
I’m always surprised when my students seem to not know much about their city, let alone the state they live in. A terrific way to assess what your students know before you begin to teach geography is to ask them to draw their state and everything and anything they know about it. They are encouraged to label cities, attractions, bordering states, etc.
Targeting High Achievers in Middle School Math
By Dr. Crystal Brown of Teaching to Change the World
In every classroom, there are students with varying levels of understanding regardless of the content. Teachers have a enormous task of reaching all those levels to help them meet or exceed the learning standards. Math is a subject that presents challenges for teachers to differentiate instruction.