Free Back to School Literacy Lessons K-2
Hello my friends! Have you started to think about Back to School yet? (Has anyone ever really stopped?)
It’s an exciting time of year, and I always find it easier to sleep when I at least have the first few days planned out – and that involves getting to know my students. I like to find out who they are as people, how they feel about various aspects of school, get a glimpse of their skills, and most importantly – know how they’ll be getting home from school!

Disclaimer: This activity is by no means a guaranteed method of validating a child’s transportation arrangements for one day or the entire school year, but does make a nice introduction to a graphing activity.
I wanted to share this ten page Back to School literacy sampler with you, so you will have a window into some of the products I use with my K-2 students at the beginning of the year.
What else is in the BTS sampler?
I do not want to ruin the surprise, but I will tell you that this sampler could lead you to more free samples…especially if you like Sight-Word PreEmergent (Level aa) or Emergent (Level A and B) readers with sentence puzzles and fun follow ups.
Ok, getting carried away now. Almost told you about the crazy fun game I’m making. But I didn’t!
I will leave you with this thought, however. Start collecting smart phone boxes.
Enjoy summer for as long as you can!
Take care,
Ida Mae, aka