Tag Archives : #educators

Complete Tone and Mood in Literature Bundle + Connotation and Denotation

Teach BeTween the Lines

Grades 7-11



Teach your students how to understand the complex topic of tone and mood in literature!
1. Lesson on Tone and Mood
2. Lesson on Connotation/Denotation
3. Tone and Mood Exploration through music, video games, film, art, literature, photography, and memes!
4. Tone and Mood Mini-Lesson
5. Tone and Mood Notes
6. Tone and Mood Project- over 8 choices for summative assessments!
7. Bell Ringer Activities- for each day of the unit!

Lesson on Tone and Mood: Students learn more about tone and mood through literature, film trailers, art, and advertisements. Class discussions are built into the PowerPoint and Google Slides Presentation.

Lesson on Connotation/Denotation: Students learn the impact of word choice on the author’s tone. Lesson includes a collaborative and engaging student activity to practice and apply skills! My students rave about it!

Tone and Mood Exploration: Students explore tone and mood through music, video games, film, art, literature, photography, and memes! This collaborative (or independent) activity is student driven. Differentiated worksheets support students of all levels! Students practice and apply their knowledge of tone to varying subjects and mediums. It is perfect to show students that similar subjects can take on a vary different tone given the context.

Tone and Mood Mini-Lesson: Offer struggling students extra support with this small group mini-lesson and note taking guide. Google Slides/Doc and PowerPoint/Word options provided!

Tone and Mood Summative Assessment: Offer students voice and choice with 9 different engaging and interesting summative assessment options for demonstrating knowledge of the standard. All rigorous assessment options ask students to think critically and synthesize knowledge gleaned throughout the unit.

I have recently opened my teaching style to include a personalized learning platform of teaching and learning. I have started offering more voice and choice in learning options, as well as assessment options. I have included both a standard set of lesson plans, as well as a personalized learning plan and 9 day outline of teaching, coaching, and assessing options for both models of instruction.

If your students are new to the personalized learning model, I have included a Google Slides/PowerPoint Presentation to introduce and support your learners as you shift in your teaching style.

Google Slides and Google Document links provided as well as Word, PowerPoint, and PDF Documents included.

CCSS Standards:


I am happy to support you throughout this unit, offer advice, suggestions, or feedback as you work to personalize learning. Email me at [email protected]

I also have a blog series dedicated to supporting teachers as they personalize learning- feel free to check this out for more detailed implementation ideas: So, You Have Been Asked To Personalize Learning- What Now?

Follow my store by clicking on the link at the top of the page for updates, announcements, and fun freebies! You can also find me on Pinterest, and Facebook!

Other top selling lessons to consider (since your shopping anyway!):
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Rhetoric- Ethos/Pathos/Logos Bell Ringer Activities!
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Logical Fallacies made Easy!
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February Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Welcome to our February Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like wish you a Happy Valentines Day.  We have so many fab things this month from  proof-reading ideas, to ELA to math activities, to celebrating Black History Month and President’s Day, you don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs and blogging buddies and our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names. 


The Proof is in the Pudding, Proof-Reading That Is!

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Playground Problem = Real Life

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Understanding Fractions: A 6-Part Series

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Leveled Math Assessments

By Tammy Roose of Tarheel State Teacher

Do your math assessments encourage a growth mindset? Create an entry point for students who are not yet meeting the standards? Allow above average learners to show they know more than just what’s expected for their grade-level? Find out 7 reasons why I’m committed to leveled math assessments this year! 


Here’s your chance to hop on over and visit the blog posts of our creative teachers.