Tag Archives : free

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “2nd Grade Phonics Anchor Charts and Posters for Word Work Lessons”

by Fairies and Lesson Plans
2nd Grade

This 2nd Grade Word Work Anchor Charts Packet SAMPLE includes 2 weeks of charts.

Please download to see if this resource is a good fit for you and your students!

Stop stressing about your Word Work block! Your whole year of spelling patterns is right here! Just print the B & W charts to make Word Work notebooks for your students, and project the colorful slides to teach the lessons each week!

Every Chart Includes:

  • At least 2 Spelling Patterns
  • Examples
  • Word Lists


*Full-Page B & W*

Print this and add to your students’ Word Study Folders

Create a Word Work Reference Binder

*Full-Page Color*

Project these slides on the board weekly to teach the spelling patterns of the week

*Half-Page B & W*

Cut these in half and have your students glue them in their Word Work Notebooks.

Having the materials you need for your Word Work block takes a load off your shoulders. If you’ve been scrambling to figure out which spelling patterns to teach, when to teach each one, and how to give your students meaningful practice, give my resources a try.


This resource pairs perfectly with my Word Work Activities!

You can use my charts to teach your Word Work lessons, then assign activities for the whole week using my Word Work Activities Packet!

Having the activities is a huge time saver and makes planning your lessons super easy!

You can also use my Assessment Packet with this Anchor Chart resource. The assessments match the word lists and use the same illustrations as this packet.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “I Spy Halloween coloring and counting: freebie printable worksheet”

by Stress Less with Susan
3rd – 5th Grade

Use this no-prep Halloween “I Spy” coloring/counting worksheet for your upper elementary early finishers, occupational therapy, and special education students. These easy printables strengthen visual perception and discrimination while offering fine motor practice.

“I Spy” activities are perfect for early finishers, morning work, and to help kids who need practice with visual perception/attention, counting, and fine motor work.

But why stop at Halloween? Get a full set of holidays and seasons in the I SPY Coloring and Count: Holidays/Seasonal for upper elementary, OT, and SPED – you can’t go wrong with it!

Just focused on fall and winter right now? Take a look at these:

Related Products

⭐ Listening Activities Halloween Bundle

⭐ THANKSGIVING Social Emotional Learning Activity for Grades 2-4

⭐ Fall Spot the Differences: 3 Difficulty Levels (color & black & white versions)

⭐ Christmas Spot the Differences: 3 Difficulty Levels (color & b/w versions)


Did you know you can earn credits toward future purchases if you leave a review? REALLY! Check out how it works here. Please leave a review to let me (and TPT) know how this resource is working out for you!


Follow me for more BOOM resources, printables and videos!


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Freebie Write a Fall Haiku”

by Two Pencils and a Book
4th – 10th Grade

FREEBIE: Projectable Powerpoint and student lesson on how to write a Haiku – fall themed. There is also a template for bulletin board apples – for apple Haiku bunting – to display student work.

Please check out my other resources.

5th September Morning Work

5th October Morning Work

5th November Morning Work

5th December Morning Work

5th January Morning Work

5th February Morning Work

5th March Morning Work

5th June Morning Work

5th July Morning Work

Growing Bundle of Morning Work

Cheyenne Informational Text Ready Reader

Navajo Informational Text Ready Reader

FREE: Chadwick Boseman At Level Ready Reader Hybrid, Distance and Packet

FREE: Chadwick Boseman At Level Ready Reader GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Kamala Harris High-Low Reader Reader & Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris High Low Ready Reader & Kamala Harris GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Tulsa Race Riots – At Level and High – Low Ready Readers

Tulsa Race Riots – At Level & High Low Ready Readers GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Frederick Douglas – At Level & High-Low Ready Reader

Frederick Douglas – At Level & High-Low Ready Reader GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Marvel Universe High Low Ready Reader – Informational Text for Grades 5-12

TikTok Famous Informational Text for Grades 5-12

Villains and Monsters: Informational Text Reader: CCSS: High Interest Low Level

Marvel High Low Ready Reader Informational Text for Grades 5-12

Tuskegee Airmen – Low Level

Maya Angelou High Low Ready Reader

GOOGLE Maya Angelou High Low Ready Reader

GOOGLE SLIDES: TikTok Famous: High Interest Low Level Readings+CCSS Activities

EASEL EDITION: TikTok Famous: High Interest Low Level Readings and Activities

Villains and Monsters: Informational Text Reader High Interest Low Level GOOGLE

Jackie Robinson Ready Reader Mini-Unit

Mae Jamison: Astronaut Ready Reader Mini Unit

GOOGLE Mae Jamison: Astronaut Ready Reader Unit

D-Day Ready Reader Mini Unit

Stephen Curry Ready Reader Mini Unit

GOOGLE Stephen Curry

Bizarre Presidential Facts Ready Reader Mini-Units

Intervention: Multi-Syllable Word Unit for Older Students VC/CV – Fluency Plus

Multi-Syllable Word TASK CARDS for Older Students VC/CV

Intervention: Multi-Syllable Word Unit for Older Students V/CV – Fluency Plus

Multi-Syllable Word TASK CARDS for Older Students V/CV

Multi-Syllable Word TASK CARDS for Older Students VC/V

Intervention: Multi-Syllable Word Unit for Older Students VC/V – Fluency Plus


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “3D Halloween Math Craft Addition to 10”

by ZippadeeZazz
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Incorporate math and art with this fun Halloween craftivitiy. Students will practice addition skills up to 10, counting and ten frames, but will produce a 3D bubbling cauldron too!

Coloring builds and strengthens the following skills: fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination, hand strength and dexterity, pencil grasp, patience skills, relaxation, sense of accomplishment, concentration and focus skills, pattern and color recognition, confidence, self-esteem, and helps express personality.

Also, great for early finishers, art instruction, and art integration.

Inside this file, you’ll find the following:

• 14 x Halloween 3D Mathivity Printables (all addition sums between 0-10 are included)

• High quality PDF format.

Terms of Use (TOU)

This is a single license use – only for YOUR classroom, please do NOT distribute or share this product unless you’ve purchased an additional license.

Thanks for visiting our store!

© 2018 by Zippadee Zazz. All Rights Reserved.


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Statistics & Probability: Scatter Plots”

by Beautiful Mathematics
7th – 9th Grade

Students will learn that straight lines are widely used to model relationships between two quantitative variables. For scatter plots that suggest a linear association, informally fit a straight line, and informally assess the model fit by judging the closeness of the data points to the line.

Provide feedback and get TPT credit on future purchases:

***Go to your My Purchases page. Click on the Provide Feedback button beside each purchase. You will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. By giving feedback, you gain TPT feedback credits that lower the cost of future purchases. Thank you for your feedback!

Follow me to hear about new discounts, freebies and product launches:

***Click on the green star next to my store logo to become a follower. Thanks for following!

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE Pumpkin Patch Rhythm Maze Music Activity”

by Becca Adams Studio
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This fall themed pumpkin patch rhythm maze music activity will help your young music students to learn their notes. Includes 12 pages (2 different mazes) with rhythms notes, Kodaly syllables, and note names for Quarter, Half, and Whole notes. Great for Kindergarten and 1st graders.

Great tool for an assessment to see where students are in their note learning!

If you enjoy this product, please consider leaving me a review! This helps me to build my credibility and gets your $ toward future purchases!

Interested in more fall themed items?

Fall Bundle

Pumpkin Patch Color by Note


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Halloween Writing Prompts FREE”

by Teaching Treks
3rd – 5th Grade

Halloween Narrative Writing Prompts FREEBIE contains 2 fun and engaging writing prompts and a narrative writing structure poster.

Narrative Writing Prompts are ideal for test preparation because they are fun, engaging and purposeful at the same time.

This Freebie is part of a Halloween Narrative Writing Prompt product that contains 25 writing prompts, narrative writing structure posters, and examples of incorporating prompts into different sections of a narrative. It is available here:

Halloween Writing Prompts

You may also like:

Narrative Writing Prompts

Halloween Thinking Treks

Halloween for Kinder Kids


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Halloween freebie – comparing two Nick Bland monster titles”

by Ripper Reading Resources
3rd – 5th Grade

This is a freebie venn diagram to compare two of Nick Bland’s picture books: Monster Chef and A Monster Wrote Me a Letter.

Both picture books would be terrific for Halloween, as would my other resource in my store (and a freebie) for Creepy Carrots.

You can read about these titles and pick up the other freebies from my blog posts here:



This resource is for personal/classroom use only and is not to be distributed further. Multiple licenses are now available at TpT for half price. No sharing of this product is permitted through internet groups/blogs, offline groups, school district or regional websites/servers,discussion lists, school websites/servers, or personal websites.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Dolch Pre-primer for Choral Repeat”

by Reading with Mrs D
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This Dolch Pre-Primer video contains all 40 pre-primer Dolch Sight words read in 3 second spaces.

How do you use it?
Each word is said with enough time left for the students to look at the word and repeat it chorally together.

Just put this video up on your screen when you have 3 minutes to fill and want to give your Pre-Kindergarten to first grade students extra time to practice their sight words.

This pre-primer video is a FOREVER freebie, so it is also available publicly on YouTube . (you may need to reload the page once so it plays correctly)

In this Series:
First Grade
Second (coming soon)
Third (coming soon)
Complete Bundle (coming soon)

See more Dolch Products in my Custom Category

Before you pass on this product, if it’s not quite what you’re looking for, this is your chance to make a Custom Request! PLEASE Leave me a Q&A above.

Copyright © Desiree @ Reading With Mrs. D. All rights reserved. This product is intended for ONE classroom use only. It is not to be shared with colleagues, co-teachers, whole school or school board. It is not to be distributed or shared in any manner or saved online digitally for others to access. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the copyright act. Clipart and fonts in this document are not to be extracted and used outside this file as it violates another authors copyright. This is intended for your OWN PERSONAL use only.

Did you know?
You can receive FREE credit towards ANY purchase on TPT just by leaving Positive feedback? Just click on My Purchases to leave star ratings on past purchases! Or leave it below Now. It’s that easy!

***If your feedback is to tell me you had technical difficulties with the product please contact TPT first.

Think you’ve created some awesome ORIGINAL ideas that someone else would like to buy?
Consider selling them on TPT! It’s very easy, and I can answer your newbie questions for you.
Become a Seller today!

• To know when new products are added to my store, please click the GREEN STAR above.
• Visit and Follow Reading With Mrs. D on Facebook.
• Follow the Reading With Mrs. D blog.

Thank you for shopping with me, and have fun teaching this year!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Monster Mash Sight Word Game”

by Liv to Teach
1st – 2nd Grade

Great as a word work game for first and second grade dolch sight words.

This is a fun game where one student will call out a sight word and the other two or three students will look for the word and mash it with their flyswatter.

Thanks for stopping by!! If you enjoy this product, please feel free to visit my Liv to Teach Blog for more fun ideas, follow my store for future updates and freebies, or earn TpT credits for items you download by leaving feedback!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Fall Clipart FREEBIE, Apple Graphics”

by Teacher Karma
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

You will love these 14 FREE fun and fabulous Fall Graphics. Clipart includes leaves, apples, and mushrooms in a bright & shiny style. Each png graphic was created at 300 dpi. You will receive both color and blackline clipart.

These would be just perfect for…

• Fall centers

• Autumn resources

• Thanksgiving activities

What you need to know:

• These graphics may be added to your classroom materials and resource products that you sell.

• These graphics are intended for you to create your own teaching resources in a document form. The images must be embedded and NOT easily extracted.

• In the download, there are instructions on how to give me credit for these images. Please make sure that you are using the graphics within a document, and not an image file.

• The graphics absolutely may NOT be shared for any reason. You may also NOT use these graphics to create your own clipart. If you have any questions about this, please contact me at the email below.

• It is fine to use for commercial or personal use, but please read and adhere to the Terms of Use Policy included in the file. 🙂

Additional clipart for you…

Fall Friends Clipart

Fall Kids Classroom Clipart

Creepy Backgrounds & Papers

Fall Fun Digital Stickers

If you are not following me, please join me! I LOVE to give away freebies!!! 🙂 I also appreciate your feedback, so please take a moment to rate my product.

Thank you for visiting Teacher Karma. Have fun and enjoy!

Best Wishes!


[email protected]

I would LOVE for you to check out my blog:

Teacher Karma Blog


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FREE MATH LESSON – “PREPARDY! BOOM Cards Test Prep- FREE SAMPLER (Distance Learning)”

by Mathy Techy
6th – 8th Grade


The best, most authentic Quiz show/ test prep game / test review game for algebra expressions and equations is now a BOOM Cards Deck!

Download my free Sampler, “Try before you buy”!

Four team set up with full scoreboard control on the main screen. 5 questions with answers, 1 Final PREPARDY! question that you can have teams do as a group and have them “risk” some or all of their accumulated points. Risking points introduces some jeopardy and heightens the suspense of the game.

No more need for PowerPoint or Google Slides! I’ve converted my very popular game into a BOOM Card Deck. The game play is controlled using “FlowMagic” allowing custom question selection!

Question types include:

– words into math expressions

– math expressions into words

– evaluating expressions

– writing equations

– solving equations with one variable

Fantastic and engaging review for any class! Students LOVE IT!!



FULL Prepardy BOOM Card 4-Team version (25 questions) available here.

INDIVIDUAL STUDENT BOOM Card version available here.

  • ideal for student data collection and tracking using “Reports” from boomlearning.com



  • 6.EE.A.2
  • 6.EE.B.5
  • 6.EE.B.6


Grade 7 Patterning and Algebra

Check out some of my other PowerPoint review game options:

Wheel of Wealth (TOP SELLER)

Four in a Row – 4 Team Template

PREPARDY! – Fractions, Decimals, Percent, Discounts and Taxes

PREPARDY! – Patterns and Algebra

PREPARDY! – Integers Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

PREPARDY! – Factors and Multiples

All of my BOOM products are listed on TpT.


However, you can visit my BOOM store if you like. Simply click the link below! 🙂


Some helpful info from the good people at BOOM LEARNING:

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial.

To Earn Credit for Future Purchases,

Go to My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback Link. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the resource. Each time you give feedback, you receive feedback credits that you can use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

LICENSING/COPYRIGHT TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use and is non-transferable. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by whole departments, schools, or districts without purchasing the proper number of licenses. If you have questions about licensing more than one copy, please email me at [email protected]. This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.

***please contact me through TpT if you have any questions.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Math Vocabulary Building Webinar Handouts”

by Laura Candler
2nd – 6th Grade

These handouts were created for my webinar, Powerful Strategies for Building Math Vocabulary. During that session, I shared a variety of engaging strategies for helping students master the complex language of mathematics. These are activities your kids will love, too! Download this outline of the presentation to see what’s covered during this webinar.

Watch a Free Replay!
Click over to Teaching Resources to watch a free replay of Powerful Strategies for Building Math Vocabulary . Note: The free webinar does not include a PD certificate.

Powerful Strategies for Building Math Vocabulary PD Webinar
If you’re interested in watching the webinar for professional development and receiving a PD certificate, you can purchase the Building Math Vocabulary Webinar Pack right here in my TpT store. It’s also included in my Math Vocabulary Building Bundle that includes all of the resources mentioned in the webinar.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Beginning Nouns Freebie”

by Penley’s Pointe Educational Resources
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is a cut, sort, and glue noun worksheet from my
All About Nouns Flip Books and Activities Packet
which is a packet that was designed to introduce nouns to early education students. On one worksheet students will cut, sort, and glue the nouns into the categories of people, places, things, or animals. On the other worksheet students will read the sentences and will circle the nouns.

If you like this freebie, please consider these other products:

All About Nouns Flip Books and Activities Packet
Ice Cream CVCE Word Family Match Packet
Write and Count to 100
CVC Word Family No Prep Packet
Ice Cream CVCE Word Family Match Packet
First Grade Superhero Sight Word Packet

Emergency Sub Plans:

Emergency Sub Plans-Kindergarten Snowman Packet
Emergency Sub Plans-Kindergarten Beach Day
Emergency Sub Plans-Kindergarten Farm Day
Emergency Sub Plans-Kindergarten Zoo Day
Emergency Sub Plans-Kindergarten Scarecrow Packet
Emergency Sub Plans-First Grade Scarecrow Packet
Emergency Sub Plans-First Grade Snowman Packet
Emergency Sub Plans-First Grade Beach Day
Emergency Sub Plans-First Grade Farm Day
Emergency Sub Plans-Second Grade Farm Day

Please consider following my store for freebies and more quality products in the future! Also, I love hearing back from my customers through reviews! Not only do you earn credits toward future purchases, it helps me to improve upon my work!!

Also, find me on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook!!

Penley’s Pointe on Pinterest
Penley’s Pointe on Facebook
Penley’s Pointe on Instagram

Thanks for stopping by!


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “TELL ME! Comprehension Play Dough Mats: Fall Edition”

by Simply Special Ed
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

These play dough mats are perfect for students with special needs or Autism, who love to fidget and have difficulty focusing. Keep busy hands busy and busy minds engaged with this fun activity that can be used over and over again!

Keep fidgeting hands busy!
Have students “make” their name before you start reading! This gives them a fun activity and gets them ready to learn!

Use in small groups or 1:1.
Ask the students the questions- if they get the answer right they can cover it up with play dough, if they get it wrong they have to wait until you ask again!

Use while reading to check for understanding.
Have students place the play dough when they hear the answer!

Includes fall and october theme!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Boho Rainbow Agenda Slides FREEBIE | Daily Morning Work Slides”

by KittensandClassroom
2nd – 5th Grade

Have your Morning Meeting slides ready to go with these 5 colorful Boho Rainbow templates! They’re ready for you to fill in your students’ to-do list along with a daily joke, ‘this or that’ question, and ‘share out’ community building question.

The body of these slides is editable, so you can switch out the boxes and edit the box header text to fit your unique needs.

If you’re looking for a full year of good morning slides already filled out, I have that too – check out my Boho Rainbow Morning Meeting Slides for 182 days of jokes, questions, and no prep or stress for you!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fall Fillers Freebie”

by Mary Bown
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

It is always good to have a few fillers copied just in case you need them. Here are a few Language Skills sheets you can use in your classroom. They are great for a substitute or to use to start the day. Check out my other products!

Mary Bown


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Classification Categorize Animals”

by A Reading Heart
3rd – 6th Grade

FREE This lesson asks students to imagine that they work in a museum and must be responsible for curating/classifying a (stuffed) animal exhibit. Organizing information into categories can take many forms and is a CRITICAL 21st century skill.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 4”

by Teachings By Muhammad Yasir
4th Grade

This reading comprehension worksheet bundle is perfect for grade 4 students who are looking to improve their reading skills. The bundle includes five worksheets, each with a different comprehension passage and three questions to test students’ understanding of the text.

The passages are carefully selected to cater to grade 4 students’ reading abilities and interests. They cover a range of topics, from animals and nature to sports and hobbies. The questions focus on different reading comprehension skills, such as finding the main idea, making inferences, and identifying details.

The worksheets are designed to be engaging and visually appealing to keep students motivated and interested. They can be used as an in-class activity, homework assignment, or assessment tool.

By completing these worksheets, students will develop their critical thinking, reading, and comprehension skills, which are essential for academic success. With this bundle, you can provide your grade 4 students with the tools they need to become confident readers and learners.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your students’ reading abilities with this comprehensive and fun worksheet bundle!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Building Bricks – PE Team Building Game for Elementary School”

by Motor Skilled
1st – 9th Grade

Building Bricks is an excellent game to encourage positive communication in your class. Listening to your teammates will help crack the code needed to find success!

Social focus points:

– Taking turns

– Observation

– Good Communication

Physical focus points:

– Fine motor skills

– Running

If you like this then you may be interested in……..

– Top 10 PE Team-Building Games – 2 bonus games included!

– Top 50 PE Games Super Bundle – With a whopping 9 bonus games free!


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “PTO Reminders for Social Media”

by The Mediocre Marketing Company
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Having PTO Meetings at your school? This social media artwork is editable for your event. One full color, square piece perfect for Facebook and Instagram. The other full color, banner perfect for Facebook or website banner.

What you get:

1. PDF examples with suggested wording and layout

2. Editable PDF to make your flyers look just like the examples.

3. Two PowerPoint files for full wording layout freedom. This option lets you put your wording wherever you please.

You will need a PDF viewer to be able to use this product. Click here to download Adobe Reader for free. There are many other options as well.

***I send out monthly freebies and exclusives to my followers so be sure to hit that follow button so you don’t miss out!***


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Root Words Bell Ringer | No Prep | ELA, ESL | Answer Key Included!”

by Commas and Cold Brews
5th – 12th Grade

Give your students some extra practice with new vocabulary using this no prep bell ringer!

Works for the ELA or ESL classroom! Great for standardized test prep!

This worksheet features 5 new vocabulary words and a chart of common Greek/Latin roots and affixes. Students are tasked with decoding the meaning of the new vocabulary based on the meaning of its prefix, root, and suffix.

Your download includes a print-and-go PDF and Answer Key.

If you like this freebie, you can purchase a full week’s worth of Root Word Bell Ringers (which includes printable AND digital copies!) or double down and save money with the complete ELA Test Prep Bell Ringer Bundle!

Also available: Holiday Editions! Check out Spooky Roots and Romantic Roots.

All purchases contribute toward our classroom library fund.

If you use this resource, please rate + review!

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Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “{Freebies} Today I feel…… SEL Assesment Worksheet by ReyyuLa”

by Little Learners Corner by Reyhan Reyyula
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This social-emotional learning tool is great for assessing and understanding kids’ emotions and the reasons behind them.

***Customer Tip***

Since this a FREE product, Please Don’t forget to provide feedback and earn Tpt credits for future purchases!

* Go to My Purchases {you can find this when you click the arrow on the side of your name in the top right side}

* Click the Provide Feedback button beside each purchase

* Rate the product and add a short comment, we love 5 stars!

* Each time you provide feedback you receive a feedback credit to use toward future purchases. The next time you shop, you can simply add your credits when checking out to lower the purchase cost.

***Don’t forget to click the green star at the top to be the first to know when I release new products, and FREEBIES**


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Algebra Unit 2 Free Lesson: Solving Inequalities with Multiplication/Division”

by Funrithmetic
7th – 9th Grade

This is a free lesson (Lesson 2.3, Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing) from my Algebra Unit 2: Inequalities! Note: The digital version is not included in the free version. Enjoy!

Learn more about the unit here:

Start your year off right with this comprehensiveengaging unit over inequalities! This unit includes all you need to teach your students what they need to know about inequalities!

What are some features of this unit?

  • The notes are in easy-to-use Cornell style, with “color-able” vocabulary words for a little bit of fun to keep students engaged (and to help improve memory)
  • The student handouts/homework sheets are aligned with each lesson, and one is a fun color-by-number!
  • A thorough study guide helps prepare students for the assessment
  • The quizzes and final assessment are editable if you want to make your own or multiple versions for your classroom
  • Lesson overviews prepare you beforehand! They include CCSS references, pacing suggestions, vocabulary, student “I can” statements, introduction and summary activities, and homework assignments.
  • Writing in Math journal prompts for each lesson get students thinking critically about math and provide an excellent cross-curricular opportunity. Don’t worry, I’ve included a rubric too!
  • A completed teacher’s edition is color-coded so you can easily find answers and see exactly what the students do and don’t have in their version.

Going digital? No problem!

  • I’ve included a page with individual links to digital versions of the guided notes, homework, writing prompts, quizzes, study guide, and assessment. These are set as background images in Google Slides (the writing prompts are in Google Forms). These are linked individually so that you can easily assign them using Google classroom.

Topics covered in the unit are:

Lesson 2.1: Writing and Graphing Inequalities

Lesson 2.2: Solving Inequalities by Adding or Subtracting

Lesson 2.3: Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing

Lesson 2.4: Solving Multi-Step Inequalities

Lesson 2.5: Solving Compound Inequalities

Lesson 2.6: Solving Absolute Value Inequalities

With the paper and digital format of this unit, you can be flexible in your teaching and instructional delivery! See the preview for a sample of various pages from the unit.

I’ll be adding more units soon! Be sure to follow me to get notified as I add more fun and engaging resources to my store. You can also check out my website at www.funrithmetic.com for more teaching ideas, freebies, and other fun stuff!

Enjoy your new product!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Alphabet Clip Art, Rainbow Color”

by Smita Keisser
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Chalky Fun Rainbow Alphabet Clip Art Letters

Wonderful Freebie! #1

· Please NoteFreebies are excellent to have in your Clip Art Collection.

· It still takes time and effort to create Clip Art. Freebies are my Thank you.

· Enjoy them and My Standard TOU (Terms of Use) still apply to Freebies.

Thank you for your interest in my Designs.

Updated Standard TOU *Now you can do so much more License*

My Clip Arts are high quality PNG files with transparent backgrounds and 300 DPI for optimum quality.

I start drawing either traditional or digital, some tweaking, coloring and vectoring.

My inspiration comes from many places, my small country home, family pet bird Charlie, outside my window and Pinterest for sure.

· Included in this zip file:

My Logo button for giving credit + Clip Art

Terms of Use: Updated

1. Secure my artwork.

2. Credit/Link my shop.

Please note: Do not redistribute/sell any of my designs as a stand-alone product. My designs must be incorporated as a design element, part of your overall project/lesson/art.

Any ideas of Clip Arts you would like to see please let me know in the comments section of TPT.

Would love to know how you have used any of my Clip Art Designs in the Comments section of TPT.

Earn TPT Credits when you leave feedback.

Follow me on TPT, Pinterest, Etsy,

My Website: smitakeisser.com

Happy Teaching! Happy Feedback!

©Smita Keisser


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Back to School Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2019”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Start the new school right with these free lessons by members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative:

* Italian: In Autunno Coloring

* FREE Back to School English Number Match

* Sight Word Searches (15 Total) Full Product Review

* I Have Who Has? Alphabet Review

* Christopher Columbus American History Lesson #1

* Interactive Emergent Reader: Toys – FREE Open Dyslexic Font

* American Ninja Learner Class Theme and Activities Kit SAMPLE FREEBIE

* Beach Theme Hall Passes

* Tongue Twisters Sample Freebie

* Back to School Writing Freebie

* Back to School Seek and Find the Pictures Within

* Communication Log and Homework Log

* 3rd Grade Math for September: Free Sample!

* Kindness Cards – An Activity Accentuating Positive Personality Traits

* Back to School Freebie

* Back to School Mindful Journaling and Partner Activity

* FREE Fun Back-to-School Explanatory Writing Activity Using Similes & Hyperbole

* FREE Back to School Math Review

* Creative Options for Writing Assignments in Middle School Science

* Practice with Possessive Nouns Grammar Worksheets

* Twenty Study Tips to Help Students Succeed in School

* Back to School FREE Music Rules Poster

* Middle School Classroom Decoration: Vital Sign Mind Map (Large Wall Size)

* More Free Lessons

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best in the new school year,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE SAMPLE: Alphabet Foldable Activity Books – 2 free books!”

by Brenda Tejeda
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Click here for the whole set:
ABC: Foldable Alphabet Activity Books

Keep your students excited about learning and practicing their letters! NO PREP- Simply print and students can fold and use.

These mini activity books each have 4 activities to review one letter at a time. The first page has rebus sentences to help students focus on the letter and its sound. There are 3 additional engaging activities for children to practice the letter and sound.

Your students will LOVE these little books because no two are exactly the same! The variety of activities will keep them engaged and looking forward to doing the next book! Best of all, they can be used independently- simple activities don’t need much explaining.

Save paper and ink! 4 activities on 1 piece of paper! Perfect for morning, center, or ‘early finisher’ work, or as homework. Also use to reinforce letters and sounds in a small group or with a peer helper. Great for RTI!

*Directions, 2 mini books, preview of whole set

Want more ABC fun? Click below for my Alphabet Games: Find and Color:
The Alphabet Games: Find and Color

Thanks for reading! Visit my store for more fun products:
Brenda Tejeda – Tejeda’s Tots


Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
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FREE MISC. LESSON – “40 Fun Questions to Start Class, All Disciplines, Grades 5-12”

by Spark Creativity
5th – 12th Grade

Help your students connect with you and each other as a community by turning a boring old “here” into a chance to get to know each other better.

This product contains a printable poster with forty entertaining questions for your students to respond to briefly as class opens.

My students love it when I announce one of these questions.

Print the poster and tape it by your desk. Then throw in a question whenever your class needs a boost at the beginning.

From the Reviews:

“LOVE this! Thanks for sharing. “

“I used this activity the first 3 days of school and it was much better than hearing “here” 33 times each class period!”

“This will help break up the plain boring beginning of the class routines. I like to have fun with the students and they seem to do better if we do something different at the start of class. I think this will be one of my favorites in the toolbox. Thanks. Sandra”

“Super creative, thanks!”

You might also enjoy:

15 Discussion Warm-Ups

Discussion Role Cards

An ELA STEM Activity: Literary Characters design their Own App

10 Creative Bell-Ringers

Outside Reading Program: Full Year Resources

Group Work Guiding Handouts

Complete Guide to a Successful Poetry Slam

I bet you’re always looking for creative teaching ideas for your classroom. Share the journey in my free Facebook group, Creative High School English.

Click the green star above to get regular notifications about creative teaching ideas and materials from Spark Creativity.

Join the community of teachers who want to engage their students AND go to bed before midnight each night! Stay tuned to Spark Creativity on Blogger.


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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

Go to http://www.pinterest.com/TheBestofTPT/ for even more free products!

FREE MISC. LESSON – “All About Me Teacher Freebie”

by Jason’s Online Classroom
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Free Meet the Teacher Template – This poster was originally developed for a principal who was having her teachers complete it for a cafeteria wall display. It’s formatted so that a 4 x 6 picture can be taken and displayed in the center of the poster to help students and parents get to know the teachers of the school better. Read all about the teacher!

Related All About Me Products & Bundles

Superhero All About Me Worksheets

Individual All About Me Worksheets $1

There are over 30 themes of individual all about me worksheets that you can find by clicking here.


Copyright © Jason’s Online Classroom. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. See product file for clip art and font credits.

Personal Note

We really do care about each of our customers and we make sure we do everything in our power to provide you with quality resources. Thank you so much for shopping with us. Have fun using this all about me resource at your schools!


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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Actividades con sílabas ma me mi mo mu- Clasificar dibujos Letra M – FREEBIE”

by Plaza de Colores
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Si buscas actividades con ma me mi mo mu para trabajar las sílabas con tus estudiantes puedes usar este mini sort, que se adapta también a la enseñanza a distancia.

Thank you for purchasing from Plaza de Colores. If you find this resource useful for your classroom please know we appreciate kind reviews! Also, don’t forget to follow us!


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