Teacher Talk – May 2023

We hope you enjoy these latest teaching tips from our Teacher Talk bloggers. Members of Teacher Talk are a part of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.
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Summer is Almost Here
By Retta of Rainbow City Learning

Surprise your students with a Super Summer Kit on the last day of school. They will have fun activities to do as they refresh, recharge, and renew their interest in learning during the summer break.
Snowflakes in May
By Gini of Reading Spotlight
Papel Picado means “perforated paper.” These colorful decorations are usually intricately designed, with several different historical references as well. But they looked like I could turn them into rectangle-shaped paper snowflakes.
Are Multiple Choice Questions Testing All Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
By Vicky of Scipi

Because of the many students teachers see each day and the little time teachers have to make tests and then grade them, multiple choice questions have become one of the favorite type of testing questions in education. We see them on state assessments, national assessments, ACT tests, college tests, driving license tests, etc. However, those who consistently use them aren’t all that crazy about them and with good cause.
10 Fun End of the Year Activities
By Marcy of It’s a Teacher Thing

You’ll love these 10 fun & engaging end-of-the-year activities that are sure to be a hit with your students, so you can end your year on a high note!