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Finding Life Mentors in Mentor Text
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning
Teach students how to reflect on what mentoring characters in pieces of literature may do in similar situations in their lives.
Using Two-Sided Colored Beans to Add and Subtract Positive and Negative Numbers
By Vicky Rauch of Go Figure!
When it comes to adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers, many students have great difficulty. In reality, it is a very confusing and abstract idea; so, it is important to give the students a concrete visual to assist them in seeing the solution.
Morning Music
By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight
This adventure with music as a prelude to learning began when I saw an interview with a Tuscan wine grower who played classical music to encourage his grapes to develop.
Video Lessons Make Teaching Grammar Easy
By Charlene Tess of Books by Charlene Tess
Have you noticed how many students are all about videos?
Is Reading Aloud to Children Actually Supported by the Science of Reading?
by Alison Monk of The Literacy Garden
Is reading aloud to children supported by the Science of Reading? Does literature have an important place in structured literacy programs?
Budgeting on a Teacher’s Salary
By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching
How teachers can budget on their salary, while still saving money and enjoying their lives.
Four Tried & True Review Games
By Kathie Yoshimura of Tried & True Teaching Tools

Your students will love to play Toss Across, Bananagrams, Buzzers, and Jenga as they review concepts already taught.