Daily Archives: July 18, 2016

LANGUAGE ARTS – “10 r-Controlled Activities & Games”

Grades 1-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane
10 r-controlled-cover

This unit is a package of 10 activities and games that are designed to make it easy for students to learn to read r-controlled syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and r-controlled is one of the six types. These syllables are called –r-controlled because the –r is in control and the vowel is out of control when sounding out the word. Instead, of the vowels making their normal sounds, the –r decides for them what sound the vowel is going to make. Reading and spelling r-controlled words require visual memory and experience. These games will teach students a few consistent tips to remember when reading these kinds of words. There are five -r-controlled vowels–ar, -er, -ir, -or, -ur. These five vowel spellings make 4 different sounds. The packet includes 75 -r-controlled words cards and the following 10 games:

1. Climb a Tree

2. Grow a Centipede

3. Football Frenzy

4. Dominoes

5. Uno

6. Clear the Board

7. Snail Shell

8. Wild Animal Race

9. Checkers

10. Circle Out

r-Controlled Pic 1

r-Controlled Pic 2

r-Contorlled 3





FREE MATH LESSON – “Gearin Up with Number Grids”

by Tessa Maguire

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


Gearin Up with Number Grids


20 different 120-number grid puzzles (hundreds charts) with missing numbers. They are designed to be used as centers during your math block. This is great practice for students figuring out patterns in numbers. Students can use a full hundreds chart to help them complete the missing numbers, or you can use it as a way to assess their place value understanding and number sense.









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