by Fun To Teach
1st – 6th Grade

Freebie! Geometria – Trajetas De Intercambio – Spanish Math Vocabulary Games and Lesson Plan
– 26 pages –
This 26-page Spanish Geometry unit has essential Spanish math vocabulary to build a foundation of math understanding. Use whole class, with second language learners or struggling math students. Fun way for students to meet the Common Core Standards!
The 15 carefully selected Spanish math vocabulary words integrate kid friendly definitions with rich information about the concept. Words included are: poligono, figuras congruentes, simetria, ordenacion, diametro, lineas paralelas, lineas perpendiculares, area, angulos, cilindros, perimetro, rombo, cubo, esfera y cono.
This Spanish Math Game Geometry packet includes black line masters to reproduce and use as math games and activities.
This package includes: 7 Math Games:
•Match It Up!
•I Know the Word
•Tic Tac Go!
•And the Answer Is!
•Word Association
•A Game of 20 Questions
Also included:
• Flashcard Mania
• Math Games as Homework
Reproducible black lines included in this package:
-activities to send home
-easy to use teacher
-teacher’s guides
-easy game assembly
-variety of games
-complete game boards and game cards
-activity black line masters
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Happy Teaching
Lori Wolfe
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Lori Wolfe
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