Yearly Archives: 2016

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Comprehension Strategies Dice Game – Read and Roll”

by Ripper Reading Resources

2nd – 7th Grade


Reading comprehension strategies dice game


This resource is designed for literacy rotations to reinforce the explicit teaching of the high yield active comprehension strategies. All that is required is to print out the resource and provide a standard die.

The activities include the following options: Predicting, Clarifying, Questioning, Visualizing, Summarizing, Connecting, Questioning and Inferring. (The “Visualizing” and “Summarizing” cards are included with both a “z” and an “s” in the spelling, so teachers can choose the appropriate spelling for their students). This resource therefore includes both U.S. and Australian spelling.

Check out my blog for more information and ideas about embedding higher order thinking and rigour in the teaching of reading:

This resource is for personal/classroom use only and is not to be distributed further. Multiple licenses are now available at TpT for half price. No sharing of this product is permitted through internet groups/blogs, offline groups, school district or regional websites/servers,discussion lists, school websites/servers, or personal websites.

If you download this product please take some time to rate it and provide me with some feedback. As well, please consider becoming a follower of my TpT store so that you will receive notification when I release new products.

I appreciate your support very much 🙂







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “75 Games & Activities for Teaching the Six Syllable Types of Reading”

Grades K-4
by Reading on Strawberry LaneScreen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.10.59 PM

The bundle packet includes 75 games and activities that all target teaching the 6 types of syllables in reading: Closed Syllables, V-C-e Syllables, r-Controlled Syllables, Open Syllables, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllables, and Final Stable Consonant Syllables.
The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read.These 75 activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!At the present, I am creating my last packet of game and activities to go with the final stable syllable type, and once I complete it, I will make it available. Also, if you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on the preview tab and you can see a sample of some (not all of them) of the games in the packet.
The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the ClockThe
V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders
The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes
The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets
The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Riddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Macbeth Background Research Questions”

by Different Drummer Secondary Resources

9th – 12th Grade


Macbeth Background Research Questions


These questions are helpful for students who are trying to understand the background of Macbeth. There are seven questions that require students to research about the historical facts, people, myths, legends, beliefs of the period, and some of the reasons why Shakespeare is said to have written this play.

Click here for the Macbeth Literature Guide






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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Fun Activities With Groups in the Classroom”

by The Teaching Files

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade


Fun Activities With Groups


Fun Activities with Groups in the Classroom is a 5 page free item with the following pages included:
– Cover Page
– 2 Pages Information for the Teacher
– 2 Pages Suggested Fun Activities

This packet is designed to give the teacher some information about forming groups and some suggestions to activities that can be used in pairs and groups of 4 but also with other size groups with different directions. These ideas can be used with any content and at any grade level.







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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Scavenger Hunt: A Print Awareness Activity”

by Growing Smart Readers

Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade


Reading Scavenger Hunt


Print is all around us in many forms. Media literacy and environmental literacy make up another layer of literacy!

For families of young children:

Use this as a take-home family project or for an individual homework activity. This download includes 2 different take-home printables, or two versions. You can hand out one at the beginning of the year, and the second one later on, or let the kids choose which one to take home.

For families of all ages!
Kids take this home to do with their families or siblings. It’s a great opportunity for your youngsters to see that environmental print and media text (no matter how big or small) is all around us!

I use reading scavenger hunts as one of my annual literacy week activities. Each reading hunt is a simple checklist, but it has a multi-purpose: to teach print awareness, encourage family reading, and open up new opportunities for reading and writing in and outside the home.

Inter-generational use:
Emergent and beginning readers would share this activity with a sibling, a parent, or grandparent, or caregiver. Perfect for after school programs, too!

For ESL students:
It’s also a natural way to bring print awareness to your students who are learning English as a second language.

In this file, you’ll receive:
1 page of activity suggestions and directions
2 different reading scavenger hunt activities (one page each)

You set the deadline date in the space, and the number of how many items they need to find, read, and check off. They check off items that they have found and read. They must bring in a little proof (i.e., a coupon, a note, or a label) as part of the assignment. Parents, or guardians and students must sign at the bottom to verify the scavenger hunt was completed. Yes, it is pretty much an honor system, but everyone has fun doing it. I usually hand out little prizes for completing this (pencils, bookmarks, fun erasers, or Smarties candies…). You really can make this as fun as you want!

FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS ALONG TO PARENTS AND TEACHERS! (You may send it to them via email, too. I just ask that this is not sold or repackaged, and this store link and Growing Smart Readers remains as the source. Thanks!)

My Growing Smart Readers Blog

Please enjoy and leave feedback if you found this to be a helpful resource. Thanks very much!








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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Reading Syllable Types Bundle Packet”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This bundle contains six units that give specific word examples of each syllable word type. The six syllable types of reading are Closed, V-C-e, Open, r-Controlled, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong, and Final Stable. Each unit provides a plethora of word lists that target each syllable type. Teaching reading by syllable types provides students with a clear-cut understanding of the English language. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts.

Reading Syllable Type Bundle Cover

Syllable Bundle DefinitionsReading Syllable Types Bundle-3

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Geometria – Trajetas De Intercambio – Spanish Vocabulary Games and Lesson Plan”

by Fun To Teach

1st – 6th Grade


Geometria - Trajetas De Intercambio


Freebie! Geometria – Trajetas De Intercambio – Spanish Math Vocabulary Games and Lesson Plan
– 26 pages –

This 26-page Spanish Geometry unit has essential Spanish math vocabulary to build a foundation of math understanding. Use whole class, with second language learners or struggling math students. Fun way for students to meet the Common Core Standards!

The 15 carefully selected Spanish math vocabulary words integrate kid friendly definitions with rich information about the concept. Words included are: poligono, figuras congruentes, simetria, ordenacion, diametro, lineas paralelas, lineas perpendiculares, area, angulos, cilindros, perimetro, rombo, cubo, esfera y cono.

This Spanish Math Game Geometry packet includes black line masters to reproduce and use as math games and activities.

This package includes: 7 Math Games:
•Match It Up!
•I Know the Word
•Tic Tac Go!
•And the Answer Is!
•Word Association
•A Game of 20 Questions

Also included:
• Flashcard Mania
• Math Games as Homework

Reproducible black lines included in this package:
-activities to send home
-easy to use teacher
-teacher’s guides
-easy game assembly
-variety of games
-complete game boards and game cards
-activity black line masters

Related Products
Fracciones Tarjetas de Intercambio
MultiplicacionTarjetas de Intercambio
Medidas Tarjetas de Intercambio
Suma Tarjetas de Intercambio
Habilidad Numerica Tarjetas de Intercambio

Check out some of our best sellers
Kinder & 1st Grade Punctuation
Kinder & 1st Grade Sentence Starters
Irregular Past Tense Verb Game
Formal and Informal Language
Place Value with 3 Digit Numbers
Sentence Starters
Addition With 2 Digit Numbers
50 Sentence Starters Back to School
Addition with Numbers 0-19
Learning Centers Made Simple – Literacy Centers for Reading and Math
Multiplying by 7
Three Sounds of ‘ED’ Past Tense Verb Games
Past Tense Verb Games – Past Participle
Multiplication 5 Minute Timed Tests Packages – Factors 0-12
Addition with Numbers 0-19

Happy Teaching
Lori Wolfe

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Happy Teaching!
Lori Wolfe







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by Mrs VanMeter

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


Popcorn- A NWF Game


This product is used to review NWF and develop accuracy in a game format.







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “10 r-Controlled Activities & Games”

Grades 1-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane
10 r-controlled-cover

This unit is a package of 10 activities and games that are designed to make it easy for students to learn to read r-controlled syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and r-controlled is one of the six types. These syllables are called –r-controlled because the –r is in control and the vowel is out of control when sounding out the word. Instead, of the vowels making their normal sounds, the –r decides for them what sound the vowel is going to make. Reading and spelling r-controlled words require visual memory and experience. These games will teach students a few consistent tips to remember when reading these kinds of words. There are five -r-controlled vowels–ar, -er, -ir, -or, -ur. These five vowel spellings make 4 different sounds. The packet includes 75 -r-controlled words cards and the following 10 games:

1. Climb a Tree

2. Grow a Centipede

3. Football Frenzy

4. Dominoes

5. Uno

6. Clear the Board

7. Snail Shell

8. Wild Animal Race

9. Checkers

10. Circle Out

r-Controlled Pic 1

r-Controlled Pic 2

r-Contorlled 3

FREE MATH LESSON – “Gearin Up with Number Grids”

by Tessa Maguire

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


Gearin Up with Number Grids


20 different 120-number grid puzzles (hundreds charts) with missing numbers. They are designed to be used as centers during your math block. This is great practice for students figuring out patterns in numbers. Students can use a full hundreds chart to help them complete the missing numbers, or you can use it as a way to assess their place value understanding and number sense.







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Closed Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Closed Syllable Bundle Cover 

15 Games Closed Syllable Pic 1

15 Games Closed Syllable Pic 2

15 Games Closed Syllalbe Pic 3

Reading Closed Syllable-4

Fifty percent of our English language is closed syllable type words. Once a student learns this syllable type, they have a great foundation upon which to build. So it is a well worth our efforts to invest our time teaching this syllable type if we are going to have successful readers.  I created this packet for my students to have fun learning closed syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and closed syllable is the most basic type to teach.

This bundle includes two units:  The first unit, ‘Reading Closed Syllables’ provides 158 word lists of the closed syllable type words. Also, a master list of all the words is included as a quick reference. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in closed syllables. Also, reading will become more manageable for students once they understand the different syllable types.

The unit, ’15 Games & Activities Teaching Closed Syllables’ include 15 fun games and activities that can be placed in literacy centers for the students to enjoy. The following games are included in this packet:

1. Bubble Bath
2. Bubble Yum Relay
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Chip
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Recording Sheet
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out The Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

FREE MISC. LESSON – “French Version of Math Vocabulary Freebie”

by A Series of 3rd Grade Events

3rd – 5th Grade


French Version of Math Vocabulary


My Math Vocabulary freebie is now translated into French thanks to a fellow teacher named Veronica Doyle. She contacted me and asked if she could help me translate the math vocabulary into French so her students could benefit from it as well as others.

This set of French Math Word Wall Words includes words with visual presentations for addition, subtraction, place value, multiplication, division, perimeter, area, fractions, and decimals. It is primarily for 4th and 5th grade, but most words could be used for 3rd grade as well. It also includes an extra page of words that Veronica felt were important.

Patti 🙂







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Grades K-4
by Reading on Strawberry LaneScreen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.10.59 PM

The bundle packet includes 75 games and activities that all target teaching the 6 types of syllables in reading: Closed Syllables, V-C-e Syllables, r-Controlled Syllables, Open Syllables, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllables, and Final Stable Consonant Syllables.
The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read.These 75 activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!At the present, I am creating my last packet of game and activities to go with the final stable syllable type, and once I complete it, I will make it available. Also, if you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on the preview tab and you can see a sample of some (not all of them) of the games in the packet.
The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the ClockThe
V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders
The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes
The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets
The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Riddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

FREE MATH LESSON – “Fractions”

by Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas

2nd – 5th Grade




FRACTIONS: This Go Spaceman! Go Fish Fraction Card Game focuses on Equivalent Fractions!

This FREE Fraction Center Game has…

*Center Game Cards in Color
*Student Directions
*File Folder Cover
*Teacher Directions
*Self-Checking Answer Sheet
*Interactive Notebook Activity
*Interactive Notebook Activity Answer Key

More Fraction Resources:

FREE FRACTION “Go Princess!” Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game

FREE FRACTION “Go Spaceman!” Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game

FREE FRACTION “Go Alien!” Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game

Fractions PART of a WHOLE for Back to School Concentration, Go Fish and Old Maid for Common Core

Fraction and Money Identification Signs and Books for Your Classroom! 364 Pages Total!

Fraction Back to School Discounted Bundle of Concentration, Go Fish & Old Maid for Common Core

Easter Fractions Concentration, Go Fish and Old Maid Center Games for Common Core ~ Part of a Whole, Three Games in One!

Easter Fractions Concentration, Go Fish and Old Maid Center Games for Common Core ~ Part of a Group – Three Games in One!

Beach Themed Fractions for Common Core 3.G.A.2 Concentration, Go Fish and Old Maid – Three Games in One!

© 2015, Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas

Keywords: FRACTION, FRACTIONS, FREE DOWNLOADS, FREE DOWNLOAD, FREE, FREEBIE, Spaceman, Space, Outer Space, Fractions, Center Game, Fraction Center Game, Free, Freebie, Princess Theme, Math Printables, Seatwork, Math Daily Five, Math Daily Three, Math Stations, Small Group Remediation, Homework, Math Daily 5, Math Daily 3, Smith’s Classroom Ideas.







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words With One Closed Syllable & One Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable”

Grades 1-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping Closed and V-C-e

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of dislike, we would clap out ‘dis’ and ‘like,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘s’ and ‘l’ in

the word ‘dis/like.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: d i s I I k e. Not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of an extra letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students

can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables.

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with one closed syllable and one vowel-consonant-e syllable.

Scooping Closed and V-C-e 2Scooping Closed and V-C-e 3

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Roald Dahl Quote “Impossible” Poster FREEBIE”

by Cait’s Cool School

2nd – 12th Grade


Roald Dahl Quote %22Impossible%22 Poster


Inspirational Roald Dahl quote! Includes a color version and black & white master. Great for classroom decoration, especially for an author study 🙂

Check out my Roald Dahl Web Scavenger Hunt for more Roald Dahl fun!

Here’s the whole collection in one AMAZING bundle! Dahl 10 Poster BUNDLE
Check out these additional, separate Roald Dahl Quote Posters:
Dahl Glittering Eyes Poster
Dahl Gobblefunk Poster
Dahl Turn off the Television Poster
Dahl Good Friends Poster
Dahl Invention Poster
Dahl Never Doubt Poster
Dahl Nonsense Poster
Dahl Reading Poster
Dahl Sunbeams Poster

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store. ☺







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “A Mega Bundle Packet of Reading Syllable Type Word Lists and Games/Activities”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

The mega bundle packet includes 400+ words lists and 70+ games and activities!!!

There are 6 syllable types in reading. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read. All of the

Mega Reading & Game Cover

words lists incorporate patterns using all the vowels. The closed syllable and V-C-e syllable target words using common phonograms.

This packet of activities and games give students a fun way to learn the syllable types. The activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!

If you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on my individual bundle packets for each syllable type to preview the materials included in this mega bundle.

The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

The V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snakes & Ladders

The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Play Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes

The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn

The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets

The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Fiddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop


by Third Grade Triumph

4th Grade


PARCC Math 4th grade


Try this freebie! This pack includes some of the PARCC problem types for ALL fourth grade standards! Since most states are reforming their state testing to the PARCC test, we need our students to practice and become familiar with the language and types of questions used on the PARCC. This pack was designed to meet that purpose and expose third grade students to the rigor and complexity of the assessment. This pack will give a quick analysis of the types of questions found on the math assessment and gives ample practice problems for students to get used to the question format. I hope you find this product useful and informative!






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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Reading Syllable Types Bundle Packet”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This bundle contains six units that give specific word examples of each syllable word type. The six syllable types of reading are Closed, V-C-e, Open, r-Controlled, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong, and Final Stable. Each unit provides a plethora of word lists that target each syllable type. Teaching reading by syllable types provides students with a clear-cut understanding of the English language. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts.

Reading Syllable Type Bundle Cover

Syllable Bundle DefinitionsReading Syllable Types Bundle-3

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fables Graphic Organizers”

by Joya Crawford

1st – 3rd Grade


Fables Graphic Organizers


Fables: Fables Graphic Organizers

Looking for an effective common core aligned fables graphic organizer for your students? These graphic organizers help students determine the parts of a fable as well as the moral or central message. Students can write and/or draw in the boxes.

Students will determine:

****Note: this is the same graphic organizer just with different colored borders****

Looking for similar resources? Try these!

FRY Words KABOOM! Bundle (Words 1-400).

Sub Plans: The Pigeon Needs a Bath!.

Long Vowel vs. Short Vowel Word Sorts.

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺








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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Butterfly Life Cycle Freebie”

by Gretchen Ebright

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade


Butterfly Life Cycle


These are three pages from my BUTTERFLY LIFE CYCLE SCIENCE PACKET!
You will find:
-a science activity – Life Cycle Cut and Paste printable in color and in black and white
-a language arts activity – Butterfly Write the Room printable b/w
PreK-1st grade
#butterfly, #lifecycle, #science






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July Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s July Teacher Talk time…..The 4th of July is over…..Now all of you are into your laid back summer mode enjoying your well deserved rest. Sit down, sip some iced tea, or wine cooler and check out the blog tips and ideas from these educators.If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names. 


Tackling Tough Issues

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Some tips for teaching and discussion of the upcoming election.


Summer Writing Ideas for your Children

Calling all parents, summer is the time for fun and relaxation for everyone, esp the kids. However, you don’t want them to lose some of the writing skills that they learned during the school year. Here are some fun things to do to keep their creative juices flowing.


The Art-Math Connection

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Tessellations are the perfect vehicle to teach transformational geometry. Simple, step-by-step directions to teach geometry with art.


5 Keys to STEM Challenge Success

By Kerry Tracy of Plans for a Better Tomorrow

What are the 5 most important things to know to conduct successful STEM challenges? Check this blog and video post to find out!


Using Calendars: Number Fluency, Handwriting Skills, and Time Concepts

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

I have been using several calendar related tools and love the power they hold. Use of calendars and teaching about time is a functional and engaging activity to support number fluency, understanding of quantities, time related vocabulary, and building a perceptual map of time. Beyond that, it helps to promote character development around issues of waiting, and delay of gratification. 


How Do You Plan to Model AAC?

By Susan Berkowitz of Kidz Learn Language

Getting started with modeling AAC use and using Aided Input with your nonverbal child who is beginning to use augmentative communication is easier if you plan your vocabulary in advance.


Battling Summer Boredom

By Alison Monk of The Literacy Garden

Summer vacations are tons of fun and adventure. But, how about all those days at home? No need to get bored! Here are some great ideas to keep your kids engaged, interested, and active!


The Beginner’s Guide to Planning the First Weeks of School

By Jessica Zannini of Notes from the Portable

Are you planning your first two weeks to set students up for success? I had a few bumpy years that helped me learn my mistakes and help make these weeks the ones to get my classroom up and running.


No More Keywords: Using the Operation Situations to Help Students Analyze Word Problems

By Shametria Routt of The Routty Math Teacher

“No More Keywords: Using the Operation Situations to Help Students Analyze Word Problems” is the first article in my Summer PD with The Routty Math Teacher blog series. In this article, I discuss the dangers of using keywords to solve math word problems, present arguments against the use of keywords, and offer a new strategy to refocus students’ learning on critical thinking and sense-making. This is a must-read article for all teachers of mathematics as we begin preparing for the new school year. 


So, What the Heck is Metacognition?

By Tracy Wills of Wild Child Designs

A reflection of a year-long investigation into metacognition with third and fourth graders, this post explores the use of a continuum to describe student thinking. A free downloadable version of the continuum is available for readers!


FREE MATH LESSON – “How to Use a Ruler *PowerPoint Presentation*”

by Heart2Teach

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


How to Use a Ruler


I created this Power Point presentation to introduce using rulers to my students. This brief presentation will allow you to guide younger students through the process of taking a measurement, correctly. Students will be able to find the zero on a ruler, line up the object, and record the measurement.

Check out my Simple Symmetry PowerPoint !

Happy Teaching!

Check out this Pinterest board with hundreds of other FREEBIES!






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FREE MATH LESSON – “Lesson Plan: How Much for a New Name (money)”

by Kathleen Applebee

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


How Much for a New Name


Quick activity & lesson that has primary students working co-operatively in groups, practicing addition, reviewing vowels and consonants and learning coin values.

You can also incorporate names changes from the Bible (like Saul to Paul) and “The greatest shall be the least and the servant of all?” Contains links to internet resources and builds math/money vocabulary such as more, less, fewer, greater than, less than, and equal to.

Check out these other products:

Oceans PPT 59 slides
Atoms & elements PPT
The Legend of Sodium Chloride (reader’s theater about the Knights of the Periodic Table)
Measuring at the Wedding Free math lesson plan

Free Christian drama resources at Fools for Christ
Free interactive Bible games






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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words with Two Closed Syllables”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of polish, we would clap out ‘pol’ and ‘ish,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘l’ and ‘i’ in the word ‘pol/ish.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: p o l i s h. This way not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of a misplaced letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables. 

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with two closed syllables.

Simply print and cut along the guidelines. One idea is to print on card stock or on colored paper. Laminate and use them again and again and keep them in a baggie. Another option is to hole-punch a corner of each card and put them all on a ring.

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Handout – free!”

by That Fun Reading Teacher

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


Reading Handout


Reading Handout: Free Reading Handout for parents and volunteers!

How to make familiar reading fun for kids – strategies for parents and volunteers! Reading information for parents and reading volunteers. Ideal for Meet the Teacher / Curriculum Night presentations!

This handout contains information for Parents and Volunteers – a tips and tricks reference sheet for Familiar Reading; based on experiences guiding parents and volunteers from the years I taught Reading Recovery.

Color and black and white copies provided. If you double-side copy, you can hand out just one piece of paper per person at Volunteer trainings, Meet the Teacher or Curriculum Night, or place this information in students’ reading folders.

I hope you find this as useful and time-saving as I have over the years!

Thank you in advance, to those of you who purchase this item and generously take the time to leave feedback.
Best wishes!

Reading Buddies Starter Pack!☆Best-seller!
Reading Log – Rejigged! Sample FREE!
FREE Printable Editing Checklist for Primary Writers
Thank you for being my Reading Buddy Card FREEBIE
The Complete Personal Printable Alphabet Book Kit with over 200 Line Art Images!
Write for Real Purposes: Hospital Dramatic Play Center with Printables!
The Sight-Word-Stages Leveled Readers
✔color version, and duplicated black and white copies for students included in 3 versions: 1) original reader 2) trace the sight word, 3) fill in the sight word
✔visual, color-coded/symbolic directional support
✔meaning supported by engaging pictures
✔repetitive pattern
✔two versions of matching sentence strips are included so students can reassemble the sentences (color and black and white)
✔Self-check checklists included in color and black and white to promote student independence
✔follow-up activity to reinforce the new sight word(s)

Reading information for parents | Reading information for volunteers | Explaining familiar reading to parents | Explaining familiar reading to | Reading volunteer training | guided reading information | how to read with kids | how to make reading fun | Curriculum night handout | meet the teacher night | Kindergarten | First grade | Second grade | Teacher resources | Reading Recovery | early literacy resources | free |






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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Phoneme Subtraction”

Grades K-2

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This fun print and play activity will help students master the skills of phonemic deletion/subtraction and reinforce phonemic awareness, which is the ability to hear the smallest unit of sound. Students will read a word and then subtract a sound thus creating a new word. 

Also, this activity targets initial consonant blends and consonant digraphs such as bl, ch, cr, sm, th, sh, and more. There are two game boards (colored/black and white versions) and 92 task cards designed to engage learners. You may use this game board or any game board you have. Or just use the task cards alone, and the student with the most cards at the end wins.

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Spelling With k and c Rules”

by Spinning a Yarn In First

1st – 3rd Grade


Spelling With k and c Rules


This quick print worksheet gives an opportunity for students to practice spelling with /k/ rules. If you use Saxon Phonics, this sheet can be fully used after lesson 90.

Students practice writing the rules for which letter or combination to use, then apply that knowledge to words.

If you use Saxon Phonics, you may be interested in these daily PowerPoints:

Saxon Phonics and Spelling Grade 1 Lesson 1 FREEBIE

Saxon Phonics and Spelling Grade 1 Year Long Bundle

Want to see more? Check out my other products!–> Spinning a Yarn in First


How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

Please go to your “My Purchases” page. Beside each purchase you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback immensely, as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom, so I can create more for you.







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “75 Games & Activities for Teaching the Six Syllable Types of Reading”

Grades K-4
by Reading on Strawberry LaneScreen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.10.59 PM

The bundle packet includes 75 games and activities that all target teaching the 6 types of syllables in reading: Closed Syllables, V-C-e Syllables, r-Controlled Syllables, Open Syllables, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllables, and Final Stable Consonant Syllables.
The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read.These 75 activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!At the present, I am creating my last packet of game and activities to go with the final stable syllable type, and once I complete it, I will make it available. Also, if you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on the preview tab and you can see a sample of some (not all of them) of the games in the packet.
The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the ClockThe
V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders
The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes
The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets
The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Riddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

FREE MATH LESSON – “FREEBIE – Engage NY RDW (Read, Draw, Write) – Math Poster”

by GoTeach2nd

Kindergarten – 5th Grade


Engage NY RDW


I made this poster to remind my students of this Engage NY process.





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