by AdaptEd 4 Special Ed
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Practice identifying the attributes of what, quantity, and color, while working on beginning writing skills and sentences structure.
Student will match the corresponding pictures to answer the questions – What? How Many? What Color? While simultaneously writing an I see sentence. (Ex: I see 3 green phones.)
This is a great way to have students work on answering questions, especially for students with minimal verbal skills, as well as getting students to use proper sentence structure.
[ P R O D U C T • I N C L U D E S ]
Numbers 1-5
Colors: Red, Green, Purple, Blue, Orange
Instructions of set up and all picture pieces are included!
Great for Independent Work Station
[S E T U P • I N S T R U C T I O N S • I N C L U D E D]
Description of Setup included
[ R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S ]
• I recommend printing on 110lb card stock and heat laminating with a 3 or 5 mil laminate sheets.
When cutting out the alphabet pieces if you use a dab of glue on the back, your letter tiles will not slip while going through the laminator.
[ L I N K S • T O • O T H E R • P R O D U C T S ]
Check out my I see.. BUNDLE which includes 8 adapted books Bundled together with 20% savings!
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My FREE adapted book! I see… What Color? How Many? What is it? Phone edition
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Krystie Bithell
© AdaptEd Krystie Bithell 2015
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