by Cait’s Cool School
3rd – 6th Grade

This week long set includes 5 questions that will help to build a strong community in your classroom. Questions are a combination of thought-provoking, motivational, seasonally relevant, and sometimes a little silly. They are perfect for morning meetings or morning work!
I use these questions daily and my students look forward to finding out the question each day and answering them! Start building your community the first week of school!
Each day of the week is themed- see the preview and thumbnails for the different options. This set includes a color version of each poster.
Need them for the whole year? Check out this bundle:
Question of the Day Year Long Bundle
Or just grab more questions for December with this Community Building QOTD December Edition.
Want more engaging Christmas activities? Try these:
Elves on Strike Narrative Writing Unit
12 Days of Christmas Poetry Mini Lesson Booklet
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Cause & Effect Writing Project
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Question of the Day November
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