Daily Archives: January 9, 2018

The Three Paragraph Essay



The Three Paragraph Essay


Product Description

This is a great way to teach students how to structure their essay properly. 

The Three Paragraph Essay is a resource that is best used for novice essay writers. It is an excellent way to introduce the expository essay. The 2-page pdf document includes simple step-by-step instructions to teach students how to write an effective three paragraph essay.

I recommend using this material with students who are in grades 7-9. It is an efficient and simple way of learning how to write a proper introduction, a one paragraph development, and a conclusion that serves a purpose.

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

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Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Roll a Story : Valentine’s Day”

by Little Learner Toolbox

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade



Roll a Story is a great activity for engaging students and inspiring them to write! This a low prep activity will fill your students with creative ideas working individually or as part of a group. There are so many story possibilities decided with the roll of the die!

**Please consider leaving feedback if you like this product.**

Simply photocopy the sheets and provide a die (or several if you have several kids doing the activity) and you’re ready to go! It’s so easy to set up Roll a Story in your classroom!

This Roll A Story pack included two different options for each sheet, so you can choose what best suits the needs of your students.

This pack includes:
– Choose from A Roll Story Sheet with/without character pictures, or without.
– If your students are eager for an additional challenge there’s an ‘Extra Story Element’ they can roll and add to their story.
– Two different planning sheets are included (with and without the extra story element)
– And a sheet for writing the final story









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