by Aspire to Inspire Classroom Resources
3rd – 8th Grade

Turn book reports from drab to FAB! This list of 30 creative alternatives to the traditional book report emphasizes multiple intelligences and student imagination. I’ve also included suggested requirements for these thoughtful–and fun–responses to literature.
Buy the Not Your Grandma’s Book Report Bundle, and get everything your students need to show what they know about what they’ve read!
Includes 150+ organized pages of:
–30 detailed project descriptions with requirements
–Graphic organizers for every project
–Templates to create final projects
–Rubrics specifically written for each project
–Suggested uses
–Table of Contents (what’s included for each project)
–Common Core standards references
Looking to replace traditional book reports with a comprehensive Common Core language arts project that includes these response project ideas? Check out the BIG ELA Book Report Project FULL VERSION.
The BIG ELA Book Report Project FULL VERSION combines reading, writing, speaking, and listening tasks, which engages students and allows them to demonstrate what they know in many different ways. Each part of this project is aligned with an ELA Common Core standard.
–Reading: Students read a book of their choice from a specified genre. Then, they demonstrate comprehension and higher-level thinking by completing two response projects from the Not Your Grandma’s Book Report Bundle.
–Writing: Students also demonstrate comprehension by completing a genre-specific handout that requires knowledge of the setting, characters, plot, problem, and solution. Students are also asked to relate the book to themselves with opinion questions that require support from the book.
–Speaking: Students use their knowledge of the book and opinions with support to prepare and give a 3-5 minute book talk to persuade classmates to read the book.
-Listening: Students demonstrate active listening skills by completing a feedback form for each book talk. Students write down details from each book talk and evaluate whether they would like to read the book in the future.
I also offer a LITE version of the BIG ELA Book Report Project that is compatible with Not Your Grandma’s Book Report LITE.
Your questions are welcome, and your feedback is appreciated!
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