by Pirate Queen Teaching Treasures
2nd – 4th Grade

How can you use Jane Yolen’s book, WHAT TO DO WITH A BOX, to stimulate imagination inside and outside of your classroom? Use this FREEBIE in a number of ways to inspire imagination. As a read-aloud it can trigger memories and lead to a discussion about imaginary play which can inspire imaginative writing.
This product will help you to make the most of your read-aloud. Four words from the book can be used for vocabulary study. Students are provided with a word list and are encouraged to draw pictures that illustrate the meaning of each word. There are Word Wall cards to post for continuous review. A circle map can be used after the reading to brainstorm and list imaginary ways to use a box.
There are two narrative organizers, a tree map for story elements and a flow map for narrative events. Either is a tool for students to outline their imaginative narratives for using a box. Final copy recording sheets are available as well as a Narrative Scoring Checklist that lists what is expected in the writing.
A second writing activity is to compose an additional stanza to Yolen’s poem. Again, final copy recording sheets are provided.
Detailed Teaching Tips help you to prepare, implement, and celebrate each of these activities. Finally, there are suggestions for how to utilize a box in your classroom.
Product includes:
• Student Objectives
• Common Core Standards
• Teaching Tips
• Vocabulary List and Word Wall Cards
• Graphic Organizers
• Narrative Scoring Checklist
• Final Copy Recording Sheets
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Here’s a free treasure based on the book, Edward and the Pirates.
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The Pirate Queen