Daily Archives: October 26, 2018

Free: Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing



Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing


Product Description

As an introduction to story writing and the creative writing process, these visual notes are a great way for students to understand what that process is and what it is not.

Note sheet includes the following topics: 
What makes a story good?
What about the plot?
Narrative unity
Building suspense
Includes practical examples as explanations

The resource also includes a chart to help students think about the important elements in their own stories.

Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products that are part of my Creative Writing Series: 
Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint
Creative Writing Activity
Buidling Suspense in Creative Writing
Creative Characters in Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Turkey Clip Art from Charlotte’s Clips”

by Charlotte’s Clips

Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade



Free Turkey clip art set just updated includes:

1 color turkey
1 bw turkey sign topper
1 bw turkey holding a sign
1 bw turkey with a sign by tummy
1 bw turkey dressed for dinner – disguise

All images are in a 300 dpi transparent png format. Please, read the
Updated Terms of Use

These images are great for Thanksgiving worksheets, games, cards, newsletters, and printables. The blank signs makes them very easy to add letters, numbers, words, and messages.

Thanks be to God for so many wonderful teachers, parents, and people like you.

Feedback is so very much appreciated!









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