FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Viking FUN FACTS: Leif Eriksson Day is October 9th”
by Gail Hennessey
4th – 8th Grade

Use this free handout to share information on the Vikings. Included are several extension activities to use with students to learn about the Vikings.
Leif Eriksson Day is October 9th.
* There are different spellings for his name.
Possible Resource of Interest:
Studying the Vikings? Looking for a Reader’s Theater Script in Social Studies? Check out this script on the Vikings and Leif Ericsson and his father, Erik the Red. Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee Talk Show Series of plays, Leif Ericsson and his father, Eric the Red are guests on Ms. Bie Ografee’s Talk Show. They share information about their lives and the Vikings. There is a Did You Know? section of fun facts, reading comprehension questions and a teacher section with lots of extension activities, links and the key. My play on Leif Eriksson and his dad, Erik the Red.
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