FREE MATH LESSON – “Halloween Color By Number Addition Freebie”
by Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Finding time during the school day for your students to practice their basic facts can be challenging. You will love how easy it is to print and pass out this Halloween Color By Number Addition Worksheet Freebie for your class. My students LOVED Math Color By Number Resources and your students will too!
The kitty cat in this Halloween Color By Number Addition Worksheet Freebie is so adorable your boys and girls will love it! This addition color by number includes one page for introducing or reviewing addition. This FREE ADORABLE Halloween Themed Color By Number Addition Resource is perfect for bulletin boards and refrigerator museum art!
- Addition is an essential skill to master in first and second grade. Students need to know how to fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies as well as know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
Your students will adore this Halloween Color By Number Addition Worksheet Freebie while learning and reviewing important addition skills at the same time! With the Answer Key also included, this helps you quickly and efficiently check your students work in a very short amount of time.
This freebie is part of this resource, click on the title to grab this resource for your students. Halloween Color By Number Addition and Subtraction Bundle.
This high interest black and white printable is great for seat work, homework, small group work, substitute teacher folders, sub tubs, the possibilities are endless!
This Halloween Color By Number Addition Printable Resource FREEBIE includes:
* One Page of Student Work Which Focuses on Different Mixed Addition Skills
* One Answer Key Too!
*** Terrific Teaching Tip ***
Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub or Homework!
This high interest Halloween Color By Number Addition Worksheet Freebie is perfect for…
- A Color By Number Gift Page
- A Halloween Party Activity
- Math Center Assignments
- Fine Motor Skills Work
- Small Math Group Lessons
- Math Workstations
- Morning Work Worksheet
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Indoor Recess
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Math Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Arrival Students
- Early Morning Tutoring
- Indoor Recess
- And so much more!
- Doris said, “Thank you this is perfect for Halloween! Learning can be fun!“
- Lindsay said, “Always looking for resources for my SPED kids to keep them interested in learning. This was a cute way to engage them.“
- Aiden and Caiden’s Mommy (TpT Seller) said, “Thank You and I will be using your products for years to come. I am a mom of 7 year twin boys. I love that teachers provide products and that they are teacher made. I was cyber schooling my boys for kindergarten but they have transitioned back to the local school. These are very useful and resourceful not only for teachers, future teachers and home school but for parents to work with their children after school and at home for extra practice. Learning does not stop when school ends and it is the parents responsibility to help their child to keep learning. So once again thank you so much!“
Terrific for your Emergency Substitute Folder for morning work, let the substitute teacher have a few minutes to read your plans while the children work on their addition and color!
MORE Halloween Resources for Your Students! Click on the titles to grab these resource for your students.
- Halloween Color By Number Addition and Subtraction Bundle
- Halloween Color By Number Addition
- Halloween Color By Number Subtraction
- Halloween Coloring Pages
Common Core State Standards
Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2).
Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on, making ten, decomposing a number leading to a ten, using the relationship between addition and subtraction, and creating equivalent but easier or known sums.
Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
Click here for ALL my Color By Number / Color By Code Resources!
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Resource Title: Halloween Color By Number Addition Freebie

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