FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Journal Prompts: Secret Identity All About Me Book w/Hidden Image Coloring (C-D)”
by Teacher’s Palette
3rd – 5th Grade

This is a free sample of an Autobiography Journaling Kit that makes a great keepsake gift to give parents at the end of the school year. In addition to giving students a fun way to practice paragraph development, it has hidden image coloring and personality quizzes that provide a colorful snapshot of the writer’s current memories and interests.
As an optional new spin on the typical All About Me/Getting to Know You activities, students will get to be writers as well as “detectives!” As writers, they will respond to specific autobiography topics by completing focused paragraphs, personality quizzes, hidden image coloring, short explanations, would-you-rather style “quirky questions,” and multiple choice items. As detectives, they will read other students’ autobiography responses and try to guess who wrote them! Teachers can use the individual handouts as a no prep writing activity, or have students compile all 26 sheets into a “mystery binder” for an ongoing writing & reading “guess-who” activity.
In case you choose to use this as a “guess who” activity, it comes with 40 individual Secret Agent names with student instructions, ready for you to hand out to each student. Instead of writing their names in their autobiography journals, students can write their assigned “Secret Agent Name.” There is also a form that students can put at the back of their autobiography binder, where other students who have read their book can write in a guess about who wrote it. As the students keep adding more material to their autobiography, their classmates can continue making guesses about whom it belongs to, so the fun continues all year long!
Each installment in this kit (AB, CD, etc.) provides students with six fun and unique ways to express themselves:
1—Focused Paragraphs – Each section has a specific paragraph topic, with helpful hints and suggestions to get students writing.
2—Hidden Image Coloring – Students get to choose their favorite among three things in a category before trying to find and color in their chosen hidden image. Everyone winds up with a unique, high-quality drawing that expresses their character.
3—Support-Your-Position – Students are asked to explain why they chose one activity or item over the other choices given (⇐ a fun way to practice essay-writing skills).
4—Multiple Choice Opinions – Students are prompted to consider multiple options and then narrow down their choice.
5—Personality Quizzes – These quizzes can be used just for fun, or to help teachers (and students) understand their preferred working style for more effective group work configurations. A “Color Tracker” makes it easy for students to look back at their responses to see if their personality type is mostly red, yellow, green, or blue.
6—“Quirky Questions” – These questions are written in the same spirit as the popular “Would-You-Rather” questions. Students will get a kick out of imagining unusual scenarios and stretching their minds to think about how they might react.
Your download includes sections C & D (“Classroom Favorites” and “Dreamy Destinations”). If you would like to purchase the entire A-Z bundle, please click here: All About Me Bundle by Teacher’s Palette
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