FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE! Celebrate Equality: Count and Write the Room! Martin Luther King, Jr.”
by Differentiation Station Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

FREE!! Celebrate Equality and Remember Martin Luther King, Jr.!
Write the Room! Count the Room!
This is an MLK / winter themed math center. It is perfect for preschool and Kindergarten, as well as, special education instruction. It is appropriate for the school and homeschool setting.
Objective: Students will actively move around the room to count the images in the pictures. Students will then write the correct numeral next to the matching letter on the recording sheet.
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Keywords: MLK, Martin Luther King, Jr., equality, doves, “I have a dream”, 1-10, “Write the Room”, counting, count, numbers, numerals, centers, games, printables, preschool, kindergarten, homeschool, special education, Differentiation Station Creations
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