Yearly Archives: 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Dictionary Skills Activity Dictionary Worksheet”

by Fourth Grade Frenzy
2nd – 4th Grade

Digging Through the Dictionary is a quick and easy way to incorporate dictionary skills into your day. Provide students with copies to use during morning work or centers. Students can look up spelling or vocabulary words from any subject. It is a simple, yet effective way to practice using a dictionary. Students can use an online dictionary or an old-school dictionary for this activity. Guide words could be skipped if using an online dictionary.

You may also like…

Spelling Activities for Any List of Words

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Fourth Grade Frenzy

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Studying Waves – How to Make a Wave Tank”

by STEAMWorks Consultancy
6th – 8th Grade

This wave tank is easy to make and uses readily available materials. Wave tanks are useful when studying waves because they allow learners to see wave behaviors.

This tank can be placed on an overhead projector and the light source pointed towards the ceiling.


Please visit my store for other hands-on science activities aligned with NGSS.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Writing Center Activities, Word Wall, Writing Prompts”

by 4LoveofLearning
1st – 2nd Grade

Your students will build confidence in their writing skills while working independently on these ready-to-go writing prompt activities with built in word lists. Save time and money by downloading this product you will reuse year after year.

This word wall writing prompt activity is free for the month of March only! I would love your feedback on this product!

This literacy center includes

1. Nine writing prompts pages and over 250 word wall words grouped into:

Sports, Feelings, People, Camping, Food, Days of the Week, Months, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, School, Places, Colors, Ordinal Numbers, Wild Animals, Farm Animals, Shapes, and Party Words.

2. A “My Favorite Words” page where students can record words they like to use often and need help spelling.

3. NIne fun pages with writing prompts (including an “About Me” cutting, pasting, and writing activity. This 2 page “About Me” activity is also offered as a freebie here.)

The “prompts” pages have pictures on the top that coordinate to the

pictures on the word cards. This will help students know which card to look for if they’re “stumped” for a word.

The mini word wall cards can be printed out on cardstock, cut in half, laminated, and put on a ring for easy reference for students during writing activities.

You may want to print them on colored cardstock to add visual appeal. (I’ve kept color to a minimum to save printer ink.)

You could make up several of these “rings” and pass them around during writing, or keep them at a designated Writing Center along with the Writing Prompts pages.

If you like this product you may also be interested in

Spelling Rules-Using C or K; Adding ING; CK Rule; Making Words Plural

Follow my store for more great learning products and a different free product every month!


and check out my blog 4loveoflearning.


Terms of Use:

This product is for personal classroom or homeschool use ONLY. You may not sell, share, or redistribute this product in any way (including electronically, posting it on the internet, or through a hard copy.)

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Current Electricity – Conductors and Insulators – What and Why”

by Elf Off the Shelf
5th – 9th Grade

This animated PowerPoint defines the terms conductor and insulator. It then takes students through designing a circuit to test a range of materials and a table in which to record their results. It includes a simple explanation of conductors and insulators in terms of low and high resistance. It also includes an interactive five question exit ticket quiz in which students answer A, B or C to each question by a show of hands or a card. This also provides instant feedback to the teacher on pupil progress.

Learning Outcomes

All will

  • Know that conductors conduct electricity.
  • Know that insulators do not conduct electricity.
  • Know that metals are conductors.
  • Know that non-metals are insulators .
  • Know that graphite is a non-metal that conducts.

Most Will

  • Be able to design a results table.
  • Be able to design a circuit to test whether materials conduct.
  • Be able to set up a circuit from sketches

Some will

  • Be able to explain why some materials are conductors and others are insulators.

This PowerPoint is also available as part of a a full resourced pack with 13 original and engaging pupil resources, answer PowerPoint and lesson plan.

Click here for more resources on electricity for middle school

Why not visit my store?

Elf Off the Shelf Resources

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Teaching Shakespeare Free Tips & Handouts”

by Tracee Orman
8th – 12th Grade

Teaching Shakespeare can be daunting, but I provide some great tips and handouts to make the process easier!

The first handout can be used with ANY play by William Shakespeare and will allow students to analyze and translate certain lines from the play and put them into their own words.

The other freebie included are mask templates that can be used with many of Shakespeare’s plays. It’s always fun to use props in class and these are a great way for students to show their creative side.

To read more, check out my blog post HERE.

Copyrighted and created by Tracee Orman

All Rights Reserved

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE PREVIEW – Grammar Skill of the Week – Print and Digital”

by Kristine Nannini
3rd – 6th Grade

This is a FREE two weeks of my Grammar Skill of the Week resource.

Get the entire resource HERE!


Use this resource to help your students review and practice a new grammar skill each week. It offers quick daily practice that you can implement as part of your morning routine, reading block, or any other transition time throughout the day when you have a few extra minutes.

Grammar Skill of the Week includes 62 weeks of content that you can use for the entire year. You can cover topics in order, or you can pick and choose topics based on your students’ prior knowledge and areas of need. Each grammar skill includes the following:

Day 1: Learn

Day 2: Practice

Day 3: Practice

Day 4: Writing Prompt

Day 5: Show What You Know

Organization of This Resource:

This resource will help you target a specific grammar skill in the most timely and effective way possible. Each week is set up exactly the same to promote a strong and predictable routine that works best for students.

Day 1: Learn

Students rate their level of understanding before starting the skill:

4 = I can do this on my own, explain how to to do it, and teach others.

3 = I can do it without help and show I understand.

2 = I can do it with help or examples in front of me, but I may make mistakes.

1 = I’m starting to get it but still confused.

0 = Even with help, I don’t understand or can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

After students rate their understanding, they start the first day with lesson notes and examples that teach the grammar skill. These lesson notes are all written in student-friendly language to encourage students to work independently. After reading through the lesson and examples, students will complete practice questions to reinforce the skill they just learned. You can allow students to work on this section independently or do it together as a class.

Day 2 & 3: Practice

On the second and third day, students practice the skill with a variety of engaging questions, activities, games, riddles, and more. Based on students’ level of understanding, you can allow them to work independently or together as a class.

Day 4: Write

The ultimate goal of grammar instruction is to get students to naturally incorporate the skill in their speech and writing.On this day, students will do just that. They will respond to a writing prompt that requires them to transfer their knowledge of the skill they’ve learned and practiced.

Day 5Show What You Know

Assess students on the grammar skill of the week. The assessment includes questions of varying difficulty so that you can get an accurate picture of student understanding. Finally, have students rate their level of understanding after completing the assessment.

Grammar Skills Included in the FULL Resource:


•Basic Nouns

•Common Nouns vs. Proper Nouns

•Singular vs. Plural Nouns

•Irregular Plural Nouns

•Possessive Nouns

•Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns


•Basic Verbs

•Subject-Verb Agreement

•Simple Verb Tense

•Main and Helping Verbs

•Perfect Verb Tense

•Progressive Verb Tense

•Irregular Verbs

•Linking Verbs


•Basic Adjectives

•Order of Adjectives

•Common vs. Proper Adjectives


•Comparative and Superlative Adjectives


•Basic Adverbs

•Comparative vs. Superlative Adverbs

•Relative Adverbs

•Avoiding Double Negatives


•Basic Pronouns

•Pronoun Antecedent

•Subject and Object Pronouns

•Reflexive Pronouns

•Pronoun-Verb Agreement

•Possessive Pronouns

•Relative Pronouns


•Basic Prepositions

•Prepositional Phrases


•Coordinating Conjunctions

•Subordinating Conjunctions

•Correlative Conjunctions




•Sentence Types

•Subjects and Predicates

•Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences

•Run-on Sentences and Fragments


•Capitalizing Proper Nouns

•Capitalizing Titles of Work


•End Punctuation with Sentence Types

•Commas in Dates and Locations

•Commas in Items in a Series

•Commas in Compound Sentences

•Commas in a Direct Address, Yes and No, and Tag Questions

•Commas After Introductory Elements

•Punctuating Dialogue

•Form and Use Possessive Apostrophe

•Punctuating Titles of Work




Figurative Language




•Adages and Proverbs

Word Meanings

•Synonyms and Antonyms

•Shades of Meaning

•Dictionary Skills


Language Conventions

•Formal vs. Informal Language


**A digital version is also included for use with Google Classroom.** 

With the digital version, you have the option to go 100% paperless.


*As always, please ask ANY and ALL questions before purchasing. Thank you so much! Thank you, and enjoy! 

Click ★HERE★ to follow my store and be notified when new products are uploaded.

All new resources are on sale for the first 24-48 hours!

★ Please note: If you are having difficulty with this file, please visit the FAQs sectionsubmit a help ticket, or ask me a question on the Q&A tab before leaving feedback.

Copyright© 2021 Kristine Nannini

All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Lowercase b/d Poster”

by Katie Jones
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Are your students struggling to know the difference between a lowercase b and a lowercase d? Here is a new strategy to help them remember this tricky letter reversal.

Have students correspond each finger to a letter: a, b, c, d, or e. Students can then visualize the “stick” for either the ‘b’ or ‘d,’ and then see which direction on their hand they have space to make the circle.

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by London Calling Designs
2nd – 8th Grade

There are 35 sentences to exercises linking words with your ESL and EFL students. Key is included. It is great to use with your teenage and adult students. If you have additional questions, please let me know at [email protected]

Happy teaching!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Practice Powerpoint for Numbers 1-10 Preschool, Kindergarten, Special Ed”

by Miss Allison’s SpEd Spot
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This Digital Number Practice Powerpoint is a simple, repetitive warm-up activity for any numeration lesson. Project on a whiteboard or screen share during remote learning and students will practice identifying the number in various order and colors.

For more information on how I used this resource in my classroom check out this blog post: Teaching Numeration to Students with Moderate-Intensive Needs

For additional resources for teaching numeration check out these additional resources:

Earn TPT credits for leaving feedback!

Leaving feedback helps me develop activities and tools that my followers need and also allows you to earn credits which you can use on future purchases.

© Miss Allison’s SpEd Spot

Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to only single classroom use only. If you would like to share this with a friend or colleague, please ask them to visit my store and download the file directly.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Using Mental Math to Make Numbers Using Number Tiles FREE”

by Scipi – Science and Math
4th – 6th Grade

This FREE math resource contains hands-on, problem solving activities for grades 4-6 and is online interactive ready. It features number tile math puzzles that provide practice in mental arithmetic, operations with numbers while at the same time encouraging logical reasoning and creativity, all in a game-like setting. Furthermore, they are a powerful tool for teaching students basic addition skills since each row, column, and diagonal must add up to be the same sum.

Number tiles are arranged in such a manner that the sum of the tiles that form each straight line of the number equal the same sum. The designated sum for the number is written on each page as well as the specific number tiles to be used. Both of the number puzzles have more than one answer; so, students are challenged to find a variety of solutions.

The activities require that the students use each number tile only once. However, some of the activities will not require the use of all ten tiles; so, reading and following the directions before beginning each Magic Number puzzle is important. Answer recording sheets are provided for the student as well as possible solutions for the teacher. A Number Tile Keeper in addition to a blackline of the number tiles is located at the end of this resource.

Your students might also enjoy:

You can also purchase a Number Tile Math Bundle to save money:

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Zoo Animals – Non-Fiction, Leveled Reading Passages + graphic organizers PREVIEW!”

by Ainsley Karl
1st – 3rd Grade

A FREE preview of my non-fiction zoo passages!

Do you have a zoo unit? Add these non-fiction passages to your day for a fun and engaging activity!

Use these for close reads, examining tough vocabulary and reading multiple times as you fill in the provided graphic organizers.

2 passages – a high & a low. Both have similar content and are in the same format so they can be given to a group. The lower passage has less words, simpler vocabulary and broader facts. The higher passage has more advanced vocabulary and more specific details

Please download the preview for a 1 complete set free . This will help you to gauge if these will work with your students. Student reading levels can vary significantly. We’ve all had those groups who come in much higher or lower than you’d expected. *The preview cover is in black and white due to the limits TPT places on preview file sizes!

Included, and customized with a header, for each animal:

⁕ 3 Graphic Organizers ⁕
“Can / have / are “
“5 things I learned”
“3 things I learned”

⁕ 2 Writing papers ⁕
Blank lined page to write & draw a picture
A fill in the blank style page to write important facts & also draw a picture

Animals include:
polar bears

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Fact Jenga”

by School House Rap
1st Grade

I watched a video by Hope King and she discusses how she incorporates Jenga in the classroom. We played as part of our Camp-Out day and review basic math facts and a few other concepts (greater/less than, skip counting, place value). I was able to find small sets of the wooden blocks at the dollar store.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Area and Perimeter Tiling Unit Squares Task Cards | Distributive Property”

by Tessa Maguire
3rd – 4th Grade

Introduce students to finding the Area & Perimeter of rectangles in its simplest form with these Area and Perimeter Tiling Unit Squares Task Cards. These open-ended task cards can be used to practice either area OR perimeter of rectangles. They intentionally do not have directions on the cards and the recording sheet allowing you to identify what students should do.

• 1 set of 24 task cards

• Recording sheet

• Answer key

This product includes 1 set of task cards as well as a recording sheet with a mustache theme. The answer key includes answers for both area and perimeter. These task cards are perfect for Scoot and Solve the Rooms as students practice area and perimeter of rectangles.

DISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY- This product also demonstrates the distributive property as students decompose the shape into smaller parts and then add them together (area as additive). You may also be interested in my Distributive Property task cards to practice this skill without the area model.

Other Area & Perimeter Products:
★ Area and Perimeter Task Cards Bundle

★ Area and Perimeter Story Problems Task Cards

★ Area & Perimeter of Rectilinear Figures Task Cards

★ Area and Perimeter Task Cards

★ Missing Side Lengths Area & Perimeter Task Cards

★ Elving Around: An Area & Perimeter Unit

The other 3rd Grade Mustache Math Task Cards:
★ Elapsed Time
★ Addition & Subtraction
★ Multiplication & Division Picture & Array Representations
★ Multiplication & Division Facts Task Cards
★ Multiplication & Division Groupings Tables Task Cards

CLICK HERE to follow me and be notified of future products as soon as they are posted.


Copyright © Tessa Maguire.

Purchase is for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product with colleagues.
You may not redistribute, edit, sell, or otherwise post this product on the internetYou may, however, post a link for others to purchase themselves.

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by Teaching Second Grade
1st – 3rd Grade

Earth Day ABC Order

I am happy to offer this freebie to you:)

If you like this, then please check out my Spring Printables Pack:

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free My Earth Day Pledge Printable”

by Planerium
3rd – 5th Grade

FREE Earth Day Students’ Pledge for higher grades in elementary school. This product includes a colorful and black and white version. Ready to print in .pdf file. Letter size.


After you download the resource, click the red Create Digital Activity button.

More Earth Day products:


*Feedback and Followers*

Click the GREEN ★ to follow my store and get notifications of new products and freebies! Receive credit for future TpT purchases by reviewing this product. If you like this product, please leave a review on the product page or through “My Purchases” under “My Account” at TpT.


*Terms of Use*


By purchasing and/or downloading this digital file, you agree to the terms of use as stated below. For personal use/single classroom use only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, sold, or edited without direct permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Act. To purchase additional sharing licenses, please visit my store. All contents of this document are under copyright protection, including all text, graphics, contents, and fonts. All graphics and fonts are also protected by copyright by their original author/artist.


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If you have any suggestions/constructive criticism, please contact us!

Thank you for being interested in our Product!

Hope to see you again!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Classroom Lesson on Empathy: Walking In Other Peoples’ Shoes”

by Whimsy in School Counseling
7th – 12th Grade

Empathy? What’s that?! Oh, you mean that thing where people should consider what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes? **Insert obligatory comment from students wanting to trade shoes.**

This lesson provides a nice, brief concrete activity to help demystify that abstract life skill we call empathy. Every student completes a short, shoe-themed activity. These are then collected and randomly redistributed. With your superpowers of facilitation, this brief lesson becomes one of those profound ‘lightbulb moments’ that make a difference for individual students and for your school climate.

Pro-tip: If you are teaching this lesson to a large number of classes, for example, every freshman homeroom, the entire school, every health class, etc., collecting these finished worksheets and using them in a hall display or bulletin board creates a powerful display, and also increases interest in the lesson scholars will be participating in.

This download includes lesson plans, a shoe-themed version of a short activity sheet scholars will complete as part of this lesson, and suggested discussion topics, PLUS a virtual version of this lesson and a self-grading virtual exit ticket!

ASCA Standards: B-SS 4, B-SS 10.


This resource last updated on: 10/22/2022.

Thank you to Mae Hates Mondays for the lovely clipart on the cover of this listing! Thank you to The Design Shop by D SalemEduclips, and Flapjack Educational Resources for the clipart in the video of this listing!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free Earth Day Vocabulary Word Search No Prep”

by The Tools to Teach LLC
4th – 6th Grade

Free Earth Day worksheet. This science word search contains 21 vocabulary words with little to no prep. Penny Inman (TpT Seller) said, “Great little filler activity for my students who love word searches. Helps with tracking and vocabulary and spelling.” Happy Earth Day!

Free Earth Day vocabulary words include altitude, botanical, continent, dam,

ecology, fertile, groundwater, hydrology, irrigation, litter, methane, nature, ozone, prehistoric, quake, recycle, sustainable, temperature, ultraviolet, volcanoes and wind power.

Why use word searches? Word searches have multiple uses because they promote an interactive way for students to practice vocabulary and review skills. Students discover topics together in a large group, small group and even independently. Now word searches are also helpful for sensory learners who benefit from a game style approach to learning.

Hurry! Be sure to follow my store because you will receive free UPDATES and occasionally secret free surprises. If you would like to see more of my resources, please follow me by clicking on the star near my name.

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Discover even more new resources and look for CUSTOM CATEGORIES on my store pages and select a subject.

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers educational and inspirational classroom decor and banners

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers who doesn’t love free stuff?

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers science product

Keywords: altitude, botanical, continent, dam, ecology, fertile, groundwater,

hydrology, irrigation, litter, methane, nature, ozone, prehistoric, quake, recycle,

sustainable, temperature, ultraviolet, volcanoes, wind power, science,

vocabulary, terminology, printable, worksheet, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, middle school, Earth Day, reduce, reuse, recycle

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Addition and Subtraction within 25 | Cut and Glue”

by Celeste Cuevas – The Education Highway
1st – 2nd Grade

Addition and subtraction practice. Students will work with equations within 25. They will cut, sort their answers and then glue them for each equation. Included are two addition, two subtraction, and one true and false equations sort worksheets.

Other products you may be interested in:

Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping

Autumn Math Printables and Centers

Halloween Math Printables

Winter Math Printables and Centers

September Cut and Glue Interactive Workbook

August Cut and Glue Interactive Workbook

August Interactive Math Notebook

Morning Work Super Hero Buddies

Math Morning Work Gingerbread Friends

Math Morning Work Polar Bear Friends

Hope this product brings a smile to your day!

Celeste Cuevas

The Education Highway

Stop by and visit us Facebook and Instagram

Copyright (c) 2019 Celeste Cuevas, The Education Highway. All rights reserved by author.

I appreciate your feedback!

If you have a question or comment email [email protected]

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Horizons Lesson 23 Plurals”

by Rikki Lee
1st – 3rd Grade

Reading Horizons introduces these three ways of making plurals in Lesson 23. It doesn’t include ch or sh. This visual is to be used when you’re teaching Chapter 2 Lesson 23.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE – 4 Environment / Earth Day coloring BOOKMARKS”

by Pick’n Teach
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

These are 4 FREE coloring BOOKMARKS for Earth Day.

❤ 1 PDF document

➽ Environment / Earth Day – Conversation cards / Task cards -PRINTABLE version

➽ Environment / Earth Day – Conversation cards / Task cards – DIGITAL & PRINTABLE

➽ FREE – 2 environment ACROSTIC POEMS


➽ My store.


★ Please let me know if you have any questions before you make your purchase, I am happy to help!

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★ ★ ★ You can receive credit toward future purchases by reviewing this resource so if you like it, just leave a review through “My Purchases”. I would love and appreciate your feedback! Thank you! ☛ TPT


Terms of Use:

Permission to copy for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Thank you for respecting my work and time ❤.

Credits included.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “London and New York. Reading comprehension and grammar practice”

by Fun monkey bars
2nd – 5th Grade

  • Reading comprehension about London and New York.
  • Grammar practice using comparative and superlative adjectives.
  • Writing: Students turn to write about another city and show it to the class
  • Game (in another file matching with these activities)

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Poster: How to Choose a Book (FREE)”

by Jessica Osborne
2nd – 11th Grade

Choosing Books – Students are always asking how to pick a good book. I created this poster to hang over my classroom library. It’s available with a printer friendly white background, or with a fun polka dot green, blue, or pink. Enjoy!

Click HERE to see all my posters.

You may be interested in my Writing and Grammar Poster BUNDLE: All My Posters Discounted!

© 2013 Jessica Osborne. All rights reserved.
By copyright law, the download of this product entitles one teacher the use of the digital and printed files for a single classroom. Files are not to be shared or published (including being displayed on a website) in any way without direct permission from the author: [email protected]

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport Digital Task Cards | Distance Learning”

by The Lab with Liezel Pienaar
8th – 11th Grade

This set of 16 digital task cards is a great way to review Cell Transport (diffusion, osmosis & active transport). These include a variety of activities – not just multiple choice! They are created in Google Forms and will work equally well in the classroom or as an online learning activity.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Multisyllabic Words Speech Kites Craft – Freebie”

by The SLT Scrapbook
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

This FREE No Prep Speech Kites craft for multisyllabic words will make such a fun addition to your bank of therapy activities!

Have fun practicing speech sounds, crafting and flying kites with 3 pages of activities, covering multisyllabic words (one page each for 2, 3 and 4 syllable words). There are 14 targets for each sound/position.

Liked this freebie? Why not check out our Money Saving Speech & Language Kites Bundle
Please note, if you have purchased this bundle already, please do not buy this pack as you will already own it. Thank you.

Print the desired pages, then grab crayons, scissors, straws, string and tape, and you’re all set!
Making the kite is really easy too and there are picture instructions provided.

This pack is great for Speech and Language Therapy sessions all year young! It is ideal for homework too, as all instructions and targets are included on each page!

Pg 4- 2-syllable words
Pg 5- 3-syllable words
Pg 6- 4-syllable words

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Grade 2 EnVisions Math Lesson 2-2 Inspired Power Point Lesson”

by Kristin Jason
2nd Grade

Free! It’s time to learn doubles facts! Do you use the Grade 2 EnVisions math curriculum? You may enjoy enhancing the curriculum with this Power Point. The Power Point teaches
Lesson 2-2 of Topic 2, which is Doubles Facts. It includes
* Warm-up problems
* Literature suggestions to integrate literacy/reading into math
* Think and Write to integrate writing and real-life math
* Explanations of each property with examples
* Practice problems which can be done on communicators/slates

Download for free today as a sample of what is in my Power Point presentations for the Grade 2 EnVisions curriculum.

If you like this product, consider buying the Topic 2 complete Power Point lesson series along with the whole Grade 2 EnVisions series in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, Kristin Jason!

Grade 2 Envisions Math Topic 2 Power Point Lessons

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Trig Identity Find It! Game FREE”

by The Enlightened Elephant
7th – 12th Grade

This game helps students practice identifying the basic trig identities; reciprocal identities, quotient identities and pythagorean identities.

Students work in pairs to find equal identity expressions before their opponent. Includes 2 game boards.

You might also like these other PreCalculus and Trig resources and activities:
Precalculus and Trigonometry Resources

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Early Language Ideas for Home in Spanish – Early Intervention Speech Therapy”

by The SLT Scrapbook
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This free early intervention resource in Spanish was designed for speech therapists to share with parents, as a way to support parents to use language strategies during play and daily routines at home.

There are four play ideasthree daily routines, and two additional activities outlined in this resource, alongside 10 language strategies. The activities suggested have been chosen as they are common toys/activities that are done in the home environment, and can be easily supported through parent-coaching therapy and distance learning.


Pg. 4- Language Strategies- at a glance

Pg. 5- Language Strategies- useful tips

Pgs 6-7- Speech & Language Skills during play

Pg. 8- Speech & Language Skills during daily routines

Pg. 9- Speech & Language Skills during songs and rhymes, & books.

Other Early Intervention Resources you may like…

Please note- the ideas outlined in this resource are intended to be used alongside therapist advice, and are in no way intended to be a replacement for ongoing therapeutic intervention. If you are a parent and you are concerned about your child’s speech and language development, please seek an evaluation by a qualified Speech-Language Pathologist.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Shepherd Who Cried Wolf”

by One Room Schoolhouse
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is perfect for your unit on Fables. The Tortoise and the Hare is one of Aesop’s famous fables and is perfect for your learners. This unit will allow students to work on their comprehension skills.

This resource is loaded into Seesaw and ready to go. All of the directions and text are read aloud to students. This file is completely NO PREP.


You must have a Seesaw account to use this product.

More Information:

See the preview to see all of the slides included. The first slide has a link to the fable on YouTube. If your school blocks YouTube, then you will NOT be able to use this resource. All directions and text are read aloud to students.

Ways to Use:

  • Small-Group instruction
  • Intervention
  • Independent work
  • Virtual Learning
  • Centers or Workstations

You might also be interested in these products:

Nonfiction/Expository Writing for Seesaw

Digital Phonics for Seesaw: Match it. Short Vowels

Short i Letterboxes FREEBIE for Seesaw

Don’t forget to follow my store to know when new units are posted. Click HERE to follow me.

Thanks so much,


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Easter Number Flashcards 0-20”

by Linda’s Loft for Little Learners
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

FREE!!! Reinforce number recognition, counting, or sequencing with these adorable Easter Number Flashcards 0-20. Flashcards can be used for individual and small group instruction or for assessment purposes. Use manipulatives such as jelly beans, candy eggs, etc. to practice creating sets for each number. Children will love the Easter theme.

If desired, make two copies and have children match numbers that are the same.


You may also like:

Acorn Number Flashcards

Other Easter counting resources:

Easter Preschool Math Printables

Easter Number Recognition and Counting

Find more Easter resources HERE.



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Thank you so much for browsing at Linda’s Loft for Little Learners.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spring Clipart Freebie–Chirping Chicks”

by Teacher’s Palette
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

••• Spring Chicks Clipart••Easter Clip Art••Chicks for Covers and/or Coloring •••
This 9-image Spring clipart set includes 8 colored chicks (shown) and 1 blackline version. They can be used for commercial, personal, or classroom purposes.

All images are PNG files (with no annoying background squares), so shadows can easily be added, and the images can be layered into multiple resources. You are free to use them for personal or commercial use (no credit necessary). Please click on the Preview button above to see more details about the Terms of Use.

You might also like: Spring Clipart: Funny Bunnies

Note: This is a zip file. Before purchasing, please be sure that you are able to open zip files.

©Teacher’s Palette, 2016

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