Category Archives : 1st Grade

FREE MATH LESSON – “Compose Your Shape”

by Spinning a Yarn In First
1st Grade

With this fun freebie, your student will begin to create new shapes using other 2D shapes. This is a great way to introduce composing 2D and 3D shapes from other 2D shapes.

Defining Attributes 1.G.A.1 Interactive game

Equal or Not? Meaning of the Equal Sign with Mixed Operations

All of my Interactive Games

Want to see more? Check out my other products!–> Spinning a Yarn in First


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Please go to your “My Purchases” page. Beside each purchase, you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback immensely, as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom, so I can create more for you.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “CVC Words Reading Intervention Literacy Center Short A Words FREE”

by Carrberry Creation
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Reinforce your students short vowels study with this hands on short vowels literacy center! These centers are simple to set up, and engaging for students.

Easy to Use!

Just print 1 copy on cardstock for durability, cut and fold. Place in your literacy center for students to use. When in the center, students will choose a card try to read the word and then lift the flap to see a picture of the word’s meaning.

This Short A Resource is also included in my read and peek short vowels center BUNDLE

Supports student reading independence!

The photos on each card make checking their own reading easy and fun. Year after year this is one of my students’ favorite centers.

Related Resources:

⭐ Alphabet Posters BUNDLE for Pineapples Classroom Decor

⭐ Dolch Sight Words Assessment Kit

⭐ Informational Text Center: Graphic Organizers for Student Magazines

Don’t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases. I love that feedback!

Also, follow me and be notified when new products are uploaded. New products are always discounted for the first 24 hours they are posted. Followers get the best deals!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions through my store or on my blog at

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Fluency and Comprehension Boom Cards™ – Distance Learning”

by Mrs Thompson’s Treasures
1st – 2nd Grade

Try these digital guided reading leveled Boom Cards™ for some online comprehension practice!

This free deck includes a short story (guided reading level G) and comprehension questions.

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Play,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options, you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Compare And Contrast Venn Diagram Freebie with Poster”

by Third Grade to the Core
Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Comparing and Contrasting is a skill that students will use in any grade level. This Sheet is a great way to get them to organize their thoughts. It comes with a poster that you can print, laminate, and display in your classroom!

If you like this product, please leave a fair rating!! Thanks so much for downloading!
Happy Teaching!
Third Grade to the Core

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FRENCH Distance Learning Spring Listen & Repeat, Listen & Find”

by Inspiring French Immersion
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Learn French Spring vocabulary with these interactive BOOM cards!

– Listen & Repeat Springtime Vocabulary

– Listen & find the vocabulary word

Downloaded file includes a link to BOOM cards. A free BOOM Learning account is required to access these interactive cards.

Have fun! 🙂

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Puzzle Border”

by Mrs Lena
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Freebie – Puzzle Border
png file format

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Freebie Days of the Week and Months PreK-K Practice Worksheet GOOGLE Version”

by Grasshopper Mathematics
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Days of the Week and Months of the Year

Freebie version that includes 4 of the 35 pages of days of the week and months of the year practice! Includes colored pieces that you can cut out and line up in the right order, tracing sheets that are also color coded and several fill in the blank sheets. In the full version all sheets start out color coded for each particular day of the week or month of the year and then also include black and white when the child becomes proficient with the colored reminders. 

***Purchase full version here.

***Full version included in this Prek Google Bundle

->Seasons and Weather Practice

->Upper and Lower Case Tracing

Please rate my products and leave comments so that I can improve them! I try to update at least one product a week but with a comment, I can edit that document that day! If the product doesn’t have an answer key and should, please reach out. Within a week, I can update the product for you! I am working my way towards updating everything and offering my best products but I also want to share everything just in case someone needs that product this school year. Thank you for considering my products, free or not, and consider reviewing, following and checking for new material!

Clip art\:

Kelley / CC BY (

Kelley / CC BY (

See my similar work:

-> How Many Are Left??

-> Counting Practice with Dice

Other unique products:

Competency Recovery Project

RTI Spreadsheet for Success

Student Retake Plan/Contract

Follow me for notifications of sales and occasionally for free products!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Dice Digits Place Value Game”

by Engage and Inspire
1st – 4th Grade

A hands on, easily differentiated center game to review place value!

Laminate and students can use dry erase to circle the rules they wish to play by each round.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Earth Day Math – Patterns”

by D Conway
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Kindergarten and first grade students can strengthen their patterning skills with this Earth Day patterning activity. Perfect for use in a math station and a great way to combine science, ecology and math. Both color and grayscale versions are included.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Pig the Pug Directed Draw”

by SchaafShenanigans
1st – 5th Grade

Use this Pig the Pug directed drawing activity to pair with any Pig the Pug book by Aaron Blabey. To turn it into a Pig the Winner drawing have students finish by drawing a 1st place medal around his neck!

Your kiddos will love recreating “Pig” and his grumpy pug face.

When they are finished they can use crayons, markers, or watercolors to color him in!

This directed drawing set includes one page with pictures only and 3 pages with pictures and instruction. Feel free to use this product for distance learning if desired!

This is an advanced directed drawing made for students that have done directed drawings before.

Take a look at my other free directed drawings for a simpler first directed draw:

Caterpillar Directed Draw

Bumblebee Directed Draw

Easy Chick Directed Draw

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “STEM Challenge: Creating the Longest Chain”

by Science and STEAM Team
1st – 3rd Grade

This is an easy STEM activity for elementary grades. Students will work in groups to complete the longest chain! There is a challenge sheet that clearly states the challenge; including the materials needed. There is also an engineering and design process recording sheet for groups to use when planning and improving their designs. This a sample of one of the activities in our Family STEM/ STEAM Night Package.

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Related Products

⭐ Family STEM Night All-Inclusive Package!

⭐ Family STEM/STEAM Challenges with SAMMIE STEAM!

⭐ STEM Challenges for the Whole Year Money Saving Bundle

⭐ STEM / STEAM Lab Posters

⭐ STEM / STEAM Lab Materials Request Letter

⭐ Insects – Build a Bug STEM / STEAM Challenge and Informational Posters

⭐ BUNDLE of Brick Building STEM Challenges for the Whole Year

⭐ STEAM Night Participation Awards

⭐ STEM Night Participation Awards

⭐ What is STEAM? A Parent Handout

⭐ What is STEM? A Parent Handout

Customer Tips:

How to get TpT credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TpT gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Short A CVC Boom Cards™ for Distance Learning | Science of Reading | Phonics”

by EduTunes With Miss Jenny
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Introducing the “Blend it, Read it, Type it, Tap it™” short a Boom Card™ set. Children learn the Science of Reading phonics strategy of blending sounds to make CVC words. They also type the words and tap on the matching illustration. Please click HERE to see a preview of these cards in action.

This set is great for independent or small group practice. It complements my Alphabet Chants and Sound Quiz decks. You can find a related song, “ABC Fun,” on my blog. You also may want to try these related materials:

Phonics Time

Early Reading

Alphabet Bundle


Boom Cards™ are truly incredible. They can be done on iPads, computers, Chromebooks, or cell phones. They are also compatible with Seesaw and Google Classroom.

  • Click HERE for a quick video to learn more about Boom Learning.
  • Click HERE to see how to use Boom Cards with SeeSaw.
  • HERE is a tutorial about using Boom Cards with Google Classroom.

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details: If you choose not to stay on a premium account after your free trial, you will still be able to assign all your Boom Cards to as many students as you see fit using Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading).


PowerPoint™ is a  registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.  Apple iPad™ is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Google™, Chromebook™, Google Drive™, Google Docs™, and Google Classroom™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc.  Seesaw ™ is a registered trademark of Seesaw Learning, Inc. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered trademarks of their respective holders. EduTunes® With Miss Jenny/Jennifer Kramer is not sponsored by, affiliated with, or endorsed by the above corporations and/or their trademarked products and services.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE – Cheese Please! Colorful Doodle Mice”

by KB Konnected
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Includes 4 mice and 1 cheese.

Line art is also included!

10 png images – 300dpi

Commercial use welcome on products and freebies. Just give credit as stated in TOU. Thanks!!!

You may also like these other doodle collections.
Whoo Loves Fall? Mix & Match Collection
Halloween Doodle Kit (Papers, Frames and Characters)
Doodle Banners
Happy Doodle Leaves

FREEBIE – Cheese Please! Colorful Doodle Mice by Kb…Konnected is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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by Clever Teaching Resources
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

This is the free version of
Los geht’s 1 – Grundschul Arbeitsbuch

With this great German Workbook your kids can learn first German words and sentences.
Test the Freebie before you purchase the full version.

For more information
Let’s connect:

Coming soon:

Los geht’s 2 – Grundschul Arbeitsbuch

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Learn Swahili : Days Of The Week”

by Swahili Magic
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy this free video that teaches the Days of the Week in Swahili. Your students will get practice in both the vocabulary and pronunciation of the words. 

Use this free video alongside my print and go activity set with 8 fun and engaging activities.  This will give you everything you need to teach the Days of the Week in Swahili! Save valuable planning time with this free video and matching activity set.

Also see my related products:

Thank you for visiting my shop!

Swahili Magic

Follow me here and click the green star!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Daily Lesson Plan Template”

by The Underrated Teacher
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This editable lesson plan template is completely editable and customizable for any subject area!

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by Happy Days in First Grade
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Practice counting syllables with your students by clapping each word on this sign with your students!

This resource is part of the
Syllables (Signs, Games, & Activities K-1st Packet).

-What is a Syllable Explanation Sign
-Signs for Examples of 1, 2, 3, and 4-syllable Words with Graphics
-Clap & Count the Syllables Sign for Group Instruction
-Sort the Syllables with Colorful Cards for Whole Group or Center Activity
-Roll & Count Game
-Cut & Sort the Syllables
-Syllable Count Foldable

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by The Education Highway
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Write facts about rabbits. Quick and easy to put together for students. It includes a rabbit reading passage, booklets, bulletin board activity and more.

This Resource Includes

Interactive Notebook:

Rabbits real photo with writing flap

Reading passage about rabbits

Quick Facts about rabbits flaps

Tabs for Facts about Rabbits

-Rabbits are, rabbits have, rabbits can, rabbits live,

rabbits live.

Writing booklets flaps:

Facts about Rabbits (primary and standard lines)

Easter bunny Bulletin board writing activity with flaps

Writing Paper:

primary and standard lines

Story Map:

for any story: Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution

Other Product you may be Interested in:

St. Patrick’s Day Beginning Sounds

St. Patrick’s Day Grade 2 Math Printables

St. Patrick’s Day Grade 2 Math and Literacy

I appreciate your feedback!

If you have a comment or questions email [email protected]

Hope this product brings a smile to your day!

Celeste Cuevas

The Education Highway

Stop by and visit us Instagram or Facebook

Copyright (c) 2017 Celeste Cuevas, The Education Highway. All rights reserved by author.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Literacy Craftivity | Distance Learning”

by That Fun Reading Teacher
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This fun Easter Song and Movement Craftivity is displayed on a colorful, decorative poster, and based on the tune of the Hokey-Pokey.

Have your students put on their bunny ears and fluffy tails while they follow the actions of The Bunny Hop!

A blackline master is included for student copies, along with a fun coloring sheet to wish someone special a Happy Easter!

Thank you in advance, to those of you who generously take the time to leave feedback!

Happy Easter from me, to you! 🙂

Other Spring resources:

More Early Literacy!


☆Followers’ Fave FREEBIES!☆

Let’s connect!

Thank you for visiting my store! Please direct any questions you may have on the Q and A page of my store (by clicking my name at the top right), or email me at [email protected].

Pop by for a visit on:

my blog – That Fun Reading



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How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Log in and go to your My Purchases page. Click the Provide Feedback button, where you will be linked to the page to leave a rating and short comment for the product.

Be the first to know about my new products, discounts and freebies:

• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive email updates about ThatFunReadingTeacher on TpT!

Easter literacy | Easter bunny DPA | Easter bunny hop | Easter song and movement | fun Easter activity | early literacy for Easter | Easter craft

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Easter Counting to 10 Puzzles – FREE – for Google Classroom DISTANCE LEARNING”

by Cherry Workshop
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Easter Counting Puzzles for Google Classroom
Google Classroom Activity
Counting to 10 Google Activity
Easter Google Slides Counting
Digital Activities for Kindergarten


• 10 slides with egg puzzles

• 2 movable puzzle pieces – with 10 frames


This resource can be used with Google Slides through Google Classroom at school for homework or you as a distance learning activity. Make sure your kids can use a resource for Google Slides by trying a freebie first. Here are some freebies for Google Slides.


EASTER activities for Google Classroom:
Easter CVC Activity for Google Classroom
FREE Counting to 10 Easter Activity for Google Classroom
Addition within 10 Activity for Google Classroom

Letter of the week activities for Google Classroom

Sight Words activities for Google Classroom
Counting activities for Google Classroom
Greater than less than activities for Google Classroom
Shapes activities for Google Classroom

SEE ALL Google Slides Resources for Kindergarten in my Store – HERE

Happy Teaching!

Happy Teaching! © 2018 Google LLC, used with permission. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

Cherry Workshop © is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc. Distance Learning Distance Learning Kindergarten Activities for Google Classroom Activities for Google Slides

tags: distancelearningmathk distancelearningseasonalmathk

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “April Fools Day JOKE Word Search”

by Almost Friday
1st – 3rd Grade

April Fools is a great, light-hearted day, so it’s a lot of fun in elementary school. Your students will be so surprised that this cute little spring word search is a complete joke! I always try to keep a straight face (but it’s so hard!) as I pass out their word search. I make sure I haven’t mentioned anything about April Fools Day before I give this to them, so of course I give it to them first thing in the morning! It’s such a fun way to start our April Fools Day full of giggles and smiles. Gotcha!

This joke word search is set up to resemble an actual spring-themed worksheet, but the words in the word bank are nowhere to be found!

  • One exception: April.
  • Your clever students will find that the term “April” actually extends to form the term April Fools Day!

Enjoy this April Fools Day freebie, and have a fantastic day with your students!

Don’t forget to leave feedback! I love hearing how you use my resources in your class.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Wordsearch Freebie”

by Little Learner Toolbox
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Have some Easter fun with your students with this freebie which contains: An Easter Wordsearch AND Unscramble the Easter Words!

**These activities are sample activities from my 37 page Easter Activity Pack. This pack also includes:

– 5 morning work / worksheets:
including math, jumbled sentences,
read, write, color and cut activities
– 2 ‘Solve the problem, find the number & color’ pictures (addition & subtraction)
– Draw the chick
– 2 cut and solve Easter puzzle pages
– 7 page Easter mini book
– Easter Word Family Sheets
: – ick, – op, – un
: Sort the word families – ick & – op
– Happy Easter & March coloring pages
– Make Easter popsicle puppets
– Rainbow Dash Board Game
Collect eggs to fill the Easter Bunny’s basket!

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by Kennedy’s Korner
1st – 5th Grade

Easter Basket FREEBIE ~ Includes directions for the Teacher and a letter to send home to parents.

Have fun making this easy EASTER BASKET!

Kennedy’s Korner

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “A Close Reading 1st Grade Freebie – Jack Be Nimble”

by An Element of Fun in First
1st Grade

This is a simple close reading packet for the nursery rhyme “Jack Be Nimble”. More close reads for nursery rhymes can be found at Link-Nursery Rhymes Close Reads.Thanks for checking out this product – Enjoy!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “BOOM Cards Distance Learning Speech Therapy | Seasons Picture Scenes Winter Free”

by Looks Like Language
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Your students will love this FREE interactive digital categorizing activity. No reading required- just find the pictures of items that belong in winter to build a wintertime picture. No prep, no print, just quick and easy, fun learning.

Work on these language skills (and more!) with this free activity!

  • Categorizing by season.
  • Labeling vocabulary.
  • Producing sentences about each winter activity.
  • Telling why it does/doesn’t belong.
  • Name a similar item.
  • Tell where the pictured person is in the scene.

The access link is in the download.

Thanks for stopping by! Linda @ Looks Like Language

You might also like:

• BOOM Cards Picture Sentence Building for Outdoor Fun No Prep iPad Activity

• BOOM Cards Following Directions No Prep Interactive iPad Activity

Why use BOOM Cards?

* They are no prep and no print! Make your life easier!

* They work on iPads, computers, whiteboards, and phones.

Kids stay engaged with interactive activities.

* They are great for teletherapy and distance learning.

* Kids love to get more practice when it is with BOOM cards.

* They are a great way to give homework!


To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options, you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Balance the Scale: Equations Within 5 Boom Cards – Distance Learning”

by Keep Your Chin Up
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is a great activity for students to practice fluency of addition and subtraction equations within 5. Students will drag and drop the 2 equivalent equations to the scale. Click here for the Google Slides version.

Please note that you will need an account with Boom Learning in order to access and use these digital task cards. Click here to start your Boom account!

Want more Boom cards?



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by Nikole T
Pre-Kindergarten – 9th Grade

Free Cold Deserts
If you enjoy these pages please see my full unit:
COLD DESERTS- Animals- Plants- Interactive PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation:
– Antarctic Desert
– Arctic Desert
This is a beautiful and informative 9 slide PowerPoint presentation.
You can provide feedback if you think this is a great resource for your class and follow my store for updates, freebies and promotions!
For personal and commercial use
Follow me on Facebook!

Check out some of my other science powerpoints!
 North America- South America- 5PowerPoint presentation
 AFRICA- EUROPE- 3 PowerPoint presentation (200 Slides)
-Solar System / 3 in 1 /
– GEOGRAPHY- Continents and Oceans- Landforms- Great Explorers
 Solar System- BUNDLE- Planets- The Sun- The Moon- The Earth
– Blue Whale – Animal Booklet
– Australia- Climate- Fauna- Flora- Interactive slide show
 World Geography- MEGA BUNDLE {50% off }- 18 products- 770 pages- Back to school
-THE SUN- Solar eclipse
 North America- South America- 5PowerPoint presentation
-Structure of the Earth. Geosphere
– Seven Wonders of the World
– Deserts- Sahara, Gobi, Great Victoria, Patagonian, Great Basin
– Africa- North Africa, Western Africa PowerPoint
– Africa- Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa
 World of Waterfalls- PowerPoint Presentation
 Great Explorers- slide show- Magellan, Copernicus, Bruno, Galilei, Kepler
 EUROPE- Most beautiful cities in Europe- Slide show
-The Moon- Lunar phase, Apollo 11
 Landforms of the Earth- Interactive PowerPoint- quiz
Japan- Climate- Religion- Economy- Culture- Sport- interactive slide show
 EUROPE 1- PowerPoint presentation (59 Slides)
 EUROPE 2- PowerPoint presentation (59 Slides)

– Editable PowerPoint Templates Bundle-135 pages
– POLAR ANIMALS – slide show
– Labels and Task Cards (Editable)- BUNDLE 122 pages {55% off }
– Autumn Bundle {50% off}- 8 products- PowerPoint presentation and Clip Art
– Valentine’s Day- 133 pages- 7 products- PowerPoint presentation and Clip Art
 Addition and Subtraction III- slide show
 Shapes – Identify circles, squares, triangles and rectangles
 Positions- Inside and outside, left and right…..
 Color By Addition and Subtraction
 Multiplication and Division- 8- PowerPoint presentation
 Logic Problems- Numerical, Visual-Spatial Logic- PowerPoint presentation
 Math and Literacy Fun- PowerPoint presentation
 fun numbers – slide show
 Addition and Subtraction 1- slide show
 Subtraction- 41 slides – interactive slide showl
 Shapes- numbers- labels-Clip Art; Personal or Commercial Use
 Multiplication and Division- 6- PowerPoint presentation
 Math and Literacy Fun 1- SPRING- butterflies- slide show
 Numbers with autumn leaves- Clip Art
 40 flashcards-numbers and pictures-Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Flashcards- Spring- butterflies- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Multiplication and division- 7- PowerPoint presentation
 3 PowerPoint Presentation- Multiplication and division- 6, 7, 8
 Math- 4 PowerPoint- SHAPES, Addition and Subtraction, Math and Literacy Fun
 Fun math- Spring- Interactive slide show


– SEASONS- 4- slide show
 Easter eggs- Spring- puzzle- Clip Art
 Spring Flowers – Writing paper- Frames
– Flowers and butterflies
– Flowers and butterflies 2
– POLAR ANIMALS – slide show
 Butterflies- Drawing lessons- slide show; Clip Art
 SPRING- Labels- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- 5 PowerPoint slide design- Personal or commercial use
 Spring flowers 1- frames/borders
 Flowers- frames- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Ladybugs and dragonflies- Clip Art; Personal or Commercial Use
 Birds-Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 7different frames- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Flowers- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- the sun, cloud- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Butterflies- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Seasons- Months- Days of the week- Program- Clip art
 Spring- Birds- Ribbons- Hearts- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 SPRING FLOWERS- 21 slide PowerPoint presentation
 Free Animated Pictures- Spring- Clip Art

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Matter – States of Matter Booklet Freebie!”

by Once Upon A Classroom
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Enjoy this freebie booklet all about Matter!

This book includes:

1. An introduction to Matter
2. States of Matter
3. Definitions/Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases
4. Matter sort cut & paste activity
5. Changing States of Matter
6. Condensation
7. Evaporation
8. Precipitation
9. The Water Cycle

This book is perfect for introducing Matter to your class or as a review of what your students have already learned!

Your feedback always brightens my day 🙂

Copyright © 2014 Erin Palleschi

Visit the Once Upon A Classroom blog for freebies and great project ideas.
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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Victoria Leon’s TpT Store
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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE 0-5 Number Matching Digital Basics for Special Ed | Distance Learning”

by Mrs Ds Corner
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

FREE 0-5 NUMBER MATCHING DIGITAL BASICS | Functional, differentiated, and now PAPERLESS skill work that is the perfect addition to your Math Block and guided math rotations and centers. This digital basics set of number workpages will help your students practice basics mathematics skills, and once mastered, can be a set of skills they complete successfully and independently.

What is included?

• 7 (seven) digital workpages (please read list below to see skills practiced)

• instructions for opening and editing the document (*must have access to Google Slides™)

• direct link to copy and save the files to your Google Drive™

What skills are practiced?

  • Match numbers 0-5


For more digital body parts workpages, go here.

For digital emotion practice, go here.

For digital community helpers, go here.

Nervous or a little curious about going digital in a special needs classroom?


You can find other digital resources >> HERE. <<

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Thanks for Looking and Happy Teaching!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store
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FREE MISC. LESSON – “March Fun Freebie”

by Geaux First Grade
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy this freebie from me to you!

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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

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