Category Archives : 1st Grade

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Abecedario con Dibujos para imprimir”

by Plaza de Colores

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Abecedario con dibujos a todo color. Se imprime en tamaño carta (11 x 8.5 pulgadas) para distribuirlo entre los estudiantes, o se puede compartir a traves de los soportes de educación a distancia.

Este Abecedario forma parte de mi producto: Abecedario con Dibujos para el Maestro que incluye la posibilidad de imprimir este abecedario como poster para el salón en alta definición (hasta 1.40 metros de ancho) . Además el producto incluye un set con las letras indiciduales tamaño carta, un juego de Flashcards para practicar y más de 30 dibujos para colorear.

Thank you for purchasing from Plaza de Colores. If you find this resource useful for your classroom please know we appreciate kind reviews! Also, don’t forget to follow us!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “*Halloween Themed* Friends of 10 – FREE Activity Pack”

by The Relief Teacher

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy three FREE Halloween Themed activities to reinforce your students number concepts and friends of 10.

The packet includes:

– Friends of 10 missing number cards:
Students identify the missing number in the friends of 10 sum. Laminate and use with dry-erase markers for long-term use.

– Friends of 10 match and color:
Students color the sheet by finding and matching their friends of 10.

– Friends of 10 roll and cover:
Students play in pairs rolling a 6-sided dice and covering the friends of 10 on the answer sheet. Students aim to get 5 boxes covered in a row.


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If you like this product you may also like:

• Primer Sight Word Pack

• Super Sight Word Mega Bundle *Includes all 5 Dolch Lists!*–2089489

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Fun Fall Freebie”

by Sparkle in Second – Jamie Paino

Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Your kiddos will enjoy this FUN FALL FREEBIE!

Please check out some of my other products!
Biography Template

FoldablesAll About Book PacketSkip Counting by 5s, 10s, and 100sFoldables and Interactive Notebook MEGA PACKPlace Value Packet

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September Teacher Talk 2020

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s September Teacher Talk Time…..Hopefully everyone is off to a great school year with the best classes ever, in these strange times. We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say

Homeopathy, What Is It?

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

In addition to teaching, for a good part of my life, I have also been interested in alternative medical practices that include: homeopathy and holistic medicine, as well as exercise, yoga, qigong, meditation, aroma therapy, reflexology, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, and more. Through personal experience, I have seen that these practices can have a beneficial impact on the health and well being of those who use them. I am convinced of their effects

Lead Like a Girl Part Two

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Thoughts on the legacy Ruth Bader Ginsburg may have left for our students.

What’s Saving My Life Right Now

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Hey, friends! Okay, I know this title: “What’s Saving my Life Right Now” sounds a bit dramatic, but. . . I feel like I’ve been living in a hole for the last 5 weeks and only keeping my head above water because of what I’m about to share!
How I Got the Textbooks I Needed

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

This is my story about how I used ingenuity and moxie to get the textbooks that I needed.
Be-Leaf Me! Fall is Great! Using Leaves in Science Investigations

By Vicky Rauch of Scipi

When my husband’s Aunt Sue moved to Florida, she would send home some strange requests. One year, she wanted us to send her a box of fall leaves. Since Florida lacks deciduous trees, her students were unaware of the gorgeous colors produced by the trees up north. The only problem with her request was that the leaves we sent would be dry and crumbling by the time she received them. What to do? Find out in my newest blog post

Tips for Creating Powerful Distance Learning Instruction

By Marcy How of It’s a Teacher Thing

Create even more powerful distance learning instruction with these great tips!
Misplaced Modifiers Often Create Strange Mental Pictures.

By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

Misplaced modifiers create strange mental pictures.

Top 5: My Favorite Diverse Reads

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

My top five picks for diverse picture book reads


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Count the Spiders! A Halloween Math Game Freebie”

by Exceptional Kinders

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Count the Spiders! Math Game Freebie

This is a 2 player game. Each player takes a game board (a spider web). 1, 2, or 3 dice are needed for this game. For younger students, roll one die and place the correct number of spiders on their game board. Counters for counting my 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s are included.
Older students can roll 2 or 3 die and add the numbers together to get the number of spiders they should take. When all of the spiders are gone, the students count the spiders on their game board. The player with the most spiders wins. Directions for a subtraction game are also included.

Common Core Standards:
K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens.
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
K.CC.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects.
K.CC.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g./ by using matching and counting strategies. (Include groups with up to 10 objects.)
1.OA.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.
1.OA.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction
1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.

Thank you for viewing my Count the Spiders! Math Game Freebie! I hope you enjoy it!
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Carolyn – Exceptional Kinders

Font by: Clip Art by Carrie @ C&C Teach First,
Graphics by: Graphics from the Pond

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Digital Sight Word Reading using Google Slides™ – Freebie – Distance Learning”

by The Digital Workshop

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This product allows students to practice their sight words on their own using any device that is compatible with Google™ Apps. Using the 10 words from the Dolch first grade list students will read, compare, and type on each slide requiring them to work with each word multiple ways. This resource is already in Google slides with text boxes inserted making it easy for students to complete their work.

Students will use the voice to text feature to read their sight words directly in Google Slides. After they read each word they will compare it to the word on the slide and highlight any differences they see. Finally, they will type the word correctly on each slide.

You might also enjoy:

2020-2021 Digital Calendar Time/Morning Meeting – Distance Learning

Google Sight Word Reading – Full Dolch Sight Word List – Distance Learning

Thank you for viewing my product!


PowerPoint™ is a  registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.  Apple iPad™ is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Google™, Chromebook™, Google Drive™, Google Docs™, and Google Classroom™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc.  Seesaw ™ is a registered trademark of Seesaw Learning, Inc. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered ® trademarks of their respective holders. The Digital Workshop is not sponsored by, affiliated with or endorsed by the above corporations and/or their trademarked products and services.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Pumpkin Life Cycle Freebie”

by Under One Roof

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Who doesn’t like freebies? This is a sampler of my larger Pumpkin Life Cycle Activity Pack. I hope you enjoy it.

If you like it, try the full pack of activities

Pumpkin Life Cycle Activities for Primary Grades

If you like this one, be sure to check out my other Halloween products

Big Pumpkin: A Literature Unit for Halloween
Where’s My Mummy: A Literature Unit for Halloween
Five Little Pumpkins Learning Center Activities
Graphic Organizers for Language Arts: Halloween Themed

Included in this resource:

4 full page color puzzles showing different parts of the pumpkin and its life cycle

1 sheet with the same puzzles in a smaller size

1 pumpkin life cycle worksheet

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE! School is Different Adapted Book for Special Education | Distance Learning”

by Simply Special Ed

1st – 5th Grade

COVID-19 “School is Different” Adapted Book for Special Education (Print + Digital)
Special Education adapted book/social narrative for important COVID-19 topics surrounding returning to school with new guidelines. 

+ Printable Adapted Book
+ Interactive PDF
+ Access Code for Boom Cards


School is Different

+ 8 page book
+ 2 comprehension questions
+ Digital questions are click the answer from a field of 2.

+ Boom questions are drag and drop from a field of 2.



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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Hispanic Heritage Month: Banner: FREEBIE”

by Teach To Tell

Pre-Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with this bunting banner freebie!


Bunting flags

✅ letters to spell Hispanic Americans x 2 styles

✅ 12 decorative bunting flags featuring Hispanic Americans


Cut out each bunting flag and laminate for durability. Display students’ research activities below banner.

Wish you a memorable Hispanic Heritage Month!









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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Animal Characteristics”

by Elementary Creations

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is a great activity for the students to understand that not all animals are alike. In this activity the students will be able identify each animal and which category they belong in. Students are to cut and paste the animals in their correct category. I hope your students enjoy this activity as much as mine did.
Thank you!
Yamila Rezola

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Addition Dice Game and Recording Sheet”

by Lisa Rombach

1st – 2nd Grade

This simple addition dice game helps students practice addition facts (sums of 2-12), comparing 2 numbers (more / less) and counting by 2 to add.

The game involves rolling 2 dice, recording the numbers, comparing the numbers and crossing out the number that is less, re-rolling the lower number, adding the final 2 numbers, comparing sums (awarding points for the sum that is higher) and finally, adding up the points by using counting by 2 to get the total.

Each player can use a full page recording sheet OR use the 1/2 size (2 sheets on one page).

This game is can be differentiated by using different dice (with larger numbers or dots vs. numbers).

I hope you enjoy the FREEBIE!

Update Jan. 2019. At the request of a TPT buyer, I have added a simplified recording sheet. Students just need to roll 2 dice and add the 2 numbers. 🙂

Lisa Rombach

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by The Schroeder Page

1st – 2nd Grade

An experiment using straws to represent the compound eye of an insect.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Float or Sink (Apple Graphing) Freebie”

by Mrs VanMeter

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This freebie includes the bulletin board “titles” and student graph for an easy science and math lesson on apples.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Long Vowels Promethean Flip Chart Free Sample”

by DP Sharpe

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is a three page sample of Fun with Long Vowels Promethean Board Flip Chart. Read more about it here.

Fun with Long Vowels~Promethean Board Flipchart

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by Isla Hearts Teaching

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Color Posters

Decorate your classroom with these vivid color posters!

Colors included are:



Narrative Writing Unit

Kindergarten Morning Work (BUNDLE)

Sentence Building (BUNDLE)

Number Sense Task Cards


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• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I appreciate your feedback and the time it takes you to do so!

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store.

Isla Hearts Teaching

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by 1st Grade Salt Life

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

All About Me – All About Me – All About Me – All About Me – All About Me

This fun back to school activity can be used to get to know your students!

This product is part of a larger product:
Back to School! 2nd Grade Review

Your feedback is very important to me! Please rate and comment on this download!
1st Grade Salt Life

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Nonsense Word Fluency by Ms. Lendahand (Monster – Robot Theme)”

by Ms Lendahand of Lendahand’s Printables

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Nonsense Word Fluency. Help students improve CVC phonics skills by classifying words as either real or nonsense.

This is a great Nonsense Words Activity that may be played independently or with a partner. It’s a wonderfully simple game that is virtually prep free for the teacher, but it is also fun, easy and enhances both phonemic awareness and phonics skills. Even the most shy of students will get verbal with this game!

There are 10 mini word cards featuring Consonant Vowel Consonant Words. Students simply select a card from the top of the card pile, classify the word as either a nonsense or real word, then write it.

The fun comes in when the student holds up either a MONSTER or ROBOT to represent either a NONSENSE or REAL word.

This activity is ready-made. Simply duplicate, laminate a few pieces and get a few kids together and let the play begin! (Use popsicle sticks to attach to the monster/robot pictures to make them into little puppets…)

Hope your kids love this game:)

Ms. Lendahand;)

Here are a few examples of some other NWF Offerings by Lendahand’s Printables:)

Nonsense Word RTI SNOWMAN Fluency Pack by Ms. Lendahand

Nonsense Word RTI MLK Fluency Pack by Ms. Lendahand

Nonsense Word RTI PENGUIN Fluency Pack by Ms. Lendahand

Nonsense Words RTI Weeks 1-6 Power Point Bundle by Ms. Lendahand

Nonsense Words RTI Halloween Power Point and Printables Pack by Ms. Lendahand

Nonsense Words RTI December Pack by Ms. Lendahand

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by EduTunes With Miss Jenny

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Introducing “Apples!” Deedee Wills and I have teamed up to create a set of monthly poetry songs.

This file is the freebie version of a larger set. In the paid mini-set, you get 4 songs, and each includes:
1. A link to a video that illustrates songs–with an emphasis on lyrics to promote reading.
2. An mp3 track for each song with vocals
3. An mp3 track for each song karaoke version
4. Lyrics in color and black and white.
Please head HERE if you’re interested:

The larger set including 36 videos/songs/lyrics featuring poetry music for the year is available HERE.

Deedee has also made TONS of additional activities to accompany these songs. Click HERE for the mini-version.

Click HERE for the full-year version.

***Please follow me at “EduTunes With Miss Jenny”.

Finally, you’re welcome to download my organized, clickable K-6 catalog HERE.

Thanks for trying my music. I hope I can make a difference in your classroom!


Jennifer Fixman-Kramer
“Miss Jenny”

Lyrics © 2015 Deedee Wills. All Rights Reserved.
Music © 2015 Jennifer Kramer, Edutunes. All Rights Reserved.
Musical Production: Pierre Gill

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Hollywood Theme Welcome Bag Poem FREEBIE”

by Rockin’ in Second

Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

This is the “Welcome” to class goodie bag poem that many teachers use for Meet & Greet or Open House/Meet the Teacher Night. I just “Hollywooded” it up with Hollywood graphics and colors to fit with Hollywood themed classrooms or just for those who like think their kiddos are Movie Stars.

Follow me on TPT for more fun, exciting products and FREEBIES. All new products are 50% off for the first 24 hours.

Like me on Facebook at for great ideas, products, flash freebies, and more.

Don’t forget to leave feedback. TPT gives you credit for future purchases when you do. I appreciate it too! =)

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Addition and Subtraction within 25 | Cut and Glue”

by The Education Highway

1st – 2nd Grade

Free addition and subtraction worksheets within 25. Included are two addition, two subtraction, and one true and false equations sort worksheets.

Other products you may be interested in:

Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping

Autumn Math Printables and Centers

Halloween Math Printables

Winter Math Printables and Centers

September Cut and Glue Interactive Workbook

August Cut and Glue Interactive Workbook

August Interactive Math Notebook

Morning Work Super Hero Buddies

Math Morning Work Gingerbread Friends

Math Morning Work Polar Bear Friends

Hope this product brings a smile to your day!

Celeste Cuevas

The Education Highway

Stop by and visit us Facebook and Instagram

Copyright (c) 2019 Celeste Cuevas, The Education Highway. All rights reserved by author.

I appreciate your feedback!

If you have a question or comment email [email protected]

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Back to School Speech Bubble Props FREEBIE”

by Happy Days in First Grade

Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Make your Meet-The-Teacher Night or Open House even more SPECIAL with these FUN FREE Back-to-School Speech Bubble Props for your photo op!

NEW UPDATED! Set now includes 8 Speech Bubble Props from Pre-School to Fifth Grade!!!!

Please share and tag me on Social Media if you are using these props for your classroom @happydaysinfirstgrade! Thank you for supporting me and respecting my time and work on TpT!


Tips for Customers:

To receive UPDATES ON NEW PRODUCTS, DISCOUNTS, SALES, and FREEBIES, click to the GREEN star by my store’s name to follow me!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected].


Other Products You May Be Interested In:

Motivational Posters for the Classroom Volume 1

Classroom Decoration {Rainbow Splash} EDITABLE


Memorial Day and More! Bundle {Flag Day and 4th of July Too-1st/2nd/3rd Grade}

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Chevron Class Rules”

by Anchored in Learning

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

4 simple, clear, and illustrated class rules for the primary classroom.

Rules include:
* Use and Inside Voice
* Raise a Quiet Hand
* Follow Directions the 1st time
* Make Smart Choices

Chevron Decor

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Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Back to School Bingo!”

by Pitner’s Potpourri

1st – 5th Grade

Two versions are included. One grid has 24 blanks. The second version has thirty blanks. Students will ask all of their classmates for their autograph. Include yourself for more fun! You may include the name of the school, principal, etc., if you need to fill up more blocks. Call the names and other terms out as you would for a regular game of Bingo.

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August 2020 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s August Teacher Talk Time…..Hopefully you have a wonderful year whether you are physically in your classroom, using a hybrid model, or distance learning.  We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.


Qigong For Stress Relief and Well Being

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern 

 It’s the beginning of a new school year and boy have things changed. Some of you will be doing hybrid teaching, others will be in the classroom. If we’re to survive in this new world of ours, we need to deal with stress, discomfort, anxiety, tension, depression, fear about getting ill, anger, as well as physical and emotional pain.


 Getting the Most of Out of Distance Learning

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

This begins my 34th year of teaching. I did not yet own a personal computer in 1987, let alone have a computer in the classroom! Times have changed, yet effective teaching practices have not.


 Bitmoji Virtual Classrooms

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning 

Some thoughts on the bitmoji virtual classroom explosion. Will it work for you? 


  A Retired Teacher’s COVID-19 Journey

 By Renee Heiss of All American Teacher Tools

Read how I transformed from a purple ditto creating first year teacher to a retired teacher learning to create Bitmojis. It has been an interesting journey!


A Silver Lining

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

 Is there a silver lining for teachers, parents, and students in the midst of all our significant pandemic afflictions? Perhaps, a few…


Five Assumptions about Distance Learning-Why it’s Not Working for Every Child!

By Vicki Rauch of Scipi

My husband and I have taught together for over 80 years. We continue to do so because we love what we do; however, we are very disturbed by the terms Virtual Learning or Distance Learning or On-Line Learning. Now don’t get the idea that because we are “old”, we don’t or can’t use technology. Technology is part of our lives, especially in our teaching, but when we hear Distance Learning, many people make assumptions that simply aren’t true.


 Tips for Sequencing When Reading and Writing

By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

Tips to help students with narrative writing. 


3-Tips for Distance Learning Classroom First Week Success

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing 

 Learn 3-essential tips for a successful return to your distance learning classroom. Help start your year with community building games and important tips to set a positive tone for the school year.


 CGI Mathematics A Research based Approach 

        By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

                        Let’s learn about CGI Mathematics A Research based Approach                


 Tips for Remote Teaching

By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas for Those Who Love Teaching 

7 tips to make remote teaching successful.


 TEACHER TALK IS BACK for the 2020-21 school year! Look for new posts from some of the best bloggers around on the third Sunday of every month! August posts are below!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Wow! I Lost a Tooth Today!”

by Dragons Den

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Make losing a baby tooth even more exciting with this fun and free kit. It has been designed to be quick and easy.


This kit includes:

Suggestions for use

I Lost a Tooth Graph Poster

Tooth-O-Gram envelope covers for both large and small envelopes

12 months of tooth themed cards to use with the tooth graph

Individual ‘I Lost a Tooth” cards for tooth graph

Color in the tooth you lost sheet


To get 1/2 off on all new products during the first 48 hours after launch, click on the “follow me” button next to the green star.


Are you preparing your classroom for next year? Check out these resources that will make it a snap!

Classroom Decor Everything Dragon Combo Pack

Classroom Decor Has Gone to the Dogs


About this Teacher Author

Jan Bernard

National Board Certified Teacher (2001-2011), Masters in Curriculum, Gifted Certified, Cobb County Elementary Teacher of the Year, Addison Elementary Teacher of the Year, Bullard Elementary Teacher of the Year, Atlanta Journal and Constitution Honor Teacher finalist ($5000 award), District 3 Georgia Science Teacher of the Year, Author of seven books published by The Child’s World Press, Wrote online k-12 social studies and language arts curriculum for Coca Cola, curriculum writer for CNN, curriculum writer for American Legacy Publishers 2009-2014, 25 years teaching experience in grades 1st-4th.


Wow! I Lost a Tooth Today! by Jan Bernard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Superhero Social Skill and Behavior Mini Posters Freebie”

by Kathy Babineau

Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Superhero classroom freebie!

These colorful mini-posters are great visual reminders about classroom expectations.

Simply print, laminate and display!

This freebie is part of the Super Problem Solvers Superhero Themed Social Skills Activities set available in my teachers pay teachers store!

Super Problem Solvers Superhero Themed Social Skills Activities

Check it out!


Kathy Babineau

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Cause & Effect {Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day}”

by Linda Kamp

1st – 4th Grade

Cause and effect: cause and effect activites: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

This free cause and effect activity includes 2 student printables and a class chart idea for teaching with the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst. These cause and effect printables are part of my
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Book Study
which includes reading and writing activities for vocabulary, cause and effect, sequencing, grammar and word work, social skills, an Alexander writing craft and display plus a customizable, foldable story booklet with writing prompts for persuasive, opinion, how to and personal narrative writing. I hope you’ll click on the green link above and check it out!

Enjoy and thanks so much for visiting my store!
Linda Kamp

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Hipster Animals Door Signs (editable)”

by Lindy du Plessis

Pre-Kindergarten – 8th Grade

In this freebie, you’ll find five editable hipster animal door signs. Click on the text boxes to change the information, font, and text size. Print the posters in full color and laminate for extra durability.

This freebie is part of my new classroom decor range, Hipster Animals. Please take a look at the other products in this range:

Hipster Animals Classroom Decor

Have fun decorating and setting up your classroom for back to school season!

All my best,
Lindy du Plessis

Link: prettyclassroomlindyhipsterstyle

Copyright © L du Plessis 2018. Single classroom license only. Please do not share or place on the internet.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Morning Meeting Slides for Google Drive™ Freebie | Distance Learning”

by Sailing into Second

1st – 7th Grade

Do you struggle with keeping your students organized throughout the school day or during a lesson? Do they have difficulty figuring out what materials they’ll need? Start using Google Slides™ to help them stay organized!

These FREE Assignment Slides/Morning Meeting Slides are a SIMPLE and effective way to keep them on track without you having to repeat yourself 100 times!

I love to use technology to make my life a little easier. That’s why I like to display our class agenda or schedule on our interactive white board. Students can quickly see what we have planned for the day and any important materials they’ll need. You can even use student instruction slides for each subject or lesson. It’s a great way for students to stay on task and look back at any directions or instructions you gave at the beginning of the assignment or lesson!

Check out ALL my classroom slides HERE!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Second Grade Back to School Freebie”

by Reading and Writing Redhead

1st – 3rd Grade

Great for the beginning of the year ! This get to know you game I call Question Circle/Question Basket is a sample of the full activity from my Second Grade Back to School Starter Kit!

Take a look at the full resource to help you through the whole first week of school with your second graders here: Second Grade Back to School Starter Kit

This resource includes twelve question cards. You could print double of each for a whole class, do in a small group or get the full set in the Starter Kit.

Please let me know if there is anything to fix by using the “Ask seller a question” feature. I’d love to fix it before you give feedback.


If you found this product useful you may enjoy these products too:

Second Grade End of Year Mega Math Review

Swimming into Summer Math Pack

Geometry Pack

Writing Prompt Collection

Antonyms Summer Fun


Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

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• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it or HERE to become a follower. YAY! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺.


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