Category Archives : 1st Grade

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Phone Number Practice”

by Hopping into Kindergarten
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Help your kinders learn this important self-help skill. Laminate the practice page or put it in a page protector and let students use a dry-erase marker to write their phone number over and over! Have them practice “dialing” their number using the picture of the phone. This activity is great for centers or morning work 🙂 It can also be sent home for kiddos who need a little more practice!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Back to School Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2024”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Start the new year right with these free lessons by The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative:

  • 3rd Grade Math Review FULL WEEK FREE SAMPLE | Math Spiral Review
  • Poetry and Short Story 3 Lessons | Primary
  • Back to School Bulletin Board Freebie
  • STEM Daily Discussion Starters, Journal Prompts, and Fillers – September
  • Sentence Patterns Grammar Worksheets | A Free Sample
  • ITALIAN Listening Worksheets
  • Reader’s Theater Ukrainian Folk Tale The Cat and the Rooster Short Story
  • Uncover the Best 7 Ending Bends Activities for Word Work – FREE!
  • Back to School Activity Freebie
  • Get to Know Your Classmates First Week of School Activities | This or That Math
  • Subtraction Facts Within 20 Color By Number Activity Learning Center
  • Writers Workshop: Fictional Narrative Writing Lesson
  • Middle School Classroom Decoration: Vital Sign Mind Map (Large Wall Size)
  • Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • TBOTE and TBOTEMC Blogs
  • TBOTE Facebook page
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best in the new school year,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Back To School Activity – All About Me”

Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

UPDATE 27/7/2021: An activity sheet featuring a girl is now added to this FREEBIE!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★CLICK HERE TO LEAVE A REVIEW ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

After your download, I kindly ask that you leave a review for this product. Thank you!



This is a first week of school FREEBIE!!! Two visually appealing activity sheets to get children to share about themselves – favorites, likes, dislikes, etc.

If you liked this, you may want to see the related:
First Week of School All About Me – Favourites & Feelings resource

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ FOLLOW TEACH-O-LOGY RESOURCES ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Follow me HERE to be the first to hear about updates, 50% off new products and freebies every Friday!

– Ish @ Teach-O-Logy Resources

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fluency Recording Sheets for Timed Reading”

by Growing Smart Readers
1st – 5th Grade

Students love to see their fluency progress. These recording sheets can be used by teachers, or self-directed by students as a paired activity. Students may work with a partner, parent or older student to practice fluency.

Teachers know that practicing fluency is important to improve automaticity so students do not have to think hard about sounding out words, instead they are able to focus on making meaning out of the text, so as to be able to read more complex text.

There are two easy-to-use recording sheets in this file, one for word list reading, another for passage reading. Directions are given for each tool, and written for teachers, students, and parents. Teachers may want to read the directions to some students.

Please go to Ask a Question if you need help or have a question. I will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest!

Have fun reading,


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Apples Foldables, Fold Away, Engaging Cut & Paste Activities, Life Cycle”

by 123kteach
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Get your students excited about apples with this interactive foldable! This engaging activity is perfect for practicing skills and showcasing what they’ve learned about the life cycle of an apple. Designed with simplicity in mind, the cut-outs are easy for young students who are just starting to use scissors. Students will cut along the dotted lines and fold in accordion style along the solid lines. This activity is differentiated to accommodate all learners, offering a choice between cut-and-paste activities or drawing and writing responses.

Be on the lookout as I develop more simple interactive activities that don’t require a lot of complex cutting skills. I also continue to add pages and make updates on my products frequently.

Please download the preview to get a better look at some of the pages you will receive.

You might also like:

Related Products

All About Apples, Interactive Activities, mini booklet FALL Engaging Science K-3

All About Apples, Interactive Cootie-Catcher Activity, FALL Engaging Science K-3

Apples Foldables, Fold Away, Engaging Cut & Paste Activities, Life Cycle

Decompose Numbers: Apples in A Basket Common Core K.OA.3

Thanks for looking. I hope you enjoy this product and can use it in your class. Do not forget to rate my product. Did you know that you can earn points for rating products you purchase? The points you earn will give you money off of future purchases on TPT.

Please check out my store. I have many high-quality learning experiences that align with the Common Core. If you like what you see, please consider becoming a follower by clicking on the green star. You will be aware of new products, and upcoming sales.

Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Sample: Miss Nelson Is Missing Activity Unit For The First Week Of School”

by Irene Hines
1st – 4th Grade

Free Sample: 6 pages from my Miss Nelson Is Missing Back-To-School Packet for the first week of school. {Based On Common Core Standards}

The whole packet is available in my store. This newly expanded unit has 54 pages of ideas, discussion questions, games, activities, graphic organizers, projects and printables that correlate with the book “Miss Nelson Is Missing.” This resource and activity unit includes:

~Class Discussion Questions and Ideas

~Vocabulary and Definition List

~Variety of Vocabulary Graphic Organizers

~Variety of Character Maps

~Reading Comprehension Printables: Bloom’s Levels of Learning Questions to help develop higher-level, critical thinking skills.

~Writing Activities

~Drawing Activities

~Creating Wanted Posters

~2 Double Match Games: Break The Ice Game for the first week of school.

~Vocabulary Practice

~ABC Order Activity Cards. Print on card stock, laminate, and it makes a terrific learning center.

~ABC Order printable

~Selection vocabulary and definition match on T-chart

~Applying vocabulary knowledge into original sentence and story writing

~Antonym practice

~Venn Diagrams with and without lines

~Making Connections Printable

~Variety of Story Map Printables

~Series of Events Graphic Organizers

~Math Word Problem Printable

~Map Skills Printable

~Teacher Answer Keys Included

~ I have many other book units available in my store! Here are the direct links:

First Day Jitters

Miss Nelson Is Missing

Skippyjon Jones

Goldie Socks And The Three Libearians

Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type

The Biggest Pumpkin Ever

The Biggest Christmas Tree Ever

The Biggest Snowman Ever

~ If you would like to be notified when my products are updated and new items are added to my store then click on my picture and then the “follow me” button above. ~

~Thank you! Irene

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “September Brain Benders”

by Brain Benders
Kindergarten – 4th Grade

Brain Benders are critical thinking activities designed for each month. Use them as enrichment activities, journal prompts, learning center activities, or however you choose! Each monthly Brain Bender comes with 20 activities organized in a 5×4 grid to resemble a calendar. You can choose to print the calendar with its corresponding multiple intelligence label for each activity or print it without. This is a great way to challenge your students!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Community Building Activity – Caring Classroom Community – Back To School”

by The Bespoke Bulletin Board
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

ALERT: New favorite tradition is about to enter your teaching life!

This community building activity, the Treasure Jar, spreads joy throughout your classroom, all year long! ✨

That’s what we are all about here at The Bespoke Bulletin Board.

It is a creative classroom management strategy that builds strong relationships.

It teaches children to appreciate those special moments shared amongst a community who cares for one another.

Each classroom treasure jar is filled with the unique memories of that classroom community.

Here’s how it works.

1. Select a weekly topic from the one of the 24 idea cards, or create your own!

2. Students spend the week adding treasure notes to the jar.

3. FUN PART! At the end of the week, you have a jar filled with special memories that can be shared and treasured!

What’s included? The Community Building Activity comes with…

– Explanation page: what, why, how to use this resource

– Teaching Tips (based on actual classroom experience and use!)

– 24 weekly idea cards


C.L. said:

“I found the ideas in this free resource wonderfully bright and inspiring. What better way to brighten someone’s day than to say something nice about them, especially if they need a little encouragement. The activity of creating the jar together either with the provided template or designing one in class brings the classroom or group together. I loved all the ideas included with free download on how to inspire everyone to find something nice to say about their classmates, teachers, friends etc. This is a great resource not only for the classroom setting but for a gathering of family and friends as well. I liked this resource very much!”

We hope you love it, too! Let us know in the reviews!


Other resources from the BBB:

➜ Read, Trace, Write – Classroom Norms

➜ Read, Trace, Write – Positive Affirmations

➜ Positive Affirmations Bookmarks


Each of our resources are designed to bring JOY ✨ to your classroom and save you TIME ⏰ – look for the sparkle and clock emojis in our descriptions to see which elements we have included in our resource for you!

If you enjoyed this resource, please leave us feedback on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Your feedback is essential to us because it helps us decide what type of content you find purposeful and meaningful.  Follow our store to learn when similar products are posted at a discount or when we are having sales on products like these.  Thank you!


 ©  The Bespoke Bulletin Board

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Back to School Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2023”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Start the new year right with these free lessons by The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative:

  • Back to School Math – Skip Counting Puzzles Activities Includes No Prep Activity
  • Welcome Banner (Superhero)
  • FREEBIE! First Day of School Hats Activity – Pre-K to First Grade – No Prep
  • Get your FREE Emergent Readers – Dealing with a Virus | Open Dyslexic Font
  • Ocean Theme Classroom Number Cards 0-10 Freebie
  • Back to School Writing Freebie
  • FREE ESL Curriculum Map – Year-Long ELL Pacing Guide – English Language Learner
  • 3rd Grade Math Review FULL WEEK FREE SAMPLE |Math Spiral Review
  • Reader’s Theater Script Zuni Story The Maidens of the Corn
  • Creative Options for Writing Assignments in Middle School Science
  • Reducing Wordy Sentences Grammar Worksheet | Digital | Printable
  • Why We Can’t Divide by Zero – A FREE Math Resource
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • TBOTE and TBOTEMC Blogs
  • TBOTE Facebook page
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best in the new school year,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Creation Flip Book Freebie!”

by The Kindergarten Life
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Here is a flip book that I use to teach the story of Creation to my class. After using my copy to teach each child makes their own to take home. This is a simple way to reinforce the story of Creation. I have included a color and black and white version as well as full instructions with pictures.
Please take a minute to follow me here and on my blog. Your feedback is always appreciated!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Behavior Management Clip Chart”

by Flying in Fourth
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

This is a great behavior management tool to use in the classroom across grade levels. Each student can have a clothespin and start the day off at green and can move up or down depending on behavior. Allowing students to move the clip themselves promotes accountability!

There are five colors:

Blue: I have gone above and beyond today!

Green: I am ready to learn today!

Orange: I need to slow down and think about my behavior and actions.

Red: I need to stop and reflect on my behavior and actions.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Retro Bulletin Board Borders-Groovy Classroom Door Decor-Printable Flower Border”

by MonicaClassyCreation
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Transform your classroom with our retro-themed bulletin board borders, these are colorful, vintage-inspired borders that will instantly add a touch of nostalgia to your classroom decor. Featuring vibrant colors, eye-catching patterns, and easy-to-print designs, our borders make it a breeze to create engaging bulletin boards that capture students’ attention. Elevate your classroom aesthetic with these fun and easy-to-use retro borders – the perfect addition to your classroom decor collection


  • 8 Retro Style Borders
  • Broad borders with 3 to 3.5 inch size
  • Narrow borders with to 2 to 2.5 inch size

The download you receive will consist of printable versions just like the ones shown in the photo.

Please note that all documents are 11×8.5 in size.

Please note that this is a digital item. No physical item will be shipped to you. Downloadable PDF files will be sent to your email.

Let’s connect and be friends!

*Terms & Conditions*

By purchasing from Monica Classy Creation, you agree to the following terms. All designs are for personal or single classroom use. No product may be re-sold, uploaded to a shared drive or website, copied or shared with others. Even other teachers. All contents of this product are under copyright protection. Thank you for respecting my hard work in creating this product

Don’t forget to receive TPT credits to use toward your purchases!

Here’s how it works 🙂

First, go to your My Purchases page. Find this page by clicking on your name at the top right-hand corner of your screen. Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Leave a Review button. Click it and you will be directed to a page where you can leave a rating and comment for that product. Every time you leave feedback for products you will be given credit to use on future purchases like this one! You can see how many credits you have under Account Balance when you click on your name in the top right-hand corner. 🙂

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Cool School Frame Freebie!”

by KB Konnected
1st – 5th Grade

Includes 1 frame from my “Cool School Frames” collection.

Frame is included with and w/o white center. Of course I have also included the line art.

Check out the entire collection here.

★★★ Follow me by clicking on the “★Follow Me” on the right side of this page so that you are updated when I add new products and freebies. Most products 50% off the first 48 hrs. in my store. Save$$$! (*dollar deals excluded.)

♥Please check out some of my other collections.

33 Black Line Doodle Frames with Coordinating Page Dividers88 Skinny Frames – Ink savers!It’s Hip to be Square Frame Collection…Rectangles too! (color)Black Line Mega-Frame/Border CollectionHalloween Borders – Color and Line art!40 Blackline Borders/Page Dividers – 2 freebies in preview!Fall Page Dividers – Clip Art

33 Black Line Doodle Frames with Coordinating Page Dividers (2)

Commercial use welcome. Thanks for following guidelines of my TOU.

KB Konnected TOU
1. May not be sold as clip art, frames, borders, or digital papers.
2. All your commercial products/freebies using KB…Konnected clip art/frames/papers/graphics must include my credit button (included in file) with a link to my store.
3. All your products/freebies must be in a flattened (locked) format such as PDF.
4. KB…Konnected retains all copyrights to images/graphics and you may not claim them as your own.
5. May be used for Smartboard (or interactive whiteboard) products if images are locked down and are not easily lifted (stolen) by others, such as a pdf.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Guardian Angel, Draw Guardian Angel and Me!”

by KinderBeez
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This simple worksheet was created by my 7 year old daughter. She absolutely loves praying each night for protection by her Guardian Angel. She thought others might love to draw their Angel watching over them too! Use this worksheet in the classroom, at home with your children, or in Sunday school! Enjoy.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “SCOOT | Recording Sheets”

by Cup of Curriculum
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

A super, simple and generic SCOOT Recording Sheet with Number Cards for each desk! Play SCOOT anytime using ordinary math flashcards or ELA Task Cards. Just place one number card on each student’s desk, along with a flashcard or task card. Have students SCOOT around the room recording answers on their recording sheet. Includes 2 Recording Sheets #1-18 and #19-36, with number cards #1-36. Print ‘N Go Timesaver! Ready, Set…SCOOT!

Enjoy this FOREVER FREEBIE! *Please take a moment to give feedback and rate this FREE download. Thank you!

Become a follower on TpT, Pinterest, Instagram, and now on Twitter!

Yours truly,
Cup of Curriculum

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Number Posters with Ten Frames and Hand Gestures Black and White Freebie”

by Blue Iris K-2
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Number Posters featuring Ten Frames and Hand Gestures. This freebie includes 10 pages of visually engaging posters designed to make learning numbers a hands-on and exciting experience for young learners.


  • 10 high-quality black and white posters
  • Clear and easy-to-read numbers for effective learning
  • Interactive ten frame visuals to promote counting and number recognition
  • Hand gestures for a multisensory learning approach
  • Perfect for classroom display, homeschooling, and early learning centers
  • Ideal for preschool and kindergarten students
  • Encourages number sense developmentcounting skills, and numeral recognition


You can reproduce the pages for classroom use only. The fonts I used are free for personal use. Duplication of this resource for commercial purposes or for the entire school is strictly forbidden.


1. Bingo Game: vegetabel vocabulary

2. Prewriting Trace & color worksheets

3.Find the numbers

4. Number flashcards

5. Back to school first week activities

freebie Alphabet coloring worksheet


Go to your “My Purchases” page. Click the “Leave a review” button.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “SAMPLE Labeling Vertebrate Animals Cut and Paste and Write In”

by Mercedes Merrell
1st – 2nd Grade

This is a SAMPLE of a collection of vertebrate animals labeling activities, both cut and paste, and write-in. This sample includes 1 mammal, and 1 amphibian labeling pages with answer keys. The COMPLETE product offers 8 mammals, 4 birds, 4 fish, 4 reptiles, and 2 amphibians for a total of 20 black and white animal labeling pages. In addition, it has 20 answer keys are provided. These activities are suitable for whole class, small groups, centers, individual work, and interactive journals. These would also compliment animal reports, science time, and writing, as well as following directions necessary to complete the coloring of each page, and use of adjectives.

Animals included in the complete product are:




green sea turtle

tree frog

Spanish version of this product will also be available in my store on January 11, 2016..

Other animal products in my store:

Labeling Vertebrate Animals Cut and Paste and Write Ins
Interactive {Animal} Journal- Vertebrate Animal Characteristics/Fact Organizer
Mi Cuaderno Interactivo de Animales
It’s a Worm’s Life Reading Comprehension & fluency Practice First Grade
Reading Comprehension: Compare & Contrast Plus Opinion Writing First Grade

Please follow my store to receive notifications of my new products, including freebies, and of my sales!

Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Number Word Cards and Math Word Wall Cards”

by Fun To Teach
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Get your students counting and identifying numerals and written words. Here are 3 pages of numeral and word number cards zero to eleven. There are black and colored pages for your games or word wall and an outline coloring page for your center activities or to send home. You can use these cards as a word wall, memory or concentration game, game cards, review or as a center activity.

Sign up for our newsletter here to get all of our new freebies!

Related Products

Kinder & 1st Grade Punctuation

Unscramble It! Vocabulary Builder

Number Sense – Math Vocabulary Trading Cards

Addition – Math Vocabulary Trading Cards

Kinder & 1st Grade Sentence Starters

Check out some of our best sellers

Geometry – Math Vocabulary Trading Cards

Irregular Past Tense Verb Game

Formal and Informal Language

Place Value with 3 Digit Numbers

Sentence Starters

Addition With 2 Digit Numbers

50 Sentence Starters Back to School

Addition with Numbers 0-19

Learning Centers Made Simple – Literacy Centers for Reading and Math

Multiplying by 7

Three Sounds of ‘ED’ Past Tense Verb Games

Past Tense Verb Games – Past Participle

Multiplication 5 Minute Timed Tests Packages – Factors 0-12

Addition with Numbers 0-19

Happy Teaching

Lori Wolfe

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When you provide feedback, you’ll earn TPT credits that can be used future purchases!

Gettomg TPT credits to use on future purchases is easy:

•Go to your My Purchases page

•Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button

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Thanks a bunch!


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Digital 1st Grade Math Freebie Sample for Google Classroom™”

by Smart 2 Heart Creations
1st Grade

This Freebie Sample of my Digital 1st Grade Math Google Slides™ product will provide you with 5 free sample slides from a variety of my First Grade Math products.

The products the sample slides are from include:

My Full size products include:

  • Multiple Different Practice Activities, each with 10 student practice slides.
  • A Direction slide for Each Activity for student use
  • Additional teacher directions and Answer Key

Want to try out a FULL SIZE Google Slide Product? Sign up for my Newsletter to get my Related Addition and Subtraction on a Hundred Chart for Google Classroom™ completely free!!!

This resource was designed to work in Google Classroom™, but additional directions for how to use and transfer the resource to other platforms are included (Such as OneDrive™, Schoology™, Canvas™ etc).

Why Use Digital Resources?

  • Easy to implement
  • Saves on printing and paper costs
  • Great for 1:1 environments
  • Great for Distance Learning
  • Can be used for WHOLE GROUP Lessons on a Smartboard™ or other device.
  • Great for small group, extra practice or center time

Note: You WILL need access to the internet and a GOOGLE™ account to use this resource. Please read the TPT FAQ information at the top of this resource before purchasing. TPT will automatically create a TPT Purchase folder in your Google™ Drive and make a copy of this resource.


Check out my other DIGITAL LEARNING RESOURCES here.


Sign up for my newsletter to get notified of New Releases (50% off for the first 24 hours), sales and more. You also get access to my special VIP Freebie Library as a newsletter subscriber.


Follow My Store to get notified of all new releases.


I would love for you to leave feedback on this item if you purchase! If you leave feedback you earn TPT credits to use on future purchases!!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Pattern Freebie!!”

by Josie’s Place
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Please enjoy this freebie that is part of a larger set, Patterns, which includes printables with a fun and engaging center called cater-pattern. Also, check out the winter version, Build a Snowman!

Thanks and your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Click the star to follow my store for more FREEBIES and other great products!

Please visit my other math products:

Organization of math manipulatives –all grades:
Math Labels For Your Manipulatives * Editable Option Included

Solving Word Problems Gr. 1-3
Addition/Subtraction Word Problems with Guided Practice, Keyword Sort and more! Fall and Winter Edition Gr. 1-3

Place Value, Greater/Less Than and more:
Buggy Math for printables and no prep dice games to learn place value, odd/even,greater than and less than and more! Gr. 1-3

Fractions :
The Doorbell Rang to practice fractions, equivalent sets and word problems. FREEBIE available! Gr. 1-3

Skip Counting:
Skip Counting Center K-1

Pattern Printables and Centers :
APPLES! Beginning /Ending Sounds and Pattern and Sorting Center and Printables K-1 FREEBIE available!

Cater-Patterns Center and Printables K-1

Pattern Printables and Snowman Pattern Center K-1 FREEBIE available!

Sorting Center with Bonus Task Cards. FREEBIE available! K-1
HOLIDAY MATH (these include a thematic approach but includes many math activities):
Octoberfest for Kids! K-1 FREEBIE available!
Polar Express– includes everything for Polar Express and activities (MANY math activities) for weeks! K-1 FREEBIE available!

You might be interested in taking a look at my entire EDITABLE Collection:

EDITABLE Labels in Solid Colors- 30 colors to choose from!

Math Labels For Your Manipulatives * Editable Option Included
BACK TO SCHOOL EDITABLE Class Signs, Labels, Word Wall & Cards, Desk tag & More in Chevron

BACK TO SCHOOL EDITABLE Class Signs, Labels, Word Wall & Cards, Desk tag & More in Polka Dots

Create your own posters, signs, anchor charts and more! Editable
Monthly EDITABLE Newsletters
Class Job Posters EDITABLE
EDITABLE Class Signs
EDITABLE How Do I Get Home? Dismissal Tags, Charts and Notes EDITABLE Birthday Extravaganza

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Ice Cream in a Baggie”

by Rachel Lynette
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Ice Cream in a Baggie Recipe in Pictures! Fun for Summer! FREE

Here is a fun activity for any group of kids. This step-by-step recipe is in words and pictures so even beginning readers can follow along. Each child makes his or her own serving!

Great for summer camp, summer school, scouts, home schoolers or any other group. Fun for adults too!



  • Ice Cream in a Baggie Recipe Page
    • Black-line
    • Color

Great for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade! 

NOTE: This resource uses American English and is not editable. 

Take your learning to the next level with this activity!

Here’s what teachers are saying:

✏️ “This resource has been great to use for our family learning nights, summer workshops and during the afterschool program. Thank you!” -Annemarie M.

✏️ “My students loved this activity!! It was so engaging and my students loved being able to eat what they made after they completed their work!! I will be using this again and again, thank you!” -Lisa K.

✏️ “We did this experiment and my students loved being able to take home the recipe to share with their families! Thank you for sharing!” -Christina S.


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Get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

  • Go to your My Purchases page.
  • Click on the Provide Feedback button to leave a rating and a short comment. 
  • You’ll earn TPT credits, which you can redeem on future purchases!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WE STRIVE FOR 5 STARS! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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About the Author

Rachel Lynette is a published author of over 120 nonfiction books for children on a variety of subjects, as well as several teacher resource books. She has written for publishers such as Harcourt, Thompson-Gale, Rosen, Children’s Press, Evan-Moor, Kagan, and several others. This resource reflects more than a decade of professional writing experience.

Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students, but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. 

If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses from TpT. Thank you for respecting these terms of use.

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom.

SKU: 88315

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Painted Puppies Clip Art | Clipart Commercial Use”

by Jason’s Online Classroom
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Painted Puppies Clip Art – File includes 1 unique custom clip art image in various colors (as seen in the first thumbnail image) by Jeanette Baker in both color and black and white outline. Each image includes a PNG version with a transparent background as well as a JPG version with a white background.

About Jeanette
Jeanette Baker is an independent graphic designer and illustrator that sells her products through Jason’s Online Classroom. Do you have a request or suggestion? Email Jeanette!

All free or purchased clip art is available for commercial use with credit: “Clip Art created by Jeanette Baker @ Jason’s Online Classroom (”

With your purchase, you are being granted permission to copy and print the design. All copyrights remain with Jeanette Baker.

All paid and free clip art from Jason’s Online Classroom is available for personal and commercial use. There is no additional fee required for commercial use.

About Jason’s Online Classroom
Sign up for our EMAIL NEWSLETTER to receive important news, product announcements, and special deals and promotions. If you like the products in our store, make sure to FOLLOW US by clicking the STAR at the top of my home page to be eligible to win a $25 TpT Gift Certificate every month. Check out Jason’s Online Classroom on the web for news articles, blogs, teaching resources, online educational courses, entertainment, and much more. Visit our page on FACEBOOK for exclusive giveaways. Join our 40+ Collaborative PINTEREST Boards with amazing resources pinned from hundreds of teachers from across the nation and abroad.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Emotions Clip Art Sad”

by Leslie Ann Teaches
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

NEW! Colorful “SAD” EMOTION “SPOT” CLIP ART © is such a great way to add personality to any classroom! Integrate into color, emotion, ELA, Math, Science, SS, Art, Music, Guidance, STEM, Media Center, Technology, and PE lessons!  Add pizzazz to newsletters, class posters, bulletin boards & door decor! For ALL grade levels preschool-12th grade! For all subjects! So VERSATILE! COMES WITH TEN IDEAS FOR USING in practical and useful ways in your classroom!


  • This is perfect for all grade levels, all subjects, SO many uses! This SAD “SPOT” © Clip Art is for SINGLE CLASSROOM USE Only: Please send others to my store to purchase if they envy your new cute characters. 😉 Thank you! 


  • Absolutely ADORABLE “SAD” “SPOT” Clip Art Character for your classroom use!
  • “SAD” “SPOT” Clip Art Character in 10 colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, pink, white, black, yellow!
  • High Quality PNG Files
  • You will receive clip art PNG files with transparent AND white backgrounds for this “SPOT” character so you can use in countless ways!
  • This adorable “SAD” “SPOT” character will complement any classroom, grade level or subject! Combine with my other “SPOT” characters in my TPT Store for more emotions or SHOP THE BUNDLE!

How to Use:

  • Use png files to adorn your newsletters, worksheets, flyers, classroom signage, desk tags, etc!
  • Integrate into color, emotion, ELA, Math, Science, SS, Art, Music, Guidance, STEM, Media Center, Technology, and PE lessons!
  • Use for a color identification bulletin board!
  • Use for a mood board for your classroom!
  • Use for bulletin boards or door decor!
  • Use as a theme for your classroom, bulletin board, labels, signs, etc!
  • Add to SMARTboard lessons, Google Slides, PPTs, etc.
  • The possibilities are endless! 



ALL AVAILABLE Colorful “SPOT” EMOTION Clip Art Packages: 

BUNDLE that Includes ALL of the ABOVE (SAVE with a BUNDLE)



I invite you to leave a review. I value your feedback greatly.  It not only greatly helps my small business, but it helps me create more useful products for teachers and students! EARN TPT CREDITS FOR LEAVING A REVIEW- See below. Your kind reviews are VERY much appreciated Thank you!

© Leslie Ann Bussey– All Rights Reserved

Please do not use my copyrighted original products to create anything to sell or share based on my product. This product is for single teacher use only. If others like the product, please send them to my TpT store. Lots of hard work went into creating these products. Thank you for your support! 😉

You can EARN TPT CREDITS by leaving ratings and reviews of purchased products from my store!  I invite you to take a couple of seconds to leave a review for each purchased product.  Your kind reviews are VERY much appreciated and really helps my small business.  🙂   TPT credits are points that can be applied to future TPT purchases. 

When you leave a review, you’ll earn 1 credit for every $1 you spent on TPT for that resource. Each credit has a value of 5 cents, so every 20 credits earned equals $1 you can apply to future TPT purchases.  (Credits are not earned on gift card purchases, inactive resources, or free downloads.)

After using a resource, you can leave a rating and review by following these steps:

  1. Go to your “My Purchases” page.
  2. Click the “Leave a review” button (Note: you won’t be able to leave a review until you’ve used the resource)
  3. Answer each question and leave a review sharing more about your experience with the resource. Then, click “Done.”

To redeem your credits, look for “Use Account Balance” located under the “Checkout” button in your cart. Enter the amount you’d like to apply toward your order, and click “Apply.”

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fruit Fun Worksheet & Maze Game for Kids”

by ᵀᵉᵃᶜʰⁱⁿᵍ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᴹᵃʳⁱᵃ
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Elevate your child’s learning journey with our Fun Fruit Shape Matching Worksheet – an interactive blend of education and entertainment. Unleash creativity with a Fruits Coloring Activity and challenge their minds with a captivating Maze Game for Kids. Download this engaging resource now for a stimulating and enjoyable learning experience!

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by studio of professions
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Introducing BIG PACK Learning the Alphabet – Your Ultimate Learning Companion!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of letters and numbers? Look no further! Our BIG PACK Learning the Alphabet is here to revolutionize the way your child learns and grows.

What’s Inside:

9 Engaging Exercises: Dive into a world of interactive learning with our carefully crafted exercises designed to make learning the alphabet a breeze!

English Alphabet Coloring Books: Spark creativity and reinforce letter recognition with our captivating coloring books. Watch as your child’s imagination comes to life on over 500 pages of fun-filled activities!

Copybook for Perfecting Penmanship: Practice makes perfect! Our copybook provides ample space for your little one to master the art of writing each letter with precision and grace.

Memory Development Cards: Boost cognitive skills and memory retention with our specially curated flashcards. From A to Z, these cards make learning a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Letter Tracing Worksheets: Hone fine motor skills and letter formation with our Letter Tracing Worksheets. With guided tracing and ample practice space, your child will become a handwriting pro in no time!

Flashcards for Numbers: Take the learning journey a step further with our flashcards for numbers. These cards are the perfect tool for mastering numerical concepts with ease.

Why Choose BIG PACK Learning the Alphabet?

✨ Comprehensive Learning: With over 500 pages of content, our BIG PACK covers all aspects of alphabet and number learning, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience.

Interactive and Fun: Say goodbye to boring lessons! Our engaging exercises and activities are designed to captivate young minds and keep them excited about learning.

Accelerated Development: Watch as your child’s skills flourish before your eyes. From letter recognition to handwriting proficiency, our BIG PACK paves the way for accelerated growth and development.

Trusted by Parents and Educators: Join the ranks of satisfied parents and educators who have witnessed the transformative power of BIG PACK Learning the Alphabet. See the difference for yourself!

Don’t Miss Out on This Incredible Learning Opportunity!

Give your child the gift of knowledge and exploration with BIG PACK Learning the Alphabet. With hours of educational content at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless!

Get Your BIG PACK Today and Ignite a Passion for Learning!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Unicorns FREEBIE: Fun Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions”

by Teaching Treks
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

These FREE Unicorns Reading Passages focus on helping emergent readers to develop confidence and fluency, and also check comprehension. Children can use simple sight word knowledge and blending skills to enjoy these short themed stories.

Unicorns reading passages are well suited to shared reading, guided reading and independent work, depending on the skill level of individual readers and intent of the lesson. The passages also work well as homework.

There are four text-based questions for each of the passages. Each question has multiple-choice answers to encourage young readers to think about what they have read.

Each page also has a read and draw box.

Each page is included in 2 formats: color and black and white.

This freebie is a sample of my Unicorns Reading Comprehension Passages, comprised of 20 stories.

You might like some FREE short a vowel reading comprehension passages here.

You may also like:

Snowmen Reading Comprehension

Winter Reading Comprehension

Christmas Math and Language Activities

Christmas Color, Draw and Write

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Nursery Rhymes Reading Comprehension Clip Cards

Winter Sight Word Search

Sight Words Search the Bugs

The Ocean for Kinder Kids

Australia for Kinder Kids

I hope you enjoy these Unicorn reading comprehension passages!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Clip Art Sample by Charlotte’s Clips”

by Charlotte’s Clips
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

This free Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac clip art image comes in color and line art.

It is in a transparent 300 dpi png format.

If you like this clip art set, you may want to check out :

Free Christian Clipart

This is image is 1 of 38 images available in my Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Clip Art set:
Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Clip art set

Please, feel free to email me at [email protected], if you have any questions.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Name How to Group and Ungroup on the Smartboard – free tutorial video”

by Leigh Majer
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

If you are new to using a Smartboard and want to personalise your boards by adding student names or other information – check out this video.

A great video to watch if you have purchased the Lunch Count and Attendance Count bundle for your classroom this year.

Learning how the Smart Notebook software works can be overwhelming at first – it requires patience and practice to get the right feel for grouping items and understanding how the software “thinks”.

Enjoy and feel free to leave comments or ask questions as you practice grouping your items together.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Summer Articulation & Language Homework Calendars”

by Speech Therapy Plans
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Articulation and language summer homework calendars have daily suggestions for quick and fun activities. If the student completes the entire week of activities, he/she gets to glue a star on the ‘I Did My Work’ chart! This serves as motivation to do these fun activities.


2 Pages of Articulation Summer Homework (8 weeks total)

2 Pages of Language Summer Homework (8 weeks total)

2 ‘I Did My Work’ Charts

1 Parent Letter

❤️ Save your time and money with SpeechTherapyPlans.comGet access right now to over 1,000+ therapy materials, a caseload management system, scheduling software, premade therapy plans, and more! ❤️

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FREE MATH LESSON – “First Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (Free Sample)”

by Isla Hearts Teaching
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

First Grade Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (FREE SAMPLE)

Engage your students with these free addition and subtraction word problems. The problems are differentiated to three levels and have a fun insect theme!

If you like the sample, be sure to check out the full ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION WORD PROBLEMS BUNDLE.

In this free download, you will receive:

* 1 addition word problem (three levels of differentiation)

* 1 subtraction word problem (three levels of differentiation)



First Grade Addition Worksheets

First Grade Length Worksheets

First Grade 2D Shapes Worksheets

First Grade Tens and Ones Worksheets


How to get TpT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I appreciate your feedback and the time it takes you to do so!

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store.

Isla Hearts Teaching





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