Category Archives : 7th Grade

FREE MATH LESSON – “Statistics & Probability: Scatter Plots”   Recently updated !

by Beautiful Mathematics
7th – 9th Grade

Students will learn that straight lines are widely used to model relationships between two quantitative variables. For scatter plots that suggest a linear association, informally fit a straight line, and informally assess the model fit by judging the closeness of the data points to the line.

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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Printable Bookmarks in Floral Design”

by Impossible Things Learning
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy this set of Free Printable Bookmarks! They are fun for your classroom, school library, or just to enjoy yourself. Your download includes the bookmarks in a PDF format. All five flower designs fit on one page and the page is 8.5 inches by 11 inches for easy printing. Make them sturdier by mounting them on cardstock and laminating them.

If you like the style of these bookmarks, please take a look at my matching Reading Journal:

Floral Reading Journal

CLICK HERE to follow Impossible Things Learning and be notified when I add new items to my store!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Lab Team Roles Posters”

by The Teachers Upstairs
3rd – 8th Grade

These science lab group roles posters and cards are designed to make lab time in your classroom run smoothly – everybody has a lab team role, and everybody is included in the lab.

⭐️ Included in this resource:

▶ Teacher guide:

  • How to print
  • fun ways to randomize the distribution of the lab group roles
  • how to implement lab group roles in class
  • ideas on how to keep lab team role cards organized

▶ 4 Color options

▶4 black and white options

♥︎ We appreciate YOU! ♥︎

All of our resources are 50% off the first 24 hours after they are published.  Click here to follow us, so you can be notified when new resources are released.

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Break Out: The Pilate Inscription escape room freebie”

by Kathleen Applebee
6th – 12th Grade

The Pilate Inscription – an Easter or anytime archaeology Escape Room Break Out by Kathy Applebee.

STORY: The Pilate Inscription, on a stone tablet found in Caesarea, mentions the name of Pontius Pilate the “Prefect of Judea.“ Someone wants to destroy the artifact and it’s up to you to find and save it before the bad guys arrive to claim it.

Perfect as a lead up to Easter, Bible study, archaeology or camp activity.

A digital version is available here. This requires no physical locks or keys.

An introductory video is available here.


4 regular type locks with keys

2 Break Outboxes and 1 other box or lockable drawer

1 or more NIV Bibles

1 UV flashlight finder

The 2 sets of clues from the clues .PDFs (in this Zip file)

Content area: Archaeology, ancient history, New Testament studies and proofs, Jesus death and burial. Recommended Ages/ target audience: Any; Ideal Group Size: 4 to 10. Suggested Time: 10 minutes introduction, 60 minutes playing time, additional time for debriefing activities

More free Easter and other products

Break Out: The DNA Mystery

Christ the Shepherd, Christ the King

Christ the Servant, Christ the King

Easter skit package 5 free scripts

Antiquities archeology game

The Last Supper

Nick and Joe free resurrection script

Mizpah free script

Easter choral reading 2

Easter graphics free & copyright free

Easter Bunny Break Out virtual escape room

Break Out Force and Motion

Tower of Babel breakout freebie

Clues Ephesians 2:10 mystery game freebie

Spread the Gospel through Trade board game freebie

Armor of God bundle freebie

Bible occupations economics game freebie

Food chain freebie Bible based with adaptations

Creation card game Freebie on 7 days of creation

Life science kinesthetic games freebie: predator, prey, consumers, producers and more

Break Out: The Assyrian Deception freebie

Free Christian drama resources at Fools for Christ

Free interactive Bible games

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Clipart Badges/Frames”

by Love2TeachKiz
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Each image is in png format.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Chapter 1 Questions for Half Brother Novel”

by TeachingFSL
7th – 9th Grade

This four-page resource has questions for the beginning of the novel Half Brother by Kenneth Oppel. This FREE resource includes short answer questions for the Part 1 introduction, and questions in the format of true, false, or unknown for the first chapter of this Canadian novel.

I used the novel and these resources during my Language block as a read-aloud with my grade 7-8 class, with many English Language Learners. Students responded to the questions during and following the read aloud and then we discussed them as a way to ensure they understood the events of the story.

You could also collect the work, as a check-in for listening comprehension. Teachers may also wish to only check or assign certain questions, as there are 26 questions included in total covering the first 17 pages of this fiction book.

There is an answer key included as well.

Does this include the text/book/audiobook?
No, that would be an infringement of copyright. I own the book myself. At the time of making this resource available, I can share with you that this book was available through Audible, Apple Books, Google Play Books, Indigo/Chapters, Amazon, and several other sources. Feel free to send me a Q&A if you cannot locate it! (Availability does change over time!) Remember to also check any libraries that you have access to use, as IP laws (in my country, Canada) permit teachers to borrow a book or a recording from the library to use with students.

IP Statement
This work is “fair dealing” as defined by Canadian Copyright Law. Images used within this resource are secured and credited, as required by the terms of service/use from various creative individuals and companies. This supplemental educational resource does not infringe upon the author, the illustrator, the publisher, nor the artists’ rights.

If you like this product, please leave me a comment to let me know. That also earns you credits for future purchases in any TPT store. For any changes, suggestions, or other questions please email me (address is within the package) or use the Q&A feature below. Follow me for information on new products by clicking the star above or click here.

Mme Aiello
Teaching FSL

Product ID 9271799

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Escape Room Expressions Freebie”

by Third Grade Triumph
6th – 7th Grade

Do you love using Escape Room activities, but hate the prep? Then look no further, this resource is low prep and highly engaging. It can be used with or without technology and requires no lock boxes or elaborate set ups! Try this FREEBIE out today to see what my Escape Rooms are all about!


Escape room style math review. This escape room will review evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions content, in a fun, engaging way! It covers the 6th-grade CCSS 6.EE.1, 6.EE.2, 6.EE.3, and 6.EE.4.

There are 3 levels of rigorous content they need to work through.

Level 1 (5-digit code)

Students work through questions about evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions. 6.EE.1-6.EE.4

Level 2 (5-digit code)

Students work through questions about evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions. 6.EE.1-6.EE.4

Level 3 (5-digit code)

Students work through questions about evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions. 6.EE.1-6.EE.4

This is a great way to review expressions and evaluating expressions content you’ve taught in 6th grade or a great way to review previously learned content with 7th graders. Make the days leading up to your assessment fun with this rigorous and engaging math review.

**This resource was featured in the TPT Secondary (6-12) Newsletter!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Grocery Shopping Life Skills Coupon Task Cards Special Education Activities”

by Autism Classroom Resources-Christine Reeve
6th – 12th Grade

Teach your life skills students how to read, understand and use coupons with these coupons and task cards from the larger Grocery Store Special Education Activities product in my store. Students in special education will practice reading coupons, identifying relevant information like requirements for discounts, and how to make decisions about whether the deal is a better bargain.  

These life skills task cards are a small subset directly from the Grocery Store Math & Grocery Shopping Life Skills Special Education Activities set that includes a grocery store with prices, worksheets for reading grocery store sales flyers, writing checks, adding food prices and subtracting prices from balances, finding grocery items from a shopping list from the store catalog and calculating the total amount of money needed to purchase, and more.

For effective independence in the community, life skills students need to be able to go shopping for themselves, and the grocery store is where they will need to shop most often. 

What’s Included?

  • 6 grocery store coupons
  • 12 task cards with different types of questions from the full set
  • Answer key

Types of Questions Included in the Task Cards Include:

  • How much shoppers can save with a coupon,
  • What brand is required to be bought with a coupon,
  • Whether making a purchase with the coupon is a most economical choice,
  • And specifications of using the coupon (e.g., how many items must be purchased).

Who Are These For?

These grocery store coupons and task cards are perfect for middle and high school life skills students learning to make budgets, shopping lists, shop on their own, or starting in community-based instruction programs.  

❤️❤️Your students will love working with real-life material and topics to practice skills.

❤️❤️You will love knowing they understand how coupons work to avoid breakdowns and frustration in the community when they think they can make a purchase but haven’t met the coupon requirements or don’t have enough money.

Grab the Full Set of Grocery Tasks Here

⭐ Grocery Store Math & Grocery Shopping Life Skills Special Education Activities

Feedback for the Grocery Store Math & Grocery Shopping Life Skills Special Education Activities Full Set

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ AMAZING! Used this in my middle school life skills class. Set the whole room up like a grocery store and used this for my formal observation. It was a hit! –Leah M.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students were very engaged in this activity.  They really liked it.  It was a great resource to teach functional skills in a grocery store. –Kay S.

© Christine Reeve

This product is copyrighted to Autism Classroom Resources-Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Learn the New Testament Books”

by LOOK AT THE BOOK A Sunday School Shop
1st – 8th Grade


This game is a Bible Skills memory quiz kids love to play! It’s an excellent way to learn the books of the New Testament.


some Solo cups (one set of 27 for New Testament)

some permanent marker/Sharpie/etc

PREPARE: print on separate drinking cups the books of the New Testament.

INSTRUCTIONS: Allow individuals or teams to build the New Testament Pyramid by finding Matthew and lining up the cups through 1 Corinthians. Place 2 Corinthians on the second level between Matthew and mark. Continue stacking the New Testament Pyramid topping the pyramid with the “New Testament” cup. Allow two individuals or teams to complete the pyramid first and accurately. Play as many times as time allows. The kids won’t get tired of playing!


Check out more Bible school and home school resources at The Supercharged Sunday School!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free No Homework Passes!”

by MariGold Ink
1st – 12th Grade

Graphics by: Creative Clips

Fonts by: Kimberly Geswein Fonts

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Third Conditional – Task Cards”

by London Calling Designs
6th – 12th Grade

There are two task cards for practising the third conditional sentences. They are intended for ESL/EFL learners. KEY is included in the document.

Edited on 04/26/2019.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “St Patrick Bold Shamrocks Digital Paper or Backgrounds”

by IamTeachingLittleMinds
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Digital papers is great to use as backgrounds for product covers, task cards, binder covers, file folder activities, as well as lots of other uses!

This set includes:

• 8 Bold Shamrock digital papers.

• High quality 300 dpi files in .png format.

• Sized at 12” x 12″.

• Personal and Commerical use.

Terms of Use (TOU)

All free and paid graphics may be used for personal and/or commercial use, such as:
Classroom Printables, Party Printables; Cards and Invitations; Classroom Crafts; Lesson Plans; Scrapbooking, Photography, Stickers; T-shirt Prints; Vinyl Cutting or Decals; Embroidery and more.
No additional licenses are required, however, credit back to my TpT store is always welcome.

Thanks for visiting our store!

© 2016 by Zippadee Zazz. All Rights Reserved.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “St. Patrick’s Day Banner”

by Vilena Hamilton
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This colorful “A Wee Bit Irish” banner will instantly transform your classroom and put your little “leprechauns” in a festive mood 🙂

Hope you enjoy this product!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “St Patrick’s Day Bulletin Board All About Me Shamrock FREEBIE”

by Lingua Land Education
1st – 8th Grade

Need a craftivity that builds community? This cool and simple FREE ST. PATRICK’S DAY SHAMROCK CLOVERS will decorate any bulletin board or classroom wall. Each student can color one. Just print and go! Please leave a review!

What’s included?

  • Students have to complete the following information: name, age, favorite subject, favorite book, favorite animal, favorite sport.


•Use these activities to celebrate ST.PATRICK’S DAY.

•Have students color and write using ST.PATRICK’S colors. Then use them to decorate your classroom (place them on a door, or hang them on your window) or as a bulletin board activity.

•I hope your students enjoy this activity as much as mine did!

If you have any more questions or want me to create something else, please

email me at lingualandeducation@gmail com

You might also be interested in these OTHER RESOURCES:

FREE AGREE DISAGREE DEBATE Speaking Game | Icebreaker | Editable | Teens


ST.PATRICK’S DAY ESL WRITING PACK Poems Acrostic Calligram Haiku



Key words: back to school, first day of SPRING, spring activities, craftivity activities, printable, english, esl activities, writing activities, homeschooling, bilingual education.

Thank you for browsing my store.




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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Paleolithic Venuses Map Activity with Answer Key”

by Edu-Kiosk
4th – 7th Grade

This activity includes a blank and labeled map of Europe with various locations where Paleolithic Venus figurines have been discovered, and document with information about each figurine (name, date, location of discovery).

Students should do the research, cut and glue photos and names of Venuses at the map. I’ve also included the instructions for teachers.

Perfect for use in the classroom or at home, this activity is suitable for students of all ages.

You might be also interested in:

Paleolithic Venuses Reading Comprehension

Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece – Interactive Timelines Bundle

The History of COVID-19 Pandemic Reading Comprehension Passages with Key

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Treasure Sea – printable blue and gold vintage textures – JPG”

by Moonlight Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Eight digital damask papers in shades of blue and gold reminiscent of the beauty of the oceans.
They have a vintage wallpaper vibe with stripes and stains.

■ Included : 8 papers
■ Format : JPG
■ Resolution : 300 dpi
■ Size : 8.5″ x 11″ (US Letter size)

■ Licenses : personal and commercial use

There are 8 digital papers to print, each with a different design.
These blue and gold papers are in high resolution (300 dpi) in 8.5″ x 11″ format.

Thank you for your visit ♥

Keywords: paper ephemera sheets, printable digital paper, gold, blue, vintage, antique, grunge, free, sea, nautical, ocean, commercial use, craft, supplies.


Terms of use :

All items downloaded/purchased from Moonlight Creations are under commercial license. The license is designed to allow you to create products in a wide variety of projects. The goal is to help you in your creative process.

Of course, there are some common sense limitations: no resale or redistribution, no non-value added merchandising. But almost everything else is allowed.

I try to make things as understandable as possible in my terms below but if you need further clarification please just ask me.

  • You can create both digital and physical items for sale, as long as they are new designs. That is, Moonlight Creations assets have been incorporated into a larger project or customized in a way that requires skill or effort. You cannot redistribute an item “as is”.
  • You can change the elements according to your needs (color, size, etc.) or combine several elements to obtain new designs.
  • You can use the same element in several of your items for sale.
  • You are free to credit Moonlight Creations.
  • Your digital items must not be used or sold in any way that directly competes with the original product you purchased


Copyright © MoonlightCreations ★

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Equivalent Fractions Decimals and Percents Card Match”

by Count on Math
6th – 8th Grade

These 36 cards will be matched with an equivalent fraction, decimal, or percent. Students will record their matches on a recording sheet and determine the missing part of each match to make a set of 3 equivalent values. A few values over 1 whole are included!

Also, be sure to check out my Compare Fractions, Decimals, and Percents to One-half and 1 Whole Card Sort!

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “FactPad: State Symbols of Georgia”

by Betsey Zachry
3rd – 12th Grade

FREE Resource to use when studying Georgia state symbols.

This is a PowerPoint presentation of state symbols of Georgia using FactPadFactPad is a PowerPoint template that resembles a tablet. Your students will be able to review the state symbols by clicking on the different symbols.

Thank you for downloading FactPad: State Symbols of Georgia by Betsey Zachry.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Area and Perimeter FREE Guided Notes for Interactive Notebook & Binder with Key”

by Kacie Travis
7th Grade

Need quality guided notes for your 7th-grade math interactive notebooks (INB) that don’t waste paper? Or that don’t waste time spent folding? These notes teach how Area and Perimeter and all parts of the page are used with guided notes, guided practice, and independent practice. Students cut the guided notes section off for note-taking and then use the leftovers for guided practice, visual cues, and independent practice. No more wasting space on a page or scraps of paper!

Also includes a full-page version of notes for easy use in a binder.

Included in this resource you receive printable guided note pages:

  • vocabulary
    • area
    • perimeter
  • recall how to find the area and perimeter for parallelograms and triangles
  • apply the formulas to explore composite figures
  • guided practice and examples
  • teacher key

Check the preview to see how they work and what’s included on the pages. These guided notes are helpful with fulfilling IEPs and 504s and they are written to help support student note-taking. Also very helpful for English Language Learners.

Want a teaching PowerPoint to accompany these notes? Click here!

My products are always 50% off for the first 24 hours. Click the link above to follow me for the latest product releases and notifications!

©Kacie Travis ©The Efficient Classroom All rights reserved. Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for classroom use only. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. Kacie Travis, [email protected]

Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). These items can be picked up in a Google search and then shared worldwide for free.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Writing Prompt Cards for Teachers”

by From Chopsticks to Mason Jars
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

75 prompt cards just for teachers!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “PTO Reminders for Social Media”

by The Mediocre Marketing Company
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Having PTO Meetings at your school? This social media artwork is editable for your event. One full color, square piece perfect for Facebook and Instagram. The other full color, banner perfect for Facebook or website banner.

What you get:

1. PDF examples with suggested wording and layout

2. Editable PDF to make your flyers look just like the examples.

3. Two PowerPoint files for full wording layout freedom. This option lets you put your wording wherever you please.

You will need a PDF viewer to be able to use this product. Click here to download Adobe Reader for free. There are many other options as well.

***I send out monthly freebies and exclusives to my followers so be sure to hit that follow button so you don’t miss out!***

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Poetry and short story 3 lessons | secondary (US)”

by Fat Little Kumara – Film Study Materials
7th – 10th Grade

A free three-lesson resource for exploring poetry, figurative language and short story flash fiction. Great for back to school.

For the primary US free resource click here.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Langston Hughes Dreams”

by Ruth S.
5th – 12th Grade

Langston Hughes Dreams

Langston Hughes poem DREAMS seems like a simple poem, yet it teaches wonderful lessons. Your students will relate to this poem as they discuss its meaning and connect their dreams and goals to the poem. Included are activities that motivate students to “follow their dreams” and to write dream poems.These are great activities for Black History Month and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.

This is a brand new updated version of my Langston Hughes “Dream” resource as of January 2015! There are student activity pages, others are teaching suggestions, suggested websites of other people who followed their dreams and became successful and other information.

PLEASE NOTE: There isn’t a copy of the poem in this packet due to copyright laws.I’ve provided a direct link to the poem on the Web.

Feedback and FollowersBONUS! With your purchase you will receive FREE UPDATES FOREVER at no charge!
If you’d like to see more of my resources, please follow me by clicking on the star near my name.
Leave me a comment about how you use these cards or tell me the grade level you teach. I LOVE comments! Comments earn YOU TpT credits!

If teammates, coworkers or a school or a school district would like to use my resources, there is a multiple user license that is available at a reduced price.

All rights reserved by author. Ruth S.
This resource has a single user license and is to be used only by the purchaser. Permission to copy, for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display on school websites, blogs or other websites. Not to be shared at teacher workshops or conventions

Copyright © Ruth S. This product is to be used by the purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

I’m a teacher/author and offer Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, American History, Novel Packets, Grammar, Back to School, Holidays, Writing, Poetry, Spelling, Teacher forms products and more!

Read my Teachers Pay Teachers profile if you’d like to learn more about me. Have a
question? Contact me by clicking on the Ask a Question tab. 🙂

Take a stroll over to my blog, Teacher Park, where you’ll find more teaching ideas resources, products and freebies.

Teacher Park

I’ve posted many teaching tips, resources, Common Core resources, brain breaks, teacher blogs, technology tip websites, behavior management and interesting classroom ideas, on my Pinterest boards. It’s a lot of fun sharing them with other teachers!


The following are just some of the resources I offer on Teachers Pay Teachers. To find more, look for CUSTOM CATEGORIES on my store pages and select a subject.

Poetry Task Cards Even your reluctant students will join in the fun! Each card has a definition and sample poem.
Similes Metaphors and More Use with any book or story! Examples and definitions are given on each page.

Book Report Trifold Use with any book or story.

Bloom Ball Reports Use with any fiction, nonfiction or subject. Based on the latest Bloom Taxonomy verbiage. These reports encourage higher-level thinking and make colorful year round classroom displays! For 5th grade and up. Middle and high school teachers tell me they’re using them too!

Design a Game Book Report An amazing book report. Students create games based on stories they’ve read. All time favorite activity of students, their parents and teachers.
Encourages students to read different genre. Have a Game Day!

My fantasy literature guide is a fairly recent resource and I’m loving teachers’ comments! Use with any fantasy book or story!
Fantasy Essentials Literature Unit Use with any fantasy book or story.

Teacher comments
– Outstanding! Starting an interactive read aloud with fantasy soon. So many great things to choose from as we delve deep into the genre. Thank you!!!

– Fabulous! The worksheets provide an exhaustive analysis of fantasy stories and many different perspectives on writing and structure!

Frindle Literature Guide 87 pages. This story raises the issue of “free speech” in the classroom. Does free speech include disrupting the teacher by using the word “frindle” instead of the word, pen? Have students read the informational background article about the Bill of Rights, specifically about freedom of speech and freedom of the press prior to reading the story.

Figurative Language Chart and Student Worksheets A very handy reference chart with examples of figurative language as well as other activities. Students use their copies of the chart as they work on written assignments in class. . A VERY popular resource all teachers must have!

Movie Review for Students Do your students take videos you show in class, seriously? Use the activities in this packet to keep your students focused as they watch videos in class. Add these sheets to your sub folder!

Nonfiction Bingo A great way for students to become very familiar with nonfiction features.

Novel Response Cards This is one of my VERY popular resources that teachers and students love. Read their comments. Laminate the cards for future use

Number the Stars 19 Page Packet This is now a 70 page packet. An informational article about World War II for pre reading, activities, was added with questions and answers. Also included are maps of Europe and Denmark with questions and answers.

Book Report Trifold Use With Any Novel Use the pages year to year with any fiction book or story.. Students will be motivated to work for the extra bonus points that are offered! A note to parents is also included with all the instructions about the report and a slip to send back to you. Complete instructions are included.

Design a Game Book Report An amazing book report. Students create games based on stories they’ve read. All time favorite activity with my students and their parents! Be sure to have a game day!

Bloom Ball Reports Inspires students to “think out of the box” to create reports for any subject, book, or story. Based on the latest verbiage of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students, teachers and parents LOVE these reports!


Book Report Trifold Use With Any Novel Use the pages year to year with any fiction book or story.. Students will be motivated to work for the extra bonus points that are offered! A note to parents is also included with all the instructions about the report and a slip to send back to you. Complete instructions are included.

Design a Game Book Report An amazing book report. Students create games based on stories they’ve read. All time favorite activity with my students and their parents! Be sure to have a game day!

Bloom Ball Reports Inspires students to “think out of the box” to create reports for any subject, book, or story. Based on the latest verbiage of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Students, teachers and parents LOVE these reports!

The following resources can be used with any book or story!
Common Core ELA Informational Text PostersCommon Core Figurative LanguageCommon Core Reading ThemesCommon Core Reading Standards Main IdeaCommon Core Setting ComparisonsCommon Core Foundational Skills Task Cards Great informal assessment to determine who needs review or who has achieved mastery. Use year to year
Common Core Character ComparisonsCommon Core Problems and SolutionsNONFICTION
Close Reading Informational Text Polar Bears This is the perfect informational text, no prep resource, to connect English Language arts with social studies and science! The article about polar bears’ lives in the arctic regions of Earth and how they survive, will inspire your students to research these beautiful animals on their own. Creative activities! Questions and answers are included.
Nonfiction Bingo A great way for students to become very familiar with nonfiction features.
Nonfiction Detective Task Cards
Nonfiction Find It and Check It This packet helps to reinforce nonfiction text.
Common Core Informational Text Article (Cheetah) FREE!

Al Capone Does My Shirts
A Wrinkle in Time Literary Activities
A Wrinkle in Time Whole Book Assessment and Extension Activities
Bridge to Terabithia Student Worksheets
Brians Winter Student Worksheets Gary Paulsen’s survival books keep students on the edges of their seats!
Chasing Vermeer 65 Comprehension Activities Task cards
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
Dogsong by Gary Paulsen
Fairy Tales Worksheet PacketFun! Imagine Cinderella’s glass slipper is a sneaker and she arrives to the ball in a limo. Students love these activities!
Freak the Mighty Themes
Frindle Literature Guide 87 pages. Includes an informational article about the Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech with questions and answers. Is freedom of speech different in the classroom than what is says in the Constitution?
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Activities
Hatchet Student Worksheets
Holes by Louis Sachar Student Worksheets
Hoot Student Worksheets
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Lord of the FliesLove that Dog,Test
Maniac Magee 32 Page Packet
Maniac Magee Task Cards
Maniac Magee Bullying
Maniac Magee Vocabulary
Maniac Magee Fortunate and Unfortunate Events If you purchased my Maniac Magee packet, please do no purchase this. It is in the packet.
Moby Dick
The Kite Runner
The Tiger Rising Activities
Where the Red Fern Grows Activities
Woodsong Packet

Who doesn’t love a contest? You’ll notice that even your most reluctant readers will join in this weekly fun! See the links for more details.
Vocabulary Detectives Task Cards 4 Pronouns, Proper Nouns, Conjunctions
Vocabulary Detectives Task Cards 5 Similes, Metaphors, Personification
Vocabulary Detective Task Cards 6 Common Proper Nouns and ContractionsGRAMMAR AND SPELLING
Parts of Speech Animal Theme Posters Laminate for future use!
Subject and Predicate ActivitiesIrregular Past and Participle Forms of Verbs
Adjective Adverb Game Common Core SupplementAdjective Adverb Task CardsCommon and Proper Nouns Practice for the Common CoreSpelling Activities To Use with Any Spelling ListHow to Spell Plural Nouns FREE!
Common Proper Nouns Game

Scoot Games Get your students moving! Great way to informally assess your students and they don’t even know it because they’re having FUN! Play a game with them and they’ll be surprised teachers also love to have fun!
Scoot Fun! Adjectives
Scoot Fun! Nouns
Scoot Fun! Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
Scoot Fun! Prepositions
Scoot Fun! Subjects Predicates
Scoot Fun! Verbs

Making Connections Packet
Sequence Packet
Reading Response Cards PacketFacts or Opinions You DecideIdioms are Fun Packet Have a frog in your throat? Students don’t seem to know what common idioms mean. They’ll have fun discussing the literal and true meanings of them.
Writing and Journal Prompt Task Cards Topics students relate to!!
Fairy Tales Worksheet PacketFun! Imagine Cinderella’s glass slipper is a sneaker and she arrives to the ball in a limo. Students love these activities!
Literary Packet Generic Worksheets High School or CollegeMovie Review for StudentsKeep your students focused as they watch videos in class. Add these sheets to your sub folder!
Creative Writing 48 task CardsEducation Quotation Posters Student Activity FREE! Inspire your students to think about education and learning by displaying these 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch posters year round. A perfect monthly writing activity. Students discuss the meanings of the quotations and write their interpretations.

Color the StatesUnited States Reports Travel Agent Edition Students role play as travel agents as they research the U.S states.
You Decide Articles of Confederation or the ConstitutionClimate and Weather Match up Card Games
Geography Flash Cards
Moon Exploration Activities Students create a moon exploration time line. Math is integrated.
Isaac Newton Laws of Motion Activities students relate to!
Inventors Research Project Extensive list of inventors. accompanies this research project!
Rockin Math Addition Subtraction Multiplication DivisionCool Cells Flash CardsHOLIDAYS AND SEASONAL PRODUCTS
St.Patricks Day Legend of Irish Leprechauns WorksheetsIreland Mini Report for St. Patricks Day FREE!
Thanksgiving Activity Five Kernels of Corn A true story about the Pilgrims starving time when they had only fiver kernels of corn to eat each day.
Thanksgiving Word Art Poster FREE!
Valentine’s Day Fun CardsValentine’s Day Fun Alphabet Cards FREE!
New Year Resolutions Mine My Town My Country The World School is included in this packet. Students think “out of the box” to write the resolutions.
Autumn and Fall Writing Papers
Autumn ELA Student Worksheets
Halloween Task Cards and Writing Activities
Christmas and Holiday Language Art Activities
North Pole Headline News Students have fun writing news articles about the North Pole. Examples of headlines are: Santa Loses His Cell Phone, Santa Buys an iPad, Rudolph’s Nose Turns Blue and many more! Fun!
North Pole Prepositions FREE! Fun!! You’ll love your students’ illustrations of the sentences with prepositions!
Veterans Day An inspiring project that’s loved by students, parents and teachers!
Langston Hughes Dreams FREE! A fantastic resource to encourage your students to follow their dreams. Use during Black History Month, to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday or add it to your poetry unit!

These activities can be hands on cut and paste activities or students can write their answers on the snowballs.
Snowball Antonyms
Snowball Synonyms
Snowball Math Addition Subtraction
Snowball Math Multiplication and Division

Behavior Reinforcing Student Responsibility
Behavior Forms for Teachers

Thanks for stopping by!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Valentine’s Day Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2025”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy these free Valentine’s Day activities with your students by The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. Click on the links to thousands of free lessons that you may use throughout the year…

  • Valentine Learning Center Skip Counting Puzzles for Kindergarten and First Grade
  • Word Problems Set A | Free Sample
  • Free Word Problem of the Day – Valentine’s Day 2025
  • Valentine’s Mixed Puzzle Mazes Coloring Crossword Wordsearch Activity Page
  • FREEBIE Valentine Math Tic Tac Toe
  • Valentines Day Drama Lesson | Creative Writing | Dialogue with Given Circumstances
  • Valentine’s Day Story Starters for Middle and High School
  • Using Apostrophes Correctly Valentine’s Day Grammar Worksheets
  • Spanish Amor Bookmarks
  • Valentine Thank You Notes
  • Love Is…Craft and Writing | Bulletin Board Ideas | Valentine’s Day
  • FREE Happy Valentine’s Day Gift Tags | Dog With Glasses & Three Kittens
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

If you are not able to open this file or if you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].

Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Black History Month Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocab for Middle School”

by Mrs H’s Speech Therapy Room
6th – 9th Grade

This is the Freebie Sample edition of the Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary for older students which has themes focused on Black History and works perfectly for Black History Month speech therapy sessions in middle school. Many of our speech and language therapy goals incorporate finding the main ideaexplaining inferences and figurative languageremembering sequences, and defining vocabulary using context cues. This language therapy resource sample addresses all of these skills. Themed reading comprehension paragraphs are used to provide students with a relatable context. By giving the students this non-stressful context, they are more open to exploring the more challenging tasks they need to master. In the full sets, each seasonally appropriate theme also easily allows you to incorporate ancillary vocabulary that students can then use within the classroom and social settings.

There is an original fiction and nonfiction paragraph included for each theme. You can complete one sheet during a session and give the second as homework or if you see a student twice per week you will be able to use a different page for each session.

All pages are black and white so they are ink friendly and easy to copy. Answer keys are provided!!

These amazing worksheets also work for articulation students who need some language enrichment. Just print a page and hand them a highlighter ( my middle school students love the scented markers for this). After they find all of their sounds in the paragraph and highlight them, they can read the paragraph out loud. They can complete the lower half out loud and as a reinforcement at home.

Check Out The $ SAVING FULL YEAR BUNDLE: Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary Middle School Speech Therapy FULL YEAR Bundle

Also available in monthly packs 🙂

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary for Middle School Speech Therapy – September Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 2 – October Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 3 – November Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 4 – December Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 5 – January Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 6 February Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 7 March Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 8 April Edition

⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 9 May Edition

Related Products for Older Students

⭐ A Year of Themed Vocab & Grammar Printables for Middle School Speech Therapy

⭐ Let’s Define in Speech Therapy – School Year Edition

⭐ Let’s Compare and Contrast in Speech Therapy the Whole School Year Bundle

⭐ HUGE Bundle: Themed Vocabulary and Grammar Units for Speech Therapy and ELL/ESL – for High School

Follow Mrs H’s Speech Therapy Room to be notified of sales, freebies, and new products!! This is the way to know when the next edition is published 🙂

► EARN FREE STUFF!!! Please also come back to the product page and provide feedback about how this resource helps your students. By providing feedback you will earn TpT credits that you can use on future resources 🙂

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Sample (GOOGLE)”

by Chalkboard Creations
4th – 12th Grade

***Note: This resource is perfect for creating Distance Learning opportunities for your students. #DistanceLearningTpT

Imagine your students interacting with your content through an Interactive Notebook- but… NO copying, cutting, coloring, or gluing! Instead of traditional Interactive Notebooks, try going digital with PAPERLESS notebooks! Digital Interactive Notebooks have all the benefits of traditional paper Interactive Notebooks- with NO PAPER!

These templates and graphic organizers are created in PowerPoint and are a perfect starting point for creating your own notebook pages on Google Slides. These work seamlessly with Google Classroom and Google Drive. This product is a sample from my larger products, each with over 100 templates!

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Packet 1

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Packet 2

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Packet 3

OR you can SAVE by purchasing the BUNDLE that includes all 3 Packets with over 300 Templates!

Digital Interactive Notebook & Graphic Organizer Template Bundle

Not sure this is for you yet? Check out this video showing you exactly how to use it:

How to Make Digitial Interactive Notebooks


Also, check out some of my other Google Products:

Digital Grading Rubrics for All Occasions

Differentiated Digital Task Cards: Multiplication (2 Digit by 2 Digit)

Differentiated Digital Task Cards: Long Division

Differentiated Digital Task Cards: Relative Sizes of Measurement Units


Did you know you can get TPT credit to use on future purchases?

Go to your My Purchases page. Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I greatly appreciate customer feedback so that I can continue to make useful resources for you!

Also, be the first to know about new products, sales, and FREEBIES from Chalkboard Creations!

Click on the GREEN STAR near the top of the page and to become a FOLLOWER!

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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Growth Mindset Bell Ringers Sample – 5 FREE Reflection Journal Writing Prompts”

by The Creative Classroom
6th – 9th Grade

This FREE Growth Mindset Reflection Journal sample is the perfect sneak peek to one of my FAVORITE Growth Mindset activities. You will receive 5 journal writing prompts that are perfect to introduce growth mindset and reflection to your middle school and high school students. These journal prompts are from the year-long Growth Mindset Reflection Journal resource.

Each writing prompt contains an inspirational quote that is designed to inspire and induce critical thinking. In addition, there is a H.O.T./self-reflection question for each reflection. Question types include analysis, making connections, self-reflecting, and more. This journal can be used as weekly bell ringers, weekly writing prompts, early finisher activities, and so much more!

✍ What’s Included:

• 5 NO PREP Journal Prompts

• One Journal Entry Per Page Layout

• Two Journal Entries Per Page Layout

⛔⛔ Click here to buy about the Year-Long Reflection Journal ⛔⛔

Please be sure to download the preview file to see exactly what you are getting when you purchase this product!

Created by Stephanie M. Icenogle, The Creative Classroom © 2017; updated ©2023

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

▶️ Connect with The Creative Classroom:

➜ Sign up HERE for The Creative Classroom’s EMAIL LIST for exclusive freebies, tips, and more!

Check out these other Growth Mindset Activities from The Creative Classroom:

☞ # Words of Wisdom: Creating a Growth Mindset DIY Interactive Bulletin Board

☞ # Words of Wisdom: Growth Mindset Banners and Mini Research Project

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Geometric Shapes – Borders & Frames (FREE)”

by Johnny and Jane
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Add some geometric flair to your classroom! Great for centers and printables!

❒ Geometric Shapes – Borders & Backgrounds

36 borders – 8 colors + B&W • 2 Variations (White / Transparent ) • Size (8.5” x 11″)

❒ Borders with 3D shapes, including: Cylinders, Rectangular Prisms, Cones, Spheres, Cubes, and Pyramids. All borders come in 2 thicknesses: 5/8 in. and 1/4 In. Perfect for math and science posters, signs, task cards, name tags.

❒ All the images are resizable. Both borders are available with a white background or a transparent background for flexible use.

❒ All designs are included in high resolution (300 DPI) .png format. In addition, each shape is available with transparent or white fill background, perfect for scaling and printing.

File Information:

The download is contained in a ZIP file. Windows and Mac both have native tools for unzipping these files. You must unzip the files to use the product.

Related Products

• Border Pack #1 – Polka Dots

• Bubbles! – Borders and Frames

• Cobblestone (Pastels) Stars, Circles, and Rectangles – Tags and Labels

• Cobblestone Stars, Circles, and Rectangles – Tags and Labels

• Cobbletstone (Pastels) – Borders and Frames

• Cobbletstone – Borders and Frames

• Stitches – Frames

• Polka Dot Borders, Labels and Tags – Bundle 1

• Polka Dot Stars, Circles, and Rectangles – Tags and Labels

Terms of Use:

You can use this for personal or commercial use. If used for commercial purposes, please provide credit for use of the artwork. We always appreciate being appreciated!

Let’s Be Social! 



We hope you enjoy using our designs. Have fun creating!!!

Thanks So Much!

Johnny & Jane

Geometric Shapes – Borders & Backgrounds © 2020 Johnny and Jane

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Relief Teacher Feedback Form (Clutter Free)”

by Teach Super
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

This download contains a free relief teacher feedback form. I have included writing space for morning, middle and afternoon sessions. Also, there is space to note down super students + extra notes.

Enjoy 🙂 I am hoping to add some relief teacher resources in the near future so be on the look out! Feel free to follow me to stay updated!

Teach Super 🙂

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Funny Classroom Posters Set”

by Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen
5th – 12th Grade

Free- please leave feedback! This set includes 6 classroom posters that you can print at any size to decorate your classroom!

The set includes:

-Let’s Eat Kids. Let’s Eat, Kids- punctuation saves lives!

-Pay Attention! You can’t use Google on a job interview.

-There are people who don’t listen to Their teacher’s grammar lessons, and They’re driving me nuts

-You know what seems odd to me? Numbers that aren’t divisible by two.

-Think like a Proton, always stay Positive.

-Without Geography, you’re Nowhere.

Don’t forget to leave feedback so you get your TpT credit! Please FOLLOW my store to get updates on new products, freebies and sales!

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