Category Archives : Easter

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Egg Sorting by Color Activity for Preschool”

by Linda’s Loft for Little Learners
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

FREE! Reinforce color recognition and sorting by color with this simple and engaging Easter Egg Sorting by Color Activity. Children will identify colors and place colored eggs on the appropriate color sorting mat. This resource can be placed in a center or used as a quiet-time or busy bag activity.


→Blue sorting mat and six blue eggs

→Yellow sorting mat and six yellow eggs

→Pink sorting mat and six pink eggs

→Green sorting mat and six green eggs

→Purple sorting mat and six purple eggs


►Sort by attribute, such as eggs with stripes, eggs with polka dots, etc.

►Make duplicate copies of the picture cards and match pictures that are the same to reinforce visual discrimination skills.

►Play “Concentration” to develop visual memory. (Need two copies of each card).



Fall Colors Match and Sort

Thanksgiving Sort by Color

Christmas Sort by Color

Snowman Sort by Color

Click for more Easter resources.



Mary C:

“We loved this activity during our small groups! It was easy to structure for individuals.”

Jamie L.

“Perfect for morning work during our Easter theme. I love the bright colors and cute clipart. This is an awesome, minimal prep resource.”

Speech with Miss E (TpT Seller):

“Very cute and simple project for my 2 1/2 year old son and nephew to do this weekend. Of course I’ll probably use it with with some of my kids here at school next year too.”



Follow my store to learn about new products and store sales. Also, by rating this product and leaving feedback you will earn credits toward future TpT purchases.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “German Brag Tags – Deutsche Lobkärtchen – Ostern”

by Clever Teaching Resources
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

German Brag Tags are great to show your students, that you valuable their efforts.
There are 9 different Easter Brag Tags in beautiful colour.
Diese deutschen Oster-Lobkärtchen eignen sich hervorragend, um deinen DaF-Schülern zu zeigen, dass du ihre Bemühungen würdigst.
In diesem Produkt sind 9 verschiedene farbige Kärtchen enthalten. Außerdem bekommst du die gleichen Karten mit dem Ostergruß “Frohe Ostern”.


Ich freue mich über Feedback! Wenn du dieses Produkt bei TPT kommentierst und bewertest, bekommst du dafür TPT-Credits, die du bei deinem nächsten Einkauf verwenden kannst.
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See the preview for more information.

Check out my other German products. For example:

German Writing Prompts for Kids:

German- 10 Creative Writing Templates- 10 kreative Schreibideen

State your Opinion- 22 Sage deine Meinung

Finish the Story- 11 Beende die Geschichte

Pick a Topic- 21 schreibe über ein Thema

write a Short Story- 15 schreibe eine Kurzgeschichte

I Have- Who has?

Animals- “Ich habe…Wer hat…? Tiere”l

Verbs- “Ich habe…Wer hat…? Verben”

School- “Ich habe…Wer hat…? Schule”

Fruits&Vegetables- “Ich habe…Wer hat…? Obst&Gemüse”

Food- “Ich habe… Wer hat…? Lebensmittel”

Clothes- “Ich habe… Wer hat…? Kleidung”


Deutsche Artikel und Genus- German Article

Verben konjugieren- German: Conjugation of verbs

German Grammar – Aktiv und Passiv –

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• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Holy Week – Easter Sequencing Cards – Craft by Charlotte’s Clips”

by Charlotte’s Clips
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Free Holy Week – Easter Sequencing Cards to be used during Lent.

This download can be used as:
1. A worksheet which is numbered with ordinal numbers.
2. Put in a pocket chart so students can sequencing the events.
3. Color, cut, and glue the cards into the shape of a cross.

If you like this product, you may want to check:

Holy Week Clip art

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FREE MATH LESSON – “*Easter Themed* Friends of 10 – FREE Activity Pack -”

by The Relief Teacher
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy three FREE Easter-themed activities to reinforce your students number concepts and friends of 10.

The packet includes:

– Friends of 10 missing number cards:
Students identify the missing number in the friends of 10 sum. Laminate and use with dry-erase markers for long-term use.

– Friends of 10 match and color:
Students color the sheet by finding and matching their friends of 10.

– Friends of 10 roll and cover:
Students play in pairs rolling a 6-sided dice and covering the friends of 10 on the answer sheet. Students aim to get 5 boxes covered in a row.

If you like this product you may also like:
• Bump it Up Wall *Reading AND Comprehension Bundle* Australian Curriculum (K-2)
• *Bump it Up Wall* Aligned with Australian Writing Continuum Clusters 1-9 (K-2)
• Numeracy Goal Wall K-2 *Aligned with the Australian Curriculum*

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store.–3091008

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Break Out: The Pilate Inscription escape room freebie”

by Kathleen Applebee
6th – 12th Grade

The Pilate Inscription – an Easter or anytime archaeology Escape Room Break Out by Kathy Applebee.

STORY: The Pilate Inscription, on a stone tablet found in Caesarea, mentions the name of Pontius Pilate the “Prefect of Judea.“ Someone wants to destroy the artifact and it’s up to you to find and save it before the bad guys arrive to claim it.

Perfect as a lead up to Easter, Bible study, archaeology or camp activity.

A digital version is available here. This requires no physical locks or keys.

An introductory video is available here.


4 regular type locks with keys

2 Break Outboxes and 1 other box or lockable drawer

1 or more NIV Bibles

1 UV flashlight finder

The 2 sets of clues from the clues .PDFs (in this Zip file)

Content area: Archaeology, ancient history, New Testament studies and proofs, Jesus death and burial. Recommended Ages/ target audience: Any; Ideal Group Size: 4 to 10. Suggested Time: 10 minutes introduction, 60 minutes playing time, additional time for debriefing activities

More free Easter and other products

Break Out: The DNA Mystery

Christ the Shepherd, Christ the King

Christ the Servant, Christ the King

Easter skit package 5 free scripts

Antiquities archeology game

The Last Supper

Nick and Joe free resurrection script

Mizpah free script

Easter choral reading 2

Easter graphics free & copyright free

Easter Bunny Break Out virtual escape room

Break Out Force and Motion

Tower of Babel breakout freebie

Clues Ephesians 2:10 mystery game freebie

Spread the Gospel through Trade board game freebie

Armor of God bundle freebie

Bible occupations economics game freebie

Food chain freebie Bible based with adaptations

Creation card game Freebie on 7 days of creation

Life science kinesthetic games freebie: predator, prey, consumers, producers and more

Break Out: The Assyrian Deception freebie

Free Christian drama resources at Fools for Christ

Free interactive Bible games

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Easter Number Flashcards 0-20”

by Linda’s Loft for Little Learners
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

FREE!!! Reinforce number recognition, counting, or sequencing with these adorable Easter Number Flashcards 0-20. Flashcards can be used for individual and small group instruction or for assessment purposes. Use manipulatives such as jelly beans, candy eggs, etc. to practice creating sets for each number. Children will love the Easter theme.

If desired, make two copies and have children match numbers that are the same.


You may also like:

Acorn Number Flashcards

Other Easter counting resources:

Easter Preschool Math Printables

Easter Number Recognition and Counting

Find more Easter resources HERE.



Follow my store to learn about new products and store sales. Also, by rating this product and leaving feedback you will earn credits toward future TpT purchases.

❤New followers are always welcome and much appreciated!

Thank you so much for browsing at Linda’s Loft for Little Learners.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spring Clipart Freebie–Chirping Chicks”

by Teacher’s Palette
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

••• Spring Chicks Clipart••Easter Clip Art••Chicks for Covers and/or Coloring •••
This 9-image Spring clipart set includes 8 colored chicks (shown) and 1 blackline version. They can be used for commercial, personal, or classroom purposes.

All images are PNG files (with no annoying background squares), so shadows can easily be added, and the images can be layered into multiple resources. You are free to use them for personal or commercial use (no credit necessary). Please click on the Preview button above to see more details about the Terms of Use.

You might also like: Spring Clipart: Funny Bunnies

Note: This is a zip file. Before purchasing, please be sure that you are able to open zip files.

©Teacher’s Palette, 2016

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Free”

by Nikole T
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

Easter Free – Clipart Graphics Set
There will be 5 days. Each day, a new freebie will be posted in my store.
This is a set of 10 individual files to use in your classroom- Sheep This beautiful clip art set will be delivered to you in transparent PNG file format via a .zip file.
Editable PowerPoint Templates Bundle-135 pages (40% OFF)

The zip file contains:
– 8 color 300dpi PNG files
– 2 black & white 300dpi PNG files
Thanks and enjoy the 5 days of freebies!
OK for personal or commercial use. Please feel free to provide feedback and follow my store!
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Check out some of my products !
Fun math- Birds- Interactive slide show- 36 PPT- 36 PDF- 3 PNG
BIRDS- SPRING- 3 Editable PowerPoint- slide design (27 Slides)
Easter egg- Frames- Writing paper- Spring- Clip Art
Easter Egg- Task Cards- Editable PowerPoint
Easter Egg- Spring- puzzle- Clip Art
 Spring Flowers – Writing paper- Frames
– Flowers and butterflies
– Flowers and butterflies 2
 Butterflies- Drawing lessons- slide show; Clip Art
 SPRING- Labels- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- 5 PowerPoint slide design- Personal or commercial use
 Flowers- frames- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Ladybugs and dragonflies- Clip Art; Personal or Commercial Use
 Birds-Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Flowers- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- the sun, cloud- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Butterflies- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Seasons- Months- Days of the week- Program- Clip art
 Spring- Birds- Ribbons- Hearts- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 SPRING FLOWERS- 21 slide PowerPoint presentation

Free Animated Pictures- Spring- Clip Art

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Freebie – Bunny Head: Roll and Color / Colour”

by Readable Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Easter Freebie – Bunny Head: Roll and Color / Colour

Students play in pairs or small groups to see who can complete their bunny head first.

They take turns rolling the dice and coloring one rectangle (or drawing a mouth line along one side of a rectangle) each time ~ using the dice-color code.

Two instruction sheets are included: color / colour

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Collect the Easter Eggs Game Freebie”

by Exceptional Kinders
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Collect the Easter Eggs Game Freebie

This is a 2 player game. Each player takes a game board (an Easter Basket). 1, 2, or 3 dice are needed for this game. For younger students, roll one die and place the correct number of eggs on their pot of gold. Older students can roll 2 or 3 die and add the numbers together to get the number of eggs they should take. When all of the eggs are gone, the students count the eggs on their game board. The player with the most eggs wins.

1/12/14: I have added counters for counting my 2s, 5, and 10s to this file.

Common Core Standards:
K.CC.1 Count to 100 by ones and tens.
K.CC.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
K.CC.5 Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10 things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1-20, count out that many objects.
K.CC.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g./ by using matching and counting strategies. (Include groups with up to 10 objects.)
1.OA.3 Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract.
1.OA.5 Relate counting to addition and subtraction
1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.

Thank you for viewing my Collect the Easter Eggs Game Freebie! I hope you enjoy it!
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Carolyn – Exceptional Kinders

Font by: Clip Art by Carrie @ C&C Teach First, and Kimberly Geswein Fonts,
Graphics by: My Cute Graphics

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Easter/Spring Fill-In-The-Blanks Digraph Book *FREEBIE*”

by Jennifer Drake
Kindergarten – 1st Grade


This chick has a lot to say!
Help him complete his sentences by filling in the missing digraphs!

This book only comes in black & white but is printer friendly and easy to assemble!

If you like this book, you will love my set of 8 Digraph Readers!
You can find a free sample here!

This pack will allow you to incorporate fun seasonal themed activities into your curriculum and literacy instruction!

Address Common Core standards while reading about fun seasonal characters!

Use it at a spring/Easter party as an academic activity station! It can be used during the week leading to Easter and/or all spring long!

This Pack Includes:
*Directions/Suggestions For Use

*7 page ‘fill in the blank’ digraph reader

Looking for more Easter/spring, digraph, and/or reading fun? Visit My TpT Store and click on the custom categories that best match what you are looking for!

Visit My Facebook or My Blog for exclusive fan freebies, giveaways, games and more!

Consider following me for future product and freebie upload notification emails from TpT!

Happy Easter/Spring Theme Digraph Fun!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Easter Reflections”

by MrsTech
1st – 5th Grade

This short activity is no-prep and has students reflect on their Easter. This activity is great to do as bell work or as a journal activity the first day back from Easter so that they can tell you all about their weekend without spending the whole day listening to stories about Easter Break. There is also a cute poem included if you want to send the packet home with students to do over the weekend.


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by CrunchyMom
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Who wants a spring clipart FREEBIE?! Great for adding a punch of color to covers, or to embellish your spring, Easter, or Earth day resources, these doodle flower illustrations are just the thing 🙂 There are 5 different images, each in 3 different color variations. White-filled blacklines are also included. Enjoy!

All pieces are high resolution 300 dpi PNG images on transparent backgrounds and can easily be layered into your projects and lesson materials.

What Are Doodle Clips? Doodle Clips are images created from sketching traditionally (on paper), inking (blackline), then coloring either traditionally (with markers, pencils, or paint) or digitally. They tend to have a much more organic feel, and AREN’T composed of perfectly straight lines. There is beauty in imperfection, which is what I love most about Doodle Clips!


All Crunchymom graphics are protected under U.S. copyright law and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). All rights are reserved. When you purchase any of my graphics products, you are purchasing a SINGLE USER license and NOT the copyright to my images or products.

Terms of Use for Crunchymom Graphics:

● Commercial use: Graphics may be used in commercial products, but MUST be flattened and secured if you use the images in products you sell (or distribute). Graphics MAY NOT be used to create other clipart or digital paper and MUST NOT be the main element in your product. Some examples of this would be classroom decor, binder covers, coloring pages, posters, or flash cards that do not add at least 50% of educational content to your overall product.

● Commercial credit is required: A link to the Crunchymom TpT store is required in both commercial products and freebies. A CM Logo image is included in the download file.

● You MAY NOT use my graphics for any commercial printing (stickers, pencil toppers, embroidery patterns, stamps, or any similar hard goods) without having written consent from Crunchymom. Images MAY NOT be used in products for sale on Etsy, Zazzle, or similar hard-product-based websites.

● Personal classroom use: Crunchymom graphics may be used however you wish personally in items that are not shared, distributed or sold.

● Blog/Website Usage: Images must be flattened and secured with other elements so they cannot be easily lifted and my CM Logo with a link to my store must be visibly displayed.

Purchasing and/or downloading any of my graphics products confirms your agreement to adhere to my FULL TERMS OF USE. Failure to comply with my terms is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please read my FULL TERMS OF USE prior to purchase.

If you have questions regarding these terms, please contact me at [email protected]


THANK YOU for stopping by my store!

spring clip art free Easter clipart April showers bring May flowers Earth day clipart

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spring Easter Drawing Activity Freebie”

by CreativeCOTA LLC
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Are your students struggling in the classroom? Are they having difficulty drawing recognizable pictures in their writing journals? Difficulty processing visual information and poor visual-motor coordination skills can lead to problems with reading, spelling, handwriting, drawing, math, and comprehension.  Use these fun free, roll and draw a bunny, visual perception activities to help your students improve their drawing and planning skills.  Visual perception is the skill needed for a child to make sense of what they see.  Help their brains interpret the information they are taking in all day long with these activities.

This is a free Spring Easter Drawing resource. Both a print and digital version are included. Check out more roll and draw or digital drawing spinners in my store.

The print or on-screen Roll and Draw a bunny can be used math center station for work on number identification. Great for classroom activities, virtual lessons, small group special education, teletherapy, and occupational therapy.

Students must draw the parts in the order that they roll. This works on visual perceptual and executive functioning skills, as they must plan out where each part will go. Challenge them to complete the drawing without erasing.

The distance learning resource contains a link to the digital spinning wheel for drawing a bunny. These wheels are great for distance learning and occupational teletherapy sessions, click on the board to use the link to the Wheel of Names website. They can also be used in the classroom on a smartboard or personal device. Must have an internet connection for access to the digital version on the website. Boards can also be printed and used with a pencil and paper clip spinner.

Directions: You or your students spin the wheel. Drawing wheels can be used like my other roll and spin drawing activities. Each spin is the part of the drawing they need to complete. These are a great way to work on visual perception and planning skills. Writing prompt wheels can be spun a few times for each student. They can then write a story that includes the images they spun.

Click HERE to follow my store. You will receive emails about new resources. Purchase new resources within the first 48 hours of upload and receive 50% off! Thank you.

Please consider rating all downloaded resources. Providing a rating for paid resources will earn you TpT credits. Credits can be used toward your future purchases on TpT. Your ratings are helpful when creating new products and I can also update any current product based on your feedback. My hope is that you are extremely satisfied and feel you can give the product a 5-star rating. If not, please send me a question/comment if there is something I can do to improve your downloaded purchase. Click and go to your My Purchases page now to provide a review for resources you have purchased. Sales, ratings and new followers make my day. Thank you in advance for your time.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Bible Printable: Miracle or Magic from Charlotte’s Clips”

by Charlotte’s Clips
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

After we have discussed several miracle bible stories about Jesus, we do some magic tricks. Then we discuss the difference between miracle and magic.

This printable asks the students to look at the images and circle the correct answer (miracle or magic). For younger children, you could have them color or circle the images that are miracles and cross the images that illustrated magic.

If you like this, you may want to check out these coordinating sets:

Jesus and the 12 Apostles Clip Art Set

Jesus Fishers of Men Clip Art Set

Jesus Calms the Storm and Walks on Water set

Miracles of Jesus Clip Art Set 1

Miracles of Jesus Clip Art Set 2

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April 2022 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern 

Welcome to our April Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like to wish you a happy and prosperous spring.  We have so many fab tips this month from fun activities, ELA and reading ideas, to high interest learning. You don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here…The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, “Feel free to email me at [email protected] for any questions you might have.”
April Activities Just for Your Students
Some fun and engaging activities for you to do with your students during the month of April or whenever.
Read Aloud Magic
Add a little magic to your read-alouds by taking your students through a portal inside the book.
5 Ways to Up the FUN Factor at the End of the School Year

The end of the school year can be difficult at best and disastrous at worst. Your students are ready for summer, and you are anxious to close the year out without incident. Here are 5 ways to up the FUN factor at the end of the year

Make an Old Story New Again

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Rework a plot from a story you’ve read or a movie you’ve seen and make it your own.

Junk Art

One of the best things about teaching reading is that you can find anything to read about any holiday and make it teachable. When April rolls around, one of my favorite Earth Day activities is making art from junk and having students write stories about their creations.

Let’s Play Bingo!
Learn 3 ways to use BINGO in your math class.


The Best Strategies for Keeping Students Engaged During Tough Teaching Times

Learn some of the best strategies for keeping students engaged during the most challenging times of the year.


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Easter Literacy Station — Silent e Words”

by Pitner’s Potpourri
1st – 2nd Grade

This FREE activity is perfect for a small group to use in a literacy station. Students can play in teams or against another student. The objective is to read words on a grid and get four in a row correct. Grades 1 – 2 – Can be used for intervention in third grade.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Easter Sentence Scrambles-Just add eggs”

by Geaux First Grade
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Looking for a fun way to use your Easter eggs? Look no further! Students simply unscramble the sentence and then record it on their recording sheet.

Any questions please e-mail me at geauxfirstgrade@mrsgraysplace

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by CrunchyMom
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Who wants a spring clipart FREEBIE?! Great for adding a punch of color to covers, or to embellish your spring, Easter, or Earth day resources, these doodle flower illustrations are just the thing 🙂 There are 5 different images, each in 3 different color variations. White-filled blacklines are also included. Enjoy!

All pieces are high resolution 300 dpi PNG images on transparent backgrounds and can easily be layered into your projects and lesson materials.

What Are Doodle Clips? Doodle Clips are images created from sketching traditionally (on paper), inking (blackline), then coloring either traditionally (with markers, pencils, or paint) or digitally. They tend to have a much more organic feel, and AREN’T composed of perfectly straight lines. There is beauty in imperfection, which is what I love most about Doodle Clips!


All Crunchymom graphics are protected under U.S. copyright law and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). All rights are reserved. When you purchase any of my graphics products, you are purchasing a SINGLE USER license and NOT the copyright to my images or products.

Terms of Use for Crunchymom Graphics:

● Commercial use: Graphics may be used in commercial products, but MUST be flattened and secured if you use the images in products you sell (or distribute). Graphics MAY NOT be used to create other clipart or digital paper and MUST NOT be the main element in your product. Some examples of this would be classroom decor, binder covers, coloring pages, posters, or flash cards that do not add at least 50% of educational content to your overall product.

● Commercial credit is required: A link to the Crunchymom TpT store is required in both commercial products and freebies. A CM Logo image is included in the download file.

● You MAY NOT use my graphics for any commercial printing (stickers, pencil toppers, embroidery patterns, stamps, or any similar hard goods) without having written consent from Crunchymom. Images MAY NOT be used in products for sale on Etsy, Zazzle, or similar hard-product-based websites.

● Personal classroom use: Crunchymom graphics may be used however you wish personally in items that are not shared, distributed or sold.

● Blog/Website Usage: Images must be flattened and secured with other elements so they cannot be easily lifted and my CM Logo with a link to my store must be visibly displayed.

Purchasing and/or downloading any of my graphics products confirms your agreement to adhere to my FULL TERMS OF USE. Failure to comply with my terms is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please read my FULL TERMS OF USE prior to purchase.

If you have questions regarding these terms, please contact me at [email protected]


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spring clip art free Easter clipart April showers bring May flowers Earth day clipart

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Jellybean Math {Fractions, Graphing, Word Problems}”

by Cait’s Cool School
3rd – 5th Grade

This math activity pack is perfect for spring/Easter. Just add jellybeans! Students will practice fractions, create a bar graph, solve word problems (long division w/1 digit divisor, multi-step, and multi-digit multiplication), and complete a color-by-product page with two options- one with colors chosen & one where the students can chose their own colors. This was an easy way to engage my students while doing a mix of different practice skills.

Five Printable Pages featuring the fractions work, word problems, bar graph page, and color-by-product.

Related Products
End of Year Lapbook with BONUS Activities
After I Caught a Leprechaun Mini Book

Customer Tips:How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Happy Easter Pennant Banner Bunting”

by Reading with Mrs D
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

When decorating your hall or bulletin board this Spring for Easter why not consider using these Banners as part of your plan?

You will spell Happy Easter.

Each letter is available in two sizes, please see images to the left.

Easter Resources

Scrambled Sentences
1-10 Numbers Match
11-20 Numbers Match
Alphabetical Order
Letter Match
Stolen/Missing Numbers


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Copyright © Desiree @ Reading With Mrs. D. All rights reserved. This product is intended for ONE classroom use only. It is not to be shared with colleagues, co-teachers, whole school or school board. It is not to be distributed or shared in any manner or saved online digitally for others to access. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the copyright act. Clipart and fonts in this document are not to be extracted and used outside this file as it violates another authors copyright. This is intended for your OWN PERSONAL use only.

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Thank you for shopping with me, and have fun teaching this year!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Easter Math Activity”

by Apple House Learning
1st – 2nd Grade

FREE Easter Math Skip Counting.

This activity is from my Super Easter Math Packet.

: Dr. Pearlena Wallace, Apple House Learning℠
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by The Education Highway
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Write facts about rabbits. Quick and easy to put together for students. It includes a rabbit reading passage, booklets, bulletin board activity and more.

This Resource Includes

Interactive Notebook:

Rabbits real photo with writing flap

Reading passage about rabbits

Quick Facts about rabbits flaps

Tabs for Facts about Rabbits

-Rabbits are, rabbits have, rabbits can, rabbits live,

rabbits live.

Writing booklets flaps:

Facts about Rabbits (primary and standard lines)

Easter bunny Bulletin board writing activity with flaps

Writing Paper:

primary and standard lines

Story Map:

for any story: Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution

Other Product you may be Interested in:

St. Patrick’s Day Beginning Sounds

St. Patrick’s Day Grade 2 Math Printables

St. Patrick’s Day Grade 2 Math and Literacy

I appreciate your feedback!

If you have a comment or questions email [email protected]

Hope this product brings a smile to your day!

Celeste Cuevas

The Education Highway

Stop by and visit us Instagram or Facebook

Copyright (c) 2017 Celeste Cuevas, The Education Highway. All rights reserved by author.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Literacy Craftivity | Distance Learning”

by That Fun Reading Teacher
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This fun Easter Song and Movement Craftivity is displayed on a colorful, decorative poster, and based on the tune of the Hokey-Pokey.

Have your students put on their bunny ears and fluffy tails while they follow the actions of The Bunny Hop!

A blackline master is included for student copies, along with a fun coloring sheet to wish someone special a Happy Easter!

Thank you in advance, to those of you who generously take the time to leave feedback!

Happy Easter from me, to you! 🙂

Other Spring resources:

More Early Literacy!


☆Followers’ Fave FREEBIES!☆

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Thank you for visiting my store! Please direct any questions you may have on the Q and A page of my store (by clicking my name at the top right), or email me at [email protected].

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• Log in and go to your My Purchases page. Click the Provide Feedback button, where you will be linked to the page to leave a rating and short comment for the product.

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Easter literacy | Easter bunny DPA | Easter bunny hop | Easter song and movement | fun Easter activity | early literacy for Easter | Easter craft

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Easter Counting to 10 Puzzles – FREE – for Google Classroom DISTANCE LEARNING”

by Cherry Workshop
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Easter Counting Puzzles for Google Classroom
Google Classroom Activity
Counting to 10 Google Activity
Easter Google Slides Counting
Digital Activities for Kindergarten


• 10 slides with egg puzzles

• 2 movable puzzle pieces – with 10 frames


This resource can be used with Google Slides through Google Classroom at school for homework or you as a distance learning activity. Make sure your kids can use a resource for Google Slides by trying a freebie first. Here are some freebies for Google Slides.


EASTER activities for Google Classroom:
Easter CVC Activity for Google Classroom
FREE Counting to 10 Easter Activity for Google Classroom
Addition within 10 Activity for Google Classroom

Letter of the week activities for Google Classroom

Sight Words activities for Google Classroom
Counting activities for Google Classroom
Greater than less than activities for Google Classroom
Shapes activities for Google Classroom

SEE ALL Google Slides Resources for Kindergarten in my Store – HERE

Happy Teaching!

Happy Teaching! © 2018 Google LLC, used with permission. Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google LLC.

Cherry Workshop © is not affiliated with or endorsed by Google Inc. Distance Learning Distance Learning Kindergarten Activities for Google Classroom Activities for Google Slides

tags: distancelearningmathk distancelearningseasonalmathk

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Wordsearch Freebie”

by Little Learner Toolbox
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Have some Easter fun with your students with this freebie which contains: An Easter Wordsearch AND Unscramble the Easter Words!

**These activities are sample activities from my 37 page Easter Activity Pack. This pack also includes:

– 5 morning work / worksheets:
including math, jumbled sentences,
read, write, color and cut activities
– 2 ‘Solve the problem, find the number & color’ pictures (addition & subtraction)
– Draw the chick
– 2 cut and solve Easter puzzle pages
– 7 page Easter mini book
– Easter Word Family Sheets
: – ick, – op, – un
: Sort the word families – ick & – op
– Happy Easter & March coloring pages
– Make Easter popsicle puppets
– Rainbow Dash Board Game
Collect eggs to fill the Easter Bunny’s basket!

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by Kennedy’s Korner
1st – 5th Grade

Easter Basket FREEBIE ~ Includes directions for the Teacher and a letter to send home to parents.

Have fun making this easy EASTER BASKET!

Kennedy’s Korner

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Eggs-tra Special Fractions”

by Realistic Teacher
3rd Grade

Use this handout to have students color in the Easter eggs and then write the fraction represented.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Easter Foldable Book – Trace and Color {Freebie}”

by Readable Creations

Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

My Easter Book – Trace and Color {Easter Freebie}

This book is full of delightful Easter eggs to trace and color. What a fun way for your students to practice the fine motor skills of folding, cutting, tracing, and coloring. The folding and cutting directions are included. (1 sheet = 4-page book)

Others in the Foldable Book series:
Thanksgiving Foldable Book – Trace and ColorWinter Foldable Book – Trace and Color
Christmas Foldable Book – Trace and Color
and a bundle of the two: Winter and Christmas Foldable Book Bundle
Foldable Graph Book – Math Fun

Another Easter foldable book is included in this Easter resource –
Long e and Short e Dolch Sight Words (K-1)

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Easter Symmetry Drawing Activity for Art and Math SAMPLE”

by ZippadeeZazz

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Symmetry drawing is the perfect way to use art to introduce math and geometry to elementary grades!

Easter Symmetry Drawings can be used to teach elementary students about symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and objects in a fun and easy to explain way.

By using Easter symmetry drawings, your students will be more likely to understand and explain symmetry and lines of symmetry.

Symmetry drawings are a great way to add art into any unit and create unique and colorful bulletin boards!

This Easter themed Symmetry worksheets SAMPLE include:

• 2 x Easter Basket Symmetry Worksheets (with and without guides)

• High quality PDF format.

Want the full resource?


COMMON CORE STANDARDS: K.G.A.1, K.G.A.2, K.G.B.4, K.G.B.5, 1.G.A.1, 2.G.A.1.

Terms of Use (TOU)

This is a single license use – only for YOUR classroom, please do NOT distribute or share this product unless you’ve purchased an additional license.

Thanks for visiting our store!

© 2017 by Zippadee Zazz. All Rights Reserved.

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