Category Archives : MISC. LESSONS

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Reward Punch Cards – Freebie”

by Teaching is a Work of Art
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

This set of free reward hole punch cards can help motivate your students to achieve goals and good behavior. Once they have their 10 numbers punched, they get to choose a prize from the treasure chest, it’s proven to be a powerful motivator!

This is a blackline version, if you’d rather have a color editable PowerPoint file where you can edit the names of the students by opening a text box on the slide, please check it out here EDITABLE REWARD PUNCH HOLE CARDS (COLOR & BLACKLINE)
The superheroes in the colored version have a choice of skin tones.

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Clip Art Freebie – Happy New Year Kids”

by KB Konnected
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Updated for 2015!

Happy New Year to all of my customers, followers and friends! I hope you enjoy this little freebie. 🙂

4 Kids
4 Hats
5 line art images

Commercial use welcome on product and freebies. Just give credit as stated in TOU. Thanks!!!

Also for the new year…
Fortune Cookie Creation Station

You may also like…
Valentine Cuties with Frames
I’d rather be…Windsurfing!
Snow Kids

Visit me at one of my blogs/websites.
KB…Konnected Clips!
KB…Konnected Kids!

Happy New Year Kids by Kb…Konnected is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “GOALS > RESOLUTIONS: A Free SMART Student Goal Setting Guide”

by The Three Square Pegs
5th – 12th Grade


Making resolutions is often synonymous with breaking resolutions.

Solution? Showing students how to write well-thought-out, specific goals.

This free lesson for middle and high school students includes:

  • A two-page overview of the difference between resolutions and goals
  • A Long-Term, Short-Term & Daily Goal Setting Worksheet
  • A “Success Chart” for students to track progress towards their daily and weekly goals

This lesson is in both .pdf and digital formats. Either print for in-class use or have students use the digital overlay to do this lesson remotely.

ASCA Standard:

  • B-SMS 5. Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long- and short-term goals

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Blending Technology Into Project Based Learning”

by Sweet Integrations – Sandy Cangelosi
2nd – 6th Grade

Have you wanted to integrate technology into your project based learning units, and don’t know where to begin? This video focuses on blending technology tools into a project based learning unit. Project Based Learning provides multiple opportunities to integrate technology. We will explore different online resources and apps which can be incorporated during the phases (framework) of project based learning. (ones which may best suit your project) By incorporating digital tools throughout a project based learning unit, students will in turn learn to think creatively and critically, problem solve effectively, collaborate with others, and successfully communicate their learning experiences. Besides traditional formative assessments that teachers may use during the project, a variety of alternative tools will be provided during this presentation.

This video was presented at the 2018 Teach with Tech Online Conference and is now available for you to download.

When you download this product, you’ll receive:

* 25 Minute Video that can be viewed on your own time

* PowerPoint of the recommended apps and website resources to implement during a project based learning unit.

* A FREE resource which includes a Digital Project Based Learning Planner for teachers

Even though, this video was designed for elementary teachers, it’s totally appropriate for middle school teachers.

This purchase is for a single license only (one person). Please contact me if you would like a quote for multiple licenses: contact @[email protected]

Teach With Tech sessions available on TPT :



✓ Getting Started with Google Forms: Teach With Tech Training Session from Mr. Mault’s Marketplace

✓ Paperless Back to School Tips from Sailing into Second

✓ Using Digital Escape Rooms to Enhance Your Classroom, Breakouts from English Oh My

✓ Blending Technology Into Project Based Learning from Sweet Integrations

More Project Based Learning: These activities can easily be adapted for enrichment or gifted students in other grade levels.

Project Based Learning Growing Bundle

Project Based Learning Units

Project Based Learning Essential Elements Posters

Charting Your Way


Customer Tips

Earning TPT Credits

TpT credits are points, which can be applied to future purchases which will save you money. For every dollar you spend on TpT, you’ll earn 1 credit.

After you make a purchase, rate and comment fairly on the product page of your purchased item. You need to do both to earn your credits. I value your feedback so I can create quality products for your classroom.


If you become a follower, you’ll be the first:

– To know about new sales and discounts,

– Free products,

– And new product launches

You will now receive email updates about my store.

Drop by my blog, Sweet Integrations for more ideas for your classroom!

Let’s connect:

Sweet Integrations Blog

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Sweet Integrations on Twitter

Sweet Integrations on Pinterest


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “New Years 2025 Word Search Goal Setting Resolutions Puzzles Word Search”

by Tied 2 Teaching
2nd – 6th Grade

Are you helping your students make New Years Resolutions for 2024? Have you ever considered the simplicity of one word resolutions?

This is a fun, quick, and easy New Years activity to do with your students. Complete with 25 outer vocabulary words that would make great ONE WORD RESOLUTIONS to search and find, your students will love completing this fun activity for morning work, homework, a whole class challenge, or in a literacy center. It is such a fun way to help your students with goal setting as you launch into the new year! It’s going to be the best year yet!

I greatly appreciate your FIVE STAR ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ feedback and it helps you build points to use towards FREE TPT purchases!

Let’s Stay Connected

Click HERE to receive fun FREE classroom resources as well as classroom tips and fun teacher hacks from Tied 2 Teaching!

Questions or Comments?

We welcome all questions or comments! Please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]

I Love My Followers

Look for the green star at the top of the page next to my store logo. Click it to become a follower. When you do this, you’ll receive customized email updates about Tied 2 Teaching, and information about sales and new products!

Don’t forget to leave feedback to earn points to use towards FREE TPT purchases!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “New Year’s Trivia Boom Cards–Digital Task Cards”

by Blue Mountain Math
7th – 11th Grade

Boom Cards™ are a great way to practice every day skills and have fun. In this deck, students celebrate the holiday with New Year’s Trivia. Test knowledge of customs and celebrations. You will be surprised at how much your students know. This set of Boom Cards features 30 different Digital Self-Checking Task Cards. (No printing, cutting, laminating, or grading!)

Boom Cards live in the cloud. A new option is for teachers to be able to print the cards. . They play on most modern browsers, Android, i Pads, i Phones, and Kindle Fires. You open a Boom Learning account to play them (to protect the children). Create Fast Play pins to assign your Boom Cards to students.

Boom Learning also has premium accounts. Premium accounts offer advanced assignment tools, individual and whole class performance tracking, and more. If you are a new Boom Learning customer, when you redeem your Boom Cards purchase you get 90-day free trial of a premium account. When your trial ends, you can renew or move to a free account. You may upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time. Free accounts use purchased Boom Cards with Fast Play pins.

The Boom Cards™ Include:

• Built In Answer Key

• Sharing Instructions

This Boom Card™ set is aligned to all levels from Upper Elementary to High School

Digital Self-Checking Boom Task Cards do not require printing, laminating, or cutting! Great to use for:

• Whole Class Instruction

• Mini Lessons

• Small Group Instruction

• Math Centers

• Independent Work

• Intervention

Once assigned to a class and student the deck is available for homework/review at home.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Árboles navideños colaborativos”

by fun monkey bars
2nd – 5th Grade

¡Vamos a hacer un árbol entre todos! ¡O un paisaje lleno de árboles!

Cada alumno hará un triángulo. En él escribirá:

– Una tradición navideña que realizan en su familia.

– Una noticia que les gustaría leer en un diario durante las navidades.

– Un deseo que quiere que se cumpla para el Nuevo Año.

… (cada maestro puede elegir el tema que más le guste)

A continuación se recortan los triángulos y se pegan formando un árbol.

En mi clase antes de pegarlos cada alumno lee su mensaje y explica lo que significa para él/ella. Siempre da muchas opciones para mejorar el clima de la clase, las relaciones entre alumnos, aspectos sobre el medio ambiente, la pobreza, la ayuda, la tolerancia…

Es una actividad ideal para hacer durante una asamblea y todos los alumnos participan en ella y se sienten parte del conjunto. No es posible hacer un árbol completo si falta uno de ellos.

Si son muchos alumnos en el aula podéis hacer un paisaje con varios árboles. En mi caso yo haré un árbol con 16 triángulos, otro con 9 y otro con 4.

¡Espero que os guste! ¡Feliz Navidad!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Christmas Elf Mail: Day 1 Letters, Props, Worksheets & Christmas Activities”

by Mrs Wates Teaching Creations
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Kickstart the festive cheer with this free Christmas Elf Mail Set Up printable. This fun freebie consists of Day 1 of the full pack. Delve into a world of Christmas magic with an Elf Mail Letter in 4 fun designs. Set the stage with 1 unique setup idea, complete with a set of props to truly flourish your holiday setup. Add an extra touch of creativity with 4 specially crafted tags for Day 1. This sneak peek is just a taste of the enchantment that awaits in the full pack. Embrace the spirit of the season and download the complete set for Days 2 to 15. Elevate your Christmas celebrations with this exciting freebie.

The following is included in this Freebie version:

  • 1 Elf Mail Letters x 4 designs,
  • 1 Prep Ideas for Setup,
  • 1 set of props for Elf,
  • Tags (day 1 ) x 4 designs,

The full pack consists of:

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Your feedback is important to me. If you find this Christmas Elf Mail FREE Printable Template Pack helpful, please take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your input allows me to continue creating high-quality resources and make improvements where needed. Plus, by rating paid products, you can earn valuable TpT credits to use towards future purchases. To leave a review, simply visit your My Purchases page and click on the provided link. Your support through purchases, ratings, and following my store is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and happy shopping.

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Winter Holiday Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2024”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy free Christmas lessons in “Free Winter Holiday Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs – 2024.” Then download thousands of free lessons from our 42 holiday and Teacher Talk eBooks, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs blogs, and TBOTEMC Facebook page.

  • Sequence of Events – First Next Then Last Sequencing Building a Snowman FREE
  • Winter Snowman Game Activity for Fact Review
  • Winter Math Number Sense Quantitative Sequencing Center Activities – K-1st Grade
  • Winter CVC Words and Pictures Mitten Match Up Phonics Literacy Center FREEBIE
  • 3rd Grade Math Review FULL WEEK FREE SAMPLE Math Spiral Review
  • Elementary One Act Play with Music Ojisan and the Grateful Statues Japanese Tale
  • Christmas Mixed Puzzle Mazes Coloring Crossword Wordsearch Activity
  • La Befana Listening
  • Christmas Holiday Word Scramble Digital and Printable
  • Free Happy Holidays Gift Tags | Christmas Bears
  • Whoo-ray! It’s Winter Craft and Writing Activity |Bulletin Board Ideas | Center
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best during the holiday season,

Vicky and 

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Daily Exit Ticket – A Worksheet for Reflection and Feedback | FREE | PRINTABLE”

by The Teacher Treasury
3rd – 5th Grade

Enhance your child’s learning experience with this creative and engaging Daily Exit Ticket worksheet.

This fun and easy-to-use worksheet encourages self-reflection, provides valuable feedback for teachers and parents, and fosters a love for learning.


  • Variety of shapes with thought-provoking questions
  • Teacher and parent options for classroom or homeschool use
  • Encourages creativity with coloring options


  • Deepens conversations between students and adults
  • Encourages mutual understanding
  • Fosters a culture of reflection
  • Can be incorporated into existing routines

Who can use it:

  • Students of all ages
  • Teachers
  • Parents and guardians

Get your Daily Exit Ticket worksheet today and start reflecting on the learning journey together!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Christmas Crowns PreK Preschool Kindergarten Fun Craft Xmas Headband Hat”

by Isla Hearts Teaching
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Free Christmas Fun Crowns for Preschool, Kindergarten and First Grade

Celebrate the festive season in December with these fun Christmas crowns! There are three cute designs included in the packet. Each crown is offered in color and black and white. They’re perfect for craftivities for Pre-K, kindergarten and first grade students!

The designs are:

“Merry Christmas”

“I Love Christmas”

“Holly Jolly Christmas”



Preschool Christmas Fun Packet

Kindergarten Christmas Fun Packet

First Grade Christmas Fun Packet

Second Grade Christmas Fun Packet

Fourth Grade Christmas Fun Packet

Fifth Grade Christmas Fun Packet

Sixth Grade Christmas Fun Packet


How to get TpT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I appreciate your feedback and the time it takes you to do so!

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store.

Isla Hearts Teaching



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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Digital Papers – Twinkle”

by 1st Grade Salt Life
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

8 Twinkle Digital Papers

Images are
12″ x 12″
300 dpi

With commercial use please provide a credit link to 1st Grade Salt Life either on the product itself or in the product’s description. (An image is included with the download which may be used to provide credit.)

**please rate and comment to receive your TpT credits**

1st Grade Salt Life

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Fun Freebie for Christmas Grades 2-3”

by Linda McCormick
2nd – 3rd Grade

Here’s a fun freebie that might come in handy. 2 puzzles and a coloring page with a Christmas theme.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Christmas Gingerbread house coloring sheet printable Kindergarten to 5th grade”

by Stress Less with Susan
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This printable Gingerbread House coloring page freebie is perfect for your day before winter break activities with your Kindergarten to 5th grade students.

Comes with one fully decorated page to color, and a bonus page with a house ready for them to decorate in their own style!

ENJOY, and please don’t eat the gummy bear’s house!

Related Products

⭐ Christmas Spot the Differences: 3 Difficulty Levels (color & b/w versions)

⭐ Christmas Nativity Games Bundle: Printable BINGO game cards & digital BOOM cards

⭐ FREE Winter Listening & Following Directions Auditory Working Memory BOOM sample

⭐ I SPY Coloring and Count: Holidays/Seasonal for upper elementary, OT, and SPED

Did you know you can earn credits toward future purchases if you leave a review? REALLY! Check out how it works here.

  • Please leave a review to let me (and TPT) know how this resource is working out for you!


Follow me to be notified when I publish new resources!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Christmas Gift Bookmarks with Mindset and Kindness Quotes: Bonus Coloring Pages”

by Chrysti’s Class
2nd – 6th Grade

A special gift for your students! There are 4 red and green gift bookmarks with Growth Mindset Quotes with the same in black and white. Also 4 red and green Kindness Quotes to remind students to find the good qualities in one another, respect one another, and help one another. 4 blank black and white gift bookmarks can be used for students/teachers to create their own sayings. 20 bookmarks in all.

3 Bonus Coloring Pages:

Christmas Tree with Elves

Skating Snowman with Reindeer

Fancy Lettered Growth Mindset Quote in Festive Border

2 Pages of Teacher Tips and Suggestions will help you make the most out of this resource.

I’m hoping this FREEBIE will add some fun and positive thinking during this busy time of year and for years to come.

Looking for more Christmas activities? Check out the Math games and activities below for grades 2-5. They are fun and sure to please!

Christmas Math Word Problems Task Cards Center for 4th: CCSS Aligned Available for Grades 2-5

12 Days of Christmas Fraction Word Problem Task Card Center

Gingerbread Geometry and Christmas Symmetry with Bulletin Board Display for 3rd Grade Available for 4th Grade

Gingerbread Family Math Word Problem Games and Activities for 4th Grade Available for 3rd Grade


It’s important to me that teachers are completely satisfied with their purchase!

If you have any question or concerns about this product please email me at [email protected].

You can also go to the Q and A section of my TPT store and leave a message

GREAT NEWS!! TPT now offers schools the ability to purchase resources for you.

Click on the “SCHOOLS” link above on this page (upper right).


After purchasing and using this product you can earn TpT credits by leaving feedback. I love reading feedback and really appreciate the time you take to let me know how you used this resource with your students and what you loved best. To leave feedback and start earning TpT credits:

1. Go to your “My Purchases” and click on the Provide Feedback link. 

2. Let us know how you used this product in your classroom and what you loved best! 


If you like this product, please visit Chrysti’s Class to see more.

To find out about my new products, sales, freebies, and any product updates, click the star green ★ button at the top of my store page or when you download a free resource.

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “2 Week No Prep DBT Distress Tolerance Group for Neurodivergent Teens”

by Whimsy in School Counseling
7th – 12th Grade

This no-prep neurodivergent friendly group is adapted specifically for teens and adults with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and other forms of neurodivergency. Adaptations include: interactive guided notes, color coded sections, memory devices, comic sans font, sensory informed skills, accessible practice, and more!

Skills covered in this group: .problem scaling, STOP, ACCEPT, TIPP, urge surfing, pros and cons

The handouts included with this listing are linked in the last slide of each presentation’s google presentation as a .pdf which can be opened from google drive.

While individual parts of my neurodivergent DBT group (such as this one :)) can be purchased in my store, the skills are meant to be taught as a whole and as such each group reviews all previous skills taught. This group reviews Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation skills in addition to teaching Distress Tolerance skills.

Thank you to: Pixabay and Hidesy for the images included in this download. All credit to the linked, school-friendly video go to its creator. This presentation is based on but is not a copy of, and also includes additional/different content from, Sonny Jane Wise’s The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills. All credit to the above as appropriate.

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Teachers Pay Teachers business cards freebie (editable)”

by DannerK
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

I created these little circular cards for sellers on TPT. It is editable so that you can insert your store’s web address. The letters are small, but since it is editable you can adjust sizing and font. I just didn’t want to use lots of paper, so I made them small at 2.5″ diameter. I print these on bright cardstock paper. You can leave these in teacher workrooms, etc. to spread the word about TPT and your own store!

If your word processor is older and does not support Architect font, the font will be out of the circle a bit, so just adjust your font to what works!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Vocabulaire : la météo et les villes de France”

by LeFrancaisAvecLesMachin
5th – 10th Grade

Pour l’apprentissage du vocabulaire de la météo, ainsi que les grandes villes de France. A partir du texte, les élèves doivent associer les images météorologiques à la ville. Have fun !

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Winter Holiday Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2022”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy free Christmas lessons in “Free Winter Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs – 2022.” Then download thousands of free lessons from our 34 holiday and Teacher Talk eBooks, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs blogs, and TBOTEMC Facebook page.

  • Spell & Read Nouns, Pronouns & Verbs Aligns w the Science of Reading – FREE
  • Winter Snowman Game Activity for Fact Review
  • Winter Writing Paper Freebie
  • Number Identification Card Game (Penguins)
  • Skip Counting Winter Puzzles K, 1st
  • Christmas High Frequency Words Reading Game Center Activity Freebie
  • Mitten Match Scenario and Feelings – Winter Counseling CBT Lesson
  • FREE 3rd Grade Math for January Sample | Digital and Printable
  • Free Color by Number – Division!
  • Two Different Winter Crossword Puzzles Featuring 25 Words that Begin with “Snow”
  • FREE Drama Lesson | Christmas Creative Writing Monologue
  • The Aztec Empire – FREE SAMPLE of Group A PowerPoint
  • Gratitude Booklet Creative Writing Project
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentines’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best during the holiday season,

Vicky and 

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE FONTS: Artisan (Personal Use: K26 Series)”

by KB3Teach
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Black ink-lettered box characters with a European flair for bulletin boards, project covers, photo captions, yearbooks, and scrapbooking projects. Free for personal use. Have fun creating!

(Note: If you purchased the Fonts Mega Pack, this font will be included in the next upload. With the Mega Pack license, you are entitled to use this font in your commercial products at no additional charge.)

For information on purchasing a license to use this font in your commercial products for sale, click here: COMMERCIAL LICENSE (Single Font License)


This font is part of the K26 Series which includes EXTENDED LATIN CHARACTERS AND SYMBOLS. More K26 Fonts on the way! Click “Follow” above to receive new product notifications from TpT.

KB3Teach Fonts on TpT:

Free Fonts (Personal Use)

Commercial License (Single Font License)

Commercial License (Multi-Font Value Packs)

K26 Series: Extended Latin Symbols & Characters




KB3Teach Clipart on Teachers pay Teachers

*While this font is offered free for personal use, it remains the sole property of KB3Teach, and may not be repackaged or resold without written permission.*

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Digital Thanksgiving Partner Memory Game on Google Jamboard™”

by Jo Jo’s Jungle
5th – 12th Grade

Looking for some fun games to help students collaborate? Jamboard is great for the classroom AND distance learning. It is one of the only programs I use that allows me to see where students are working and what they are doing in “real time”. On Zoom, it is the one time a day I am not constantly asking “are you there?” to all of those black boxes of students who have their camera off. 🙂

The JamBoard app is free~ you can browse, view and share Jams created by you and your teammates. Jamboard app is a digital whiteboard that allows you to collaborate with students in real time and see exactly what they are doing! Great for a virtual meetings!! 

* Partner games are awesome either in a breakout room (or not)-students can “talk on the slide” and you get to watch! 

Simply provide both students with a link to the Jam just like you would a Google form, slide etc. The document you will download with the link has directions on making copies for students etc.

Includes: 2 memory games (one Thanksgiving and one fall).

See full set here, which includes:

*2 gameboards (with moveable pieces)

*”Four in a Row”

*3 versions of Checkers

*2 “Word Play

*2 memory games

~Note: The gameboards in this full set will need questions. These are just the gameboard. Some ideas are using task cards, asking everyone questions orally or while sharing a slide or using Math facts. You can also put a stack of Sticky notes with questions on the next slide for them to access.


Like the clipart and want to add slides with more games? Check out the set here.

Look for Halloween, Holidays and Winter Partner games as well.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Clipboard Helpers”

by Little Smarticle Particles
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

This newly updated file includes several classroom management forms that I use on a daily basis to help myself keep track with remembering important events and to provide essential documentation.
Editable roster form (with ideas of how form can be used)
Two editable behavior forms (one for whole class and one that can be tweaked for individual students)
Small Group & Intervention form
Parent Contact Form

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Three Events Foldable for Film Clips and Short Readings”

by Leah Cleary
6th – 12th Grade

If you’re like me, you break the class period up with short film clips and readings, and you want to hold students accountable for the information, but you don’t have time to create an assignment for each clip or reading.

That’s why I created the three events foldable. It’s a great go-to for short film clips and short readings. Students cut along the dashed lines, and paste into their notebooks or onto a sheet of paper. They write a short description of a particular event inside each flap and colorfully illustrate the event.

This is a part of my Middle Ages in the East and the West Interactive Notebook

If you like this, check out my Foldable, Graphics and Tools for all Subjects

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• Go to your My Purchases page. Beside each purchase you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button. Click it and you will go to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product

***Be the first to hear about my new products and discounts***
• Look for the green star near the top of any page in my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive updates about my store.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Kindergarten Fall Math and Literacy Freebie”

by KD Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

Your Kindergarten students will enjoy practicing their math and reading skills with these fall flap and matching activities! This freebie is a sample of our Kindergarten Fall Flap and Matching resource.

The activities include:

* 1 letter match cut and paste
* 2 counting cut and paste
* 1 beginning sound cut and paste

Thank you for looking!

Here is a link to the product:
Kindergarten Fall Math and Literacy Counting Initial Sound Letter Match

* Don’t forget to follow our store so we can let you know about future freebies, new products and sales! And be sure to leave feedback so you will earn TpT credits for your purchases!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE ELA brain teasers mysteries & logic puzzles: critical thinking”

by Brilliantly Lit
5th – 8th Grade

These FREE brain teaser tasks are perfect to have at the ready for instant fun and critical thinking. If your grades 5-8 students are getting restless and need a change of pace or brain break, or finish early, bring out these cards! They will create smiles, while also stretching growing brains. There are 3 pages of questions, and 3 pages of answers, taken from 3 brain teaser resources. Get 3 for the price of 2 brain teaser collections! 180 MINI MYSTERIES and BRAIN TEASER PUZZLES

How to set up the activity

If you intend to get the students to ask each other the brain teasers, photocopy enough question and answer cards for the number of groups you wish to have.

You can leave the cards in sheets (6 to a page) or cut them into individual cards and double back the answers- whatever you prefer! Photocopy them onto card stock or laminate them and they will continue to delight many future classes.

If your students enjoyed the brain teaser stories, try:

Mini Mysteries grades 5-8 and this long, single mysteryBrain teaser mystery fun inferential skills practice.
15 further mysteries can be found at BRAINTEASERS MYSTERY STORIES VOL. 2

For a daily brainteaser to add zing! to the start of a class: BRAINTEASER BELL RINGERS: MYSTERY STORIES, RIDDLES AND PUZZLES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL
If you want a mystery resource that demands more writing from your students, try
Reading Comprehension Mysteries & Questions

Do your students enjoy being detectives? There’s lots to keep them busy and engaged in MYSTERY UNIT DETECTIVE SKILLS & ACTIVITIES
There are 5 more mysteries in ELA Games Grades 5-8
Or go for the -20% off bundle: Brain Teaser Bundle grades 5-8

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this product – or any other product in my store – please write to me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you!

Thanks so much for checking out my resources! Click HERE to make yourself a follower. You will receive notification of new resources and SAVE 50% off for the first 48 hours.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Digital Word Sticker Animated GIF Clip Art”

by Smita Keisser
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Digital Word Sticker Animated Freebie

1 Animated Clip Art for Screen only.

This is a GIF Animated file with the word *Neat* with transparent background.

Try it, you will love it. It moves, It glows, It pops.

Use on Boom Cards, Google.

Thank you for your interest in my Designs.

Digital/Web Clip Art are for Paperless Resources Only.

Not for printing.

Specialty Terms of Use: Personal and Commercial Use Yes.

· No text overlay required.

· No pattern fill required.

· Yes, Credit required on a slide or somewhere on your digital resource.

**I have other Animated Products in my Shop**

Any ideas of clip art you would like to see please let me know in the comments section of TPT.

Would love to know how you have used any of my Clip Art Designs in the comments section of TPT.

Earn TPT Credits when you leave feedback.

Click on the Green Star and Follow me on TPT, Pinterest, Etsy.

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Happy Teaching! Happy Feedback!

©Smita Keisser

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “LA ROPA-Spanish Clothing-Vocabulary list/ Interactive Package-Distance Learning”

by El Jaguar
3rd – 12th Grade

This worksheet is a great tool to introduce the clothing vocabulary to students. Students will have a complete list that will enable them to describe their clothing by doing simple combinations of colors and clothing using the verb ” to be”. For example : Mi camisa es roja. Mis pantalones son verdes. It is a great opportunity to review gender/noun agreement rules. The second worksheet can be used to have students write in Spanish and share. This lesson plan satisfies. Communication standard 1.1 where students engage in conversations and provide information. It can be also be used in listening comprehension exercises.


***LA ROPA- Clothing & Seasonal Outfits- Power Point in Spanish I-Distance Learning

This clothing lesson is geared towards developing writing skills in Spanish for students. The lesson includes four handouts that can be used in separate classes. You will also review colors, and clothing. The lesson will allow you to prcatice writing gender/noun staments. Great for VISUAL LEARNERS

***LA ROPA PROYECTO-Clothing in Spanish- Fashion Catalog-Distance Learning

Mi Catalogo de Ropa- A creative lesson plan to allow your students to design a clothing catalogue practicing a reviewing colors, clothing vocabulary, learning materials and sizes.

Please click on “follow me” so you will be notified of any new lessons as they become available.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Thank You Freebie #1”

by Lindy du Plessis
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade


Please remember to follow my store. I’ll be posting more thank you freebies and that way you’ll receive all the notifications 🙂

Feedback appreciated as always.

Have fun creating!

[email protected]

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Music Teacher Resources Catalog”

by MusicTeacherResources
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Music Resources Catalog

We can spend hours looking for resources……

This catalog makes it super easy for you to find the resource you are looking for!!

Download the catalog and save it with your teaching resources!

The catalog contains clickable links, hashtags and QR codes


Check out more quality, ready-to-use resources:
MORE Resources for your Music Class!


CLICK on the green FOLLOW ME button which is located next to the MTR logo. Be the first to know when new resources become available!

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Thank you for visiting my store!
Kim Maloney





Customer credit: To be eligible for TPT credit to use on future purchases:
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product.

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. That’s all you need to do! You will now receive email updates from the MusicTeacherResources store.


Terms of Use

Published 2017 by: MusicTeacherResources, ACT, Australia. Copyright © Kim Maloney. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Veteran’s Day Coloring Page | FREEBIE”

by Innovative Teacher
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This coloring page allows students to express their appreciation for veterans, honor family members who have served, and incorporate the idea of performing acts of kindness for veterans. You can print these pages for your students and use them as part of your Veterans Day celebration or kindness curriculum.

  1. Instructions:
    Write a message or the name of a family veteran that you want to honor on the coloring page.
  2. Encourage students to write an act of kindness they can do for a veteran, such as writing a letter, visiting a local veterans’ center, or assisting a veteran in their community.
  3. Have students finalize the page by coloring the stars.
  4. Display the completed coloring pages in the classroom or hallway to showcase your students’ appreciation.

Ѽ Social Structures of Ancient Civilizations

Ѽ Interactions Among Organisms GO

Ѽ Summer Review 7th Grades

Veterans Day Coloring Page by Innovative Teacher is licensed and cannot be distributed/shared without the purchase of an additional license.

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