Category Archives : MISC. LESSONS

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Undies Clipart Freebie”

by Mrs VanMeter
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

I needed some clipart for an upcoming unit and could not find what I was looking for. Therefore, I decided to create my own. I am offering it as a freebie. Please let me know how it works for you. There are a total of 20 images.

You may use these images in your commercial products including TpT products. You do not have to give credit for using my clipart, but it is appreciated.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Animal Partner Pairing Cards Free”

by I Love 1st Grade by Cecelia Magro
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Partner pairing cards – animal pairs edition. Introducing the ultimate solution to revolutionize student pairing: partner cards! These cards ensure every student in your classroom gets the opportunity to work with their peers. No more students feeling left out, as these cards guarantee an inclusive learning environment.

Cards included:

  • Dog and bone
  • Bunny and carrot
  • Squirrel and acorn
  • Fish and fishbowl
  • Bear and honey
  • Chicken and egg
  • Cat and yarn
  • Mouse and cheese
  • Seal and fish
  • Pig and mud
  • Spider and web
  • Frog and lily pad

These versatile cards aren’t limited to pairings alone; they can ignite a world of possibilities in games, cooperative groups, and even buddy reading sessions. Immerse your students in the joy of collaborative learning by combining pairs to form dynamic groups of four. Get ready to experience the trifecta of ease, speed, and pure fun as you effortlessly facilitate the process of pairing up your students.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Boom the Room Posters (younger) FREE”

by Jayne Gammons
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

What is BOOM the ROOM?!

It’s like “Write the Room”…

WIth digital, self-checking, data-collecting components.

(Makes Write the Room seem so yesterday, right?!) Your kiddos get moving and you have reports to show their learning.

How does Boom the Room work?

Print the task cards on white or colorful paper. (They are b/w for simplicity and savings.) Post the task cards around your room. You can put them in random locations every time.


Print the free BOOM the ROOM posters found HERE. Laminate the posters.

Students will know where to look every time for the corresponding numbers on the Boom card deck.

Once you’ve posted the task cards, assign the corresponding Boom card deck to your students. This is your chance to differentiate by assigning different card decks to different groups.

Students will move around the room to complete the Boom card decks.

The decks will automatically randomize with each play so you can assign the decks over and over again to achieve fluency or mastery.

Students can give a designated signal to ask for help. This will allow you to provide targeted support and instruction. BOOM!

Preview the corresponding Boom the Room card deck on Boom Learning!

Need more BOOM in your room? So do I! Here’s what I have so far.

Thank you for reviewing, following, and pinning!

Boom Learning and Boom Cards are the trademarks of Boom Learning Inc. Used with permission.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Claude Monet Art Analysis and Response Leveled Worksheets”

by Pagecraft ELA
6th – 12th Grade

Elevate student engagement with these close analysis worksheets designed to prompt analysis and responses to art by Claude Monet. Featuring Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies, the eight leveled worksheets for each piece (distinguished by stars at the bottom of each page) cater to varying depths of difficulty. Ideal for topic studies or as convenient emergency sub materials.


  • Worksheet sets for Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies
  • Eight differentiated worksheets per artwork

Either print individually and assign to students according to ability, or print as booklets for students to answer questions and build understanding. Check out the preview to see an example set of eight sheets, and the range of works included.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spring banner and student made banner FREEBIE”

by Mr and Mrs Brightside
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Download this free spring-themed banner to decorate your classroom while displaying your students work using the student-made banner printable. Have your students write about any spring topic using the writing sheet with primary lines or college-ruled lines.

It is easy to use:
1. Print on tag board paper or any thick paper.
2. Cut and punch two holes on top of each banner.
3. Use ribbon or yarn (or staple) to hang in your classroom !

Thank you for your comments and ratings !!!!

** For more activities and FREEBIES, please follow us on TPT 🙂 ***

Mr and Mrs Brightside

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Goal Setting Cards (great for any subject or course)”

by Stacey Lloyd
7th – 10th Grade

These 4 engaging cards are a quick and easy way to help make student learning intentional and meaningful.


Each of the 4 cards (double-sided) encourage students to think about their goals and intentions for the school year, and commit them to paper!

Once students have written these, string them up for a great classroom display, to remind students of their goals all year long!



3 Activities To Help You Get To Know A New Class 
Back-To-School Poetry If My Summer Vacation Were A Movie {A Back To School Lesson} 
WRITING ACTIVITY: An Open Letter To Teachers

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Printemps – Lire et Plaisir – En français – GRATUIT – French Spring”

by Michelle Dupuis Education French Francais
1st – 2nd Grade

Printemps: Printemps Lire et Plaisir – Cette ressource GRATUITE contient des activités variées pour le printemps. L’objectif de cette ressource est de faire LIRE les élèves tout en ayant du plaisir.

Si vous aimez cette ressource gratuite, vous aimerez certainement l’ensemble complet. Cliquez ici pour économiser: Lire et Plaisir – Ensemble complet (Économisez 20%)

Activités incluses:

-Lis et colorie

-Lis et dessine

-Lis et trouve

-Lis et écris

-Cartes de vocabulaire

Ces activités peuvent être exploitées en grand groupe ou dans des centres de printemps. Vous pouvez les photocopier recto-verso pour économiser du papier.

Dans la première activité ‘Lis et colorie’, les élèves doivent lire les énoncés et colorier ce qui est demandé.

Dans la deuxième activité ‘Lis et dessine’, les élèves doivent dessiner tous les mots indiqués dans une même image.

Dans la troisième activité ‘Lis et trouve’, les élèves doivent lire chaque phrase afin de découvrir quelle image correspond le mieux.

Dans la quatrième activité ‘Lis et écris’, les élèves doivent écrire quelques lignes en lien avec chaque énoncé.

Les cartes de vocabulaire peuvent être affichées en classe afin d’aider les élèves à reconnaitre et à écrire certains mots.

Voici d’autres produits qui pourraient vous intéresser:

Phrases mêlées

Conscience phonologique – Ensemble complet (économisez 20%)

Son initial

Mots qui riment avec on, in, o

Mots qui riment avec i, a, oi


N’oubliez pas de laisser un commentaire (FEEDBACK) sur chacun des produits achetés. Ceci vous permettra d’accumuler des crédits TPT. Ces crédits permettent d’obtenir des produits gratuitement. (Cliquez sur my TpT, my Purchases et Provide Feedback)


Je vous recommande de suivre mon magasin TpT Michelle Dupuis afin d’être informé des nouveaux produits, des produits gratuits et des soldes.


Droits d’auteurs: Ce document est à l’usage exclusif de la personne qui a acheté les droits. Toute reproduction est interdite.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Parent Teacher Conference Quick Forms”

by Meg’s Crayons
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Save time with this FREEBIE!
7 pages that cover reading, math, behavior, writing, science, social, homework, other, work habits, responsibility.
Jot down notes, share your information effectively and save yourself the clutter!

Grab your freebie now!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Mother’s Day Printable Gift Tags”

by Mrs Wates Teaching Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift tags? Look no further than this collection of beautifully designed Mother’s Day Tags. With 30 different designs to choose from, each featuring an image of a mother with a child, these tags are sure to add a special touch to any Mother’s Day gift. Plus, with high-quality designs and attention to detail, you can be confident that your gift tags will look their best once printed. Don’t forget to add a homemade touch to your Mother’s Day gift by attaching one of our suggested gift ideas to the tag, such as a handcrafted card or a personalized photo frame. Make this Mother’s Day one to remember with our stunning collection of Mother’s Day gift tags.

Here are some homemade gift ideas for Mother’s Day you can make and attach a tag to:

Handmade cards: Students can create their own cards using construction paper, markers, stickers, and other craft supplies. Personalize the card with a heartfelt message to show how much you appreciate your mom.

Photo frames: Use cardboard or popsicle sticks to create a frame, then decorate it with glitter, sequins, or paint. Insert a photo of you and your mom to create a meaningful and personalized gift.

Coupon book: Create a booklet of homemade coupons that your mom can redeem for things like breakfast in bed, a day without chores, or a night off from cooking dinner. (Printable Coupon book can be found in my store)

Flower bouquet: Pick flowers from your garden or create paper flowers using tissue paper or crepe paper. Arrange them in a vase or tie them together with a ribbon to create a beautiful bouquet for your mom.

DIY candles: Melt candle wax and add your favorite scent, then pour the wax into a jar or other container. Add a personalized label to make it extra special.

Remember, the best gift for any mother is one that comes from the heart and shows appreciation for all that she does.

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Your feedback is important to me. If you find these Mother’s Day Tags helpful, please take a moment to leave a rating and review. Your input allows me to continue creating high-quality resources and make improvements where needed. Plus, by rating paid products, you can earn valuable TpT credits to use towards future purchases. To leave a review, simply visit your My Purchases page and click on the provided link. Your support through purchases, ratings, and following my store is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and happy shopping.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Filipino Pangngalan (Nouns) Task Cards”

by The Learning Corner Co
2nd – 5th Grade

Identify Pangngalan in these interactive task cards. Perfect for distance learning. These digital task cards contain 16 questions that asks your students to identify the Pangngalang (noun) used in each sentence. Just drag and drop the highlighter in order to show the answers.

This is a great way to review nouns and a quick check for understanding.

Here are some other great Filipino resources.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Classroom Lesson on Empathy: Walking In Other Peoples’ Shoes”

by Whimsy in School Counseling
7th – 12th Grade

Empathy? What’s that?! Oh, you mean that thing where people should consider what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes? **Insert obligatory comment from students wanting to trade shoes.**

This lesson provides a nice, brief concrete activity to help demystify that abstract life skill we call empathy. Every student completes a short, shoe-themed activity. These are then collected and randomly redistributed. With your superpowers of facilitation, this brief lesson becomes one of those profound ‘lightbulb moments’ that make a difference for individual students and for your school climate.

Pro-tip: If you are teaching this lesson to a large number of classes, for example, every freshman homeroom, the entire school, every health class, etc., collecting these finished worksheets and using them in a hall display or bulletin board creates a powerful display, and also increases interest in the lesson scholars will be participating in.

This download includes lesson plans, a shoe-themed version of a short activity sheet scholars will complete as part of this lesson, and suggested discussion topics, PLUS a virtual version of this lesson and a self-grading virtual exit ticket!

ASCA Standards: B-SS 4, B-SS 10.


This resource last updated on: 10/22/2022.

Thank you to Mae Hates Mondays for the lovely clipart on the cover of this listing! Thank you to The Design Shop by D SalemEduclips, and Flapjack Educational Resources for the clipart in the video of this listing!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE – 4 Environment / Earth Day coloring BOOKMARKS”

by Pick’n Teach
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

These are 4 FREE coloring BOOKMARKS for Earth Day.

❤ 1 PDF document

➽ Environment / Earth Day – Conversation cards / Task cards -PRINTABLE version

➽ Environment / Earth Day – Conversation cards / Task cards – DIGITAL & PRINTABLE

➽ FREE – 2 environment ACROSTIC POEMS


➽ My store.


★ Please let me know if you have any questions before you make your purchase, I am happy to help!

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★ ★ ★ You can receive credit toward future purchases by reviewing this resource so if you like it, just leave a review through “My Purchases”. I would love and appreciate your feedback! Thank you! ☛ TPT


Terms of Use:

Permission to copy for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Thank you for respecting my work and time ❤.

Credits included.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spring Clipart Freebie–Chirping Chicks”

by Teacher’s Palette
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

••• Spring Chicks Clipart••Easter Clip Art••Chicks for Covers and/or Coloring •••
This 9-image Spring clipart set includes 8 colored chicks (shown) and 1 blackline version. They can be used for commercial, personal, or classroom purposes.

All images are PNG files (with no annoying background squares), so shadows can easily be added, and the images can be layered into multiple resources. You are free to use them for personal or commercial use (no credit necessary). Please click on the Preview button above to see more details about the Terms of Use.

You might also like: Spring Clipart: Funny Bunnies

Note: This is a zip file. Before purchasing, please be sure that you are able to open zip files.

©Teacher’s Palette, 2016

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “#COVID19WL Trabajo de palabras ¿Cuántas oraciones puedes hacer con … ? 1-3”

by Mercedes Merrell
1st – 3rd Grade

#COVID19WL Trabajo de palabras ¿Cuántas oraciones puedes hacer con estas 9 palabras? Grados 1-3 ¡Es un regalo para dar gracias a todos los que me siguen en TpT, y para los que espero que pronto me seguirán! Con este recurso tendrán 10 grupos de 9 palabras para usar en centros, grupos pequeños, individualmente, con compañeros, o clase entera, todo depende en cómo el maestro lo quiera usar. Los estudiantes usarán solo las 9 palabras de cada grupo para formar oraciones completas. Hay muchas posibilidades de oraciones que se pueden formar en cada grupo, así que todos los niños pueden tener éxito en su nivel. Los estudiantes pueden copiar las oraciones que formen en un papel o cuaderno, y deben recordar de empezar cada oración con letra mayúscula, usar comas si necesitan, y poner punto al final.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Free”

by Nikole T
Pre-Kindergarten – 4th Grade

Easter Free – Clipart Graphics Set
There will be 5 days. Each day, a new freebie will be posted in my store.
This is a set of 10 individual files to use in your classroom- Sheep This beautiful clip art set will be delivered to you in transparent PNG file format via a .zip file.
Editable PowerPoint Templates Bundle-135 pages (40% OFF)

The zip file contains:
– 8 color 300dpi PNG files
– 2 black & white 300dpi PNG files
Thanks and enjoy the 5 days of freebies!
OK for personal or commercial use. Please feel free to provide feedback and follow my store!
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Check out some of my products !
Fun math- Birds- Interactive slide show- 36 PPT- 36 PDF- 3 PNG
BIRDS- SPRING- 3 Editable PowerPoint- slide design (27 Slides)
Easter egg- Frames- Writing paper- Spring- Clip Art
Easter Egg- Task Cards- Editable PowerPoint
Easter Egg- Spring- puzzle- Clip Art
 Spring Flowers – Writing paper- Frames
– Flowers and butterflies
– Flowers and butterflies 2
 Butterflies- Drawing lessons- slide show; Clip Art
 SPRING- Labels- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- 5 PowerPoint slide design- Personal or commercial use
 Flowers- frames- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Ladybugs and dragonflies- Clip Art; Personal or Commercial Use
 Birds-Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Flowers- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Spring- the sun, cloud- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Butterflies- Spring- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 Seasons- Months- Days of the week- Program- Clip art
 Spring- Birds- Ribbons- Hearts- Clip Art- Personal or Commercial Use
 SPRING FLOWERS- 21 slide PowerPoint presentation

Free Animated Pictures- Spring- Clip Art

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Pen Clip Art – Pen Cartoon Clip Art – Commercial Use”

by Marcelle’s KG Zone
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This package consists of 3 STYLES OF PEN CLIP ART that are made into little people pen pal cartoons. I want to introduce a pen pal program with my KG’s this year where we use mailboxes and the kids write to each other so I created these to use on the stationary I am planning to use for this and wanted to share. I hope you can find a use for these little pens as well.

There are 3 styles and each style comes in 5 colours and each colour comes in light skin and dark skin to maintain multiculturalism and diversity. So all together there are 33 pen clip art images in this file.















If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for looking

Happy Teaching 🙂


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Easter Freebie – Bunny Head: Roll and Color / Colour”

by Readable Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Easter Freebie – Bunny Head: Roll and Color / Colour

Students play in pairs or small groups to see who can complete their bunny head first.

They take turns rolling the dice and coloring one rectangle (or drawing a mouth line along one side of a rectangle) each time ~ using the dice-color code.

Two instruction sheets are included: color / colour

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Movie Permission Slip”

by English with Ease
2nd – 12th Grade

Free printable editable Movie Permission Slip template for in-class movies, film clips, music videos, short firms, animated Pixar films, advertisements, documentaries and other educational videos. Adjust this generic permission slip to quickly distribute a fail-proof permission slip for your upcoming classroom movie analysis.

PDF and editable Google Doc.

You may also like 🙂


Why wait? Download my Free printable editable Movie Permission Slip template PDF and editable Google Doc.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Poster Reminder to Learn Through Play”

by Ellen Weber – Brain based tasks for growth mindset
5th – 12th Grade

Free Poster to Inspire Play’s Place in a Learning Brain of Any Age!

This FREE Poster is part of a larger complete play unit to help you build a brain based culture one game or playful task at a time. Find games and playful ideas in these materials to connect student strengths to facts about their brains.


Engage students in fun learning adventures so they question for curiosity, target brain facts, expect quality outcomes, move multiple intelligences into action and reflect of gaming possibilities for any topic they learn.

Students love to design user-friendly, adaptable, easy-to-play games. Find playful challenges to identify individual and group preferences for games that teach through fun.

Brain based materials here are tested and proven to get higher motivation and achievement for all ages. No extra prep needed – games are designed by students – and related materials come with ready to roll games and answer keys.

Hopefully these ready-to-roll brain-based materials will benefit your learners and leaders as they do mine at middle, secondary, university levels and beyond.

Do follow my TpT site and keep up with brain-friendly materials to enhance your class.

If you have any further questions about how to get the most from this product, please do contact me at [email protected] and I’ll be glad to help further.

All the best as you learn and lead with the brain in mind!

Join the Brain Based Circle! Connect with Me!

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Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Terry Fox Posters and Activities”

by Diamond Mom
2nd – 5th Grade

This is a set of posters in both colour and black and white. It has several different options for posting run/walk events as well as pages that provide information and dates of interest. There is also a page for writing about who you are walking or running for and why.

The clipart is from Scrappin’ Doodles.

Thank You for your purchase of this product. I hope you find it helpful.

Charlene/Diamond Mom
Diamond Mom’s Treasury
My TPT Store
[email protected]

This product is for single use in one classroom. If you wish to share, please purchase multiple licenses or direct others to purchase their own copies at my store.

Don’t Miss Out:

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Bible Parts of Speech bingo (in person and remote versions)”

by Kathleen Applebee
4th – 8th Grade

Save time and energy while challenging your students with these 6 Bible bingo games. Games are an engaging way to motivate students to connect with content and each other – even in a remote learning situation.

Provides an in person and remote/virtual options for all 3 sets of clues. You can share the Virtual Link with up to 30 students who can play virtual bingo on any device or print out their bingo card.

Full printable version contains 30 unique cards per set, 2 per page to save paper (laminate for long lasting fun). No two bingo cards are alike.

Check out these other products and freebies

Scientific measurement and methods bingo

Parts of speechpunctuation, and prefixes bingo

Bible bingo (12) games in one bundle freebie

Shakespeare bundle reader’s theater scripts

12 Bible bingo bundle freebie

Light and sound PPT freebie

American Literature Bundle 100+ pages

British Literature bundle reader’s theater scripts

Poe reader’s theaters & PPT

Plagiarism reader’s theater

Back to school class expectations reader’s theater script freebie

Find free and royalty free Christian Drama skits and teaching resources at Fools for Christ Find free interactive Bible games here.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Irish Blessing for March and St. Patrick’s Day”

by The Fun Factory
Pre-Kindergarten – 8th Grade

FREE Irish Blessing for your students! Print and post in your room or send it to your distance learning students. ENJOY!

Take a look at other FUN and engaging St. Patrick’s Day resources HERE!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Page Spot the Differences Freebie”

by Stress Less with Susan
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Help your students enjoy St. Patrick’s Day with this free coloring/spot the five differences printable coloring page.

Perfect for early finishers, or to work on fine motor coordination and visual attention/perception.

Related Products

⭐ Listen & Auditory Memory Multi-Steps: St. Patrick’s Day Musicians Parade

⭐ Visual Working Memory: Exec Functioning Skills BOOM cards: St. Patrick’s Day

⭐ I SPY Coloring and Count: Holidays/Seasonal for upper elementary, OT, and SPED

Did you know you can earn credits toward future purchases if you leave a review? REALLY! Check out how it works here. Please leave a review to let me (and TPT) know how this resource is working out for you!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE FONTS: AlphaBasic 8-Font Set (Personal Use)”

by KB3Teach
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Looking for an alternative to Comic Sans? This font is clear and simple, but a little heavier/bolder. Includes some of those hard-to-find elements — the top on the capital J, top/bottom on the capital I, the flip on the end of the lowercase q, a straight number 9 and 6.

Works great for labels, book bins, folders and binder covers.

FILE CONTAINS: Alpha Basic, Alpha Basic Bold, Alpha Basic Tall, Alpha Read, Alpha Read Light; // K26 Series (extended Latin characters and symbols): Alpha Sans, Alpha ABC, Alpha Casual.
If you would like to use these fonts in any of your commercial products, click here for a “hassle-free” license: KB3Teach ALPHA BASIC COMMERCIAL LICENSE
Design Tips: 1) Use “Word Art” (MS Office/Insert/Word Art) to change the weight of the line (Format/Shape Outline/Weight) and create a “lighter” or “heavier” effect; 2) Use shadows and text layering to give the font a 3D look for your classroom worksheets; 3) Change the font color to match your project.

Note: If you experience any difficulties with any of the fonts in the KB3Teach store, please let me know by leaving a question/comment on the Product Q/A tab. I will do everything I can to resolve the issue.

KB3Teach Fonts on TpT:
Free Fonts (Personal Use)
Commercial License (Single Font License)
Commercial License (Multi-Font Value Packs)
K26 Series: Extended Latin Symbols & Characters

KB3Teach Clipart on Teachers pay Teachers

*While these fonts are offered free for personal use, they remain the sole property of KB3Teach, and may not be repackaged or resold without written permission.*

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Happy Cactus Roll and Draw Game Sheet | Pattern Handout | Multiple Uses FREEBIE”

by Doodle Thinks
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This is a fun roll and draw freebie. Add it to a cactus theme unit study. Your inspiring artists will enjoy spending time creating unique drawings with this engaging activity. This is a no-prep and interactive drawing game that is simple to use and will result in one of a kind drawings. Use each game sheet multiple times! Then color! Fun for all ages! Just grab a dice, blank paper, pencil and coloring tools and simply engage your students with this self-directed drawing activity.

Included in this download:

  • 1 Roll and Draw Game Printable
  • 1 Pattern Ideas Handout

Grab the free paper dice printables!

Buy the Bundle Cactus Theme Bundle!

Like this listing? Check out these resources:

For more creative ideas and freebies:



Terms of Use:

Files are for personal use or educational purposes only and they cannot be redistributed (posted for others), copied, or sold. All graphics, unless otherwise stated, and resources are creative property of Saroum V Giroux. Please view my complete TERMS OF USE for more details. Have fun drawing!

Earn some TpT credit for your future purchases by leaving a review on downloaded resources!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “100th Day of School”

by 1st Grade Salt Life
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

100th day of school….4 fun 100th day of school worksheets to help with your special day! Sheets included cover:
If I had $100…
100 day thoughts…
I am 100 days smarter writing prompt…
I can write 100 words…..

Enjoy this free download!

Your feedback is very important to me!
Please rate and comment, if you download!

Follow Me for more great Freebies!
1st Grade Salt Life

Happy 100th Day of School

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “First Grade 7 Minute Whiteboard Videos Catalog and Standards”

by The Primary Techie
1st Grade

Overwhelmed with all the 7 Minute Whiteboard Videos available? Looking for videos to reinforce specific standards? This is the resource for you!

I have TONS of videos and will continue adding and updating to this document every month. Keep checking for updates and please let me know if you have any feedback for how I can make this even better. My goal is for you to say 7 Minute Whiteboard Videos are the best purchase you’ve ever made on TpT!

Looking for the Kindergarten Catalog? Click here!

Looking for the Second Grade Catalog? Click here!

⭐ Click here to sign up for The Primary Techie VIP Newsletter! 

❤️ Love Whiteboard Warm-Up Videos? JOIN THE CLUB! ❤️

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Cut and Paste Worksheets Fine Motor Skills Kindergarten”

by Learn and Teach with me
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

Free cut and paste activity, have your students enjoy cutting and improve fine motor skills.

– 4 Pages

– 24 images

  • Leave a feedback and earn credits which goes toward your future TPT purchases

Here are my free products

– Free English Numbers Books

– Free Sight Words Flash Cards – Fry Words 1 – 25

– Free Uppercase & Lowercase Letters Books

– Free Back to School Word Search Puzzle

Other products

– Cut and Paste Worksheets Picture Puzzles

– Tracing Lines Fun Pre-Writing Worksheets

– Tracing Lines Pre-Writing Worksheets

– Tracing Lines and Shapes Worksheets

Click here to Follow

– Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

– Not for public display.

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Group Project Role Cards (FREEBIE)”

by Graceful Pedagogy
5th – 10th Grade

A common frustration of group projects for teachers and students alike is the uneven distribution of work that often happens. Designating group roles ensures that each student has a clear idea of their responsibility to the group and understands how they can contribute. It also provides an opportunity for students to develop collaboration skills and personal responsibility.

How to Use

You can assign students their roles or, to help them practice cooperation and autonomy, have them determine their own roles. Students will receive a card with their role and the role description, and they can write their name on the blank space provided on the card. It is helpful to remind students about their roles periodically. You may also want to clarify that students can assist their group mates with different roles–i.e. just because you have one role does not mean you can’t contribute in other ways too. The whole group is responsible for the entirety of the final product, not just their portion.

Roles Included:

  • facilitator
  • scribe
  • artist
  • editor
  • materials manager
  • timekeeper
  • director
  • reporter

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Labels – Schedule Cards ~ Winter Theme”

by Cez-Anne Designs
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Winter Theme Schedule Cards for those who like to switch things up!

This download is for one personal classroom use only. Duplication or sharing with other classrooms, co-workers, an entire school system, or posting on any website or blog violates copyright law. Thank you for understanding.

After purchase/ download, please return to my store and leave feedback!

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March Theme Labels ~ Schedule Cards
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January Theme Labels ~ Schedule Cards
December Theme Labels ~ Schedule Cards
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September Theme Labels ~ Schedule Cards

***Remember*** When you leave feedback, you earn points to redeem at a later date for purchases!!! It’s a Win-Win Situation 😉

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