This bundle has everything needed to teach any work of literature, to start literature circles, or as an alternative to independent book reports. It also teaches literacy skills which are essential for students to add meaning to content.Now comes with a fill in the blank PDF for students who prefer using the computer
There are 24 pages in the unit guide that include:
-Anticipation guide
-Prediction chart
-Plot Chart
– Plot chart (graphic organizer)
-List of character traits and a STEAL chart for characterization
-Characterization graphic organizer
-STEAL characterization graphic organizer
-Character traits graphic organizer
-Conflict activity
-Personal word wall
-Important passages (quotes) activity sheet
-Questions for Comprehension (generic- before, during, and after reading)
-Event map
-Chapter summary pages
-Making inferences activity sheet
-Activity on author’s purpose
-Themes and how to develop them
-How to develop themes in paragraph form (using PEEL)
-Paragraph graphic organizer (using PEEL)
-How to answer a test question in paragraph form (using PEEL)
Included are 2 evaluations with rubrics:
1) Writing a journal as one of the characters in the story (focus on characterization)
2) Writing a newspaper article on an event from the story (focus on plot and cause and event)
Characterization poster for the classroom is also included in two different formats (legal size paper required)
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I will be adding to this resource. “Follow me” at Teaching Made Easy 123and you will be notified when I have revised this product. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.
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