ELA ON SALE! Five Minutes to Fluency Practice Level 2.1: Aligned to the Common Core Standards

Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.05 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.39 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.45 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-13 at 7.15.58 PMFive Minutes to Fluency: Level 2.1 is a research-based program that is easy to fit into every busy school day. Five minutes, from start to finish, as students peer read one-minute, strategically worded, passages and stories, partner review and then provide instant feedback.

This is the ideal activity to move struggling readers to grade level fluency – complete with comprehension practice. Intended to bring second and third graders up to grade level proficiency, it is also appropriate for English Language Learners or older students who need fluency practice.

The instructions are easy to follow, the program is motivational for students and the activities quickly incorporate into any schedule.

Perfect for classroom use or easily incorporated into take-home, parent involvement activities. This program is effective in group settings, as a series of homework activities, or as one-on-one activities aides or older students can administrator.

The passages include grade-level phonics sounds, non-fiction and fiction material and are Common Core Standards aligned.

The quizzes are a combination of comprehension and higher order thinking questions

Five Minutes to Fluency: Level 2.1, is the second in a series of intervention handbooks designed around moving struggling readers to grade-level reading proficiency and beyond.

Again, Five Minutes to Fluency: Level 2.1 offers a quick, easy and inexpensive way to increase student fluency and comprehension.

This is intervention the entire class can benefit from! Quick and painless…easy to differentiate…and effortlessly adaptable into any classroom or Response to Intervention program.