by AZSunset Cross-Curricular Literacy 4-9
6th – 9th Grade

Detailed guide to summarizing nonfiction text. Includes an original text on teen smoking (both highlighted/underlined and non-highlighted versions); a step-by-step guide to summarizing it with examples from the original text; and the final summary paragraph based on the guide. Writing paragaphs is a great learning tool! May also be appropriate for 5th grade or upper high school.
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This is a free sample from my 35-page product on writing paragraphs! Includes 9 different models (cause/effect; process; definition; explanation; classification, etc., featuring topics from various subject areas), plus many more resources. Also includes a blank version of the step-by-step guide to summarizing for students for fill in using your text assignment (not included in the free sample). Check it out!
Paragraphs as a Learning Tool for All Subjects
You will ♥ my other comprehensive, quality products for informative/expository writing!Formal Writing (Register) Complete Guide
Biography Research Report MS/HS Complete Guide
Informative 5-Paragraph Essay Complete Guide
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