by Just Add Students
5th – 9th Grade

It’s been a year! What have your students learned about themselves during this past year? It’s important to let our students reflect and consider what they’ve been through, what they’ve lost, and what they’ve gained through this difficult, weird year.
This print and digital freebie includes a short, reflective questionnaire along with a writing prompt, and rubric.
Your students can use the questions to formulate a short reflective essay.
Extend their reflections into a memoir. What a great way for them to document their experiences this year.
Use it as a warm up, bell ringer, fast finisher activity, journal activity, or reflection journal prompt.
Perfect way to open up conversation and let your students think about how they’ve grown and matured through the pandemic.
Help your students connect with and make sense of this past year.
I love hearing from you! Please leave feedback!! Even for a freebie! It helps me know what you’d like to see more of!
And while you’re here, please follow my store — I’d love to have you as my friend!!
With gratitude,
Just Add Students
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